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Show TRADE, BUSINESS, AND FINANCE. . The event of" thu week In railroad circles was the announcement on Tuesday Tues-day of the preparedness of the Rio Grande Western to extend its track from Marysvale seventy-five miles to Cedar City, evidently meaning to the iron deposits and to a connection with the Salt Lake route. In this connection, connec-tion, a rumor of the extension of this branch to the coast was allout, but was undoubtedly unauthorized, and is improbable. im-probable. More likely the added construction con-struction would be from Richfield eastward east-ward to Green River, which would give a considerable cut-off for through business, bus-iness, and would allow of a great Iron nnd steel plant being constructed at Green River. The San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake road la pushing on with Its accustomed ac-customed energy. Its equipment in rolling roll-ing stock Is now being added, on immense im-mense orders for locomotives and cars. This stock is being received In large quantities daily. The steel on the two ends that are approaching each other in southwestern Nevada is now only a little over a hundred miles apart. Thero Is nothing new to. report of the Moffat road, except steady- progress, and from the Western' Pacific it Is the' same. J There is renewed 'talk of the Deep Creek road, this time' with a view to its extension to Tonopah, which would give a short haul to this valley of the ores of that wonderful region. The talk Is, to lay down for this Deep Creek road the lighter railB being taken up from the various tracks on which tho new and heavier steel Is being laid. There can bo no doubt but that a railroad rail-road from hero direct to Tonopah, turn ing west from the Los Angeles lino at some point ln Juab county, would pay well from the first day of Its through opening. The week has seen the first real summer sum-mer temperature of the season; tho water wa-ter for Irrigation nnd all other usoa Is holding out splendidly, and Is more abundant than for many years past at this date, with every Indication of seeing see-ing the crops through in fine shape. All products of the farm and orchard are In satisfactory condition and promise prom-ise far above the average., The mines yield, their, excellent output out-put ln rich volume, and never wore ln such great, production before, tho weekly week-ly figures averaging above half a million mil-lion dollars. The dividends from them this month will be heavy. The 6melt6rs are handling this mass of wealth ln great form, enlarging their capacity and adding improved features constantly. con-stantly. This valley is becoming one of tho great smelting centora of the world. Business throughout tho State, stimulated stim-ulated by these favorable conditions, has an excellent outlook ln every branch, though the usual summer leth-arcy leth-arcy 1b now on. ' In this city, business 1b on a strong, firm basis. Its activity, compared with the corresponding week last year, Is shown In the remarkablo lncreaso of 32 per cent In the bank clearances. The general tone of trade is quiet, but there is a steady market, with strong demand. de-mand. Collections are good, and tho feeling In commorclali circles Is optimistic opti-mistic for the fall business. The building build-ing activity continues throughout the city, and covers all forms of construction, construc-tion, from the simplest cottage to the largest tenement flat's and costly business busi-ness structures. It Is certainly a great bnlldins' year for Salt Lake. The strike among the packing-house employees ln the East has given a great Impetus during the week to tho project pro-ject of establishing a packing plant in thi3 city. The Real Estate Dealers' association as-sociation nnd other powerful Interests nre backing the move, and it Is taking most encouraging form. In the country ab large. Dun reports that encouraging factors predominate; crop prospects are brighter; railway earnings keep well up to the highest mark; but there Is much Idle machinery, machin-ery, and failures have Increased In number. Bradstreet agrees as to the crop reports and their beneficial effect upon the trade outlook, with failures no more than average. The International Agency figures are even moro hopeful on crops, and a large surplus fcir exportation expor-tation l-lo.OOO.OOO bushels out of a total to-tal of C10.000.000 bushels of wheat, is ' reckoned. ; The bank clearances show, a decided " improvement over those for nearly a year past. In New York the decrease, compared with thos.e of the correspond- ing week last year, showed but one- J tenth of one per cent; for the banks out- J side of New York there was the small "I sain of eight-tenths of one per cent : The New York bank statement, Issued yesterday, showed a decrease la but one Item, that of circulation, twenty-three millions; there was Increase in all other I Items, (In, millions) loans twelve, depos- Its twenty-two, specie ten, rot-erve eleven, elev-en, surplus six, and so on. There was throughout tho week a atrorrg undertone. ln the stock market, and ln all respects the general business and .financial .outlook is- much better thara It was last year at this time. |