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Show LEH1 GRANTS FRANCHISE FOR SiVIOOT TROLLEY LINE Special to Tho Tribune. LEHI, July 23. B. Mahler of Cleveland, O., and S. R. Thurman of Provo aro working hero In behalf of Mr. Mahler's electric railroad which his Eastern com-pany com-pany proposes to build from Payson to Logan and giving street-car sorvlce to all the cities on the route. Tho City Council and about fifty of tho leading citizens and business mon listened to nn explanation of what tho visitors wanted and proposed to give. Judge Thur-man Thur-man explained that Provo had passed an ordinance granting the necessary fran-chlsen fran-chlsen and that it was desired that tho franchises in nil tho cities be Identical. American Fork buslnees men, after dls- ll cussing thc propositions submitted, agreed to pass an ordinanco granting the desired jH franchise. IH Mr. Mahler submitted a lot of photo- tl graphs, blue prints and other documents IH illustrating Interurban railways that hln company has built In other States. Ho explained that the franchise desired will provide that It must be accepted or re-Jccted re-Jccted within sixty days by his company; that tho surveys must bo mado within two years, and that tho streets on which thc road will be built must be selectod within eighteen months, and that tho road must be completed within three years. Tho motive power will bo electricity and ll tho rate of speed will average upward of ll thirty miles per hour. Tho cars will bo iH so constructed that mall, express and freight may be carried, as well as passcn-gcrs. passcn-gcrs. Cars will run not less than ouco each hour, and on special occasions oftencr. Mr. Mahler also said that tho clectrlo lH road will provide that thc fares will bo IH less than GO per cent of tho prosont rate After a brief discussion thc meeting IH unanimously voted for a motion iecom-mondlng iecom-mondlng that the City Council grant tho franchise. EH After thc business mon's meeting ad-Journcd ad-Journcd thc City Council went into execu-tlvo execu-tlvo session and passed tho necessary ordinance Should all tho other cities act as prompt-ly prompt-ly as Lchl, thc road will bo lh active op-eratlon op-eratlon In a much shorter tlmo than ls provided for by tho terms of the franchise. 1 |