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Show THE ART OF POWDERING. The application o a harmless face powder is a decided bcautlfler to most complexions, but v,hlle the majority of girls use powder, very few understand the art of applying It properly. In the tlrst place, the tint of the powder pow-der should be suited to the coloring. A very dark person using white or pink powder looks absurd. The tint called Eachael Is intended for a brunette, while a blond will find pink or white the more becoming. Never use powder because It Is powder pow-der and you imagine it a necessary toilet toi-let adjunct. If no one of the three tints while, pink or Rachael really suit you go to a' chemist and get him to make the exact shade you require. To make powder adhere to the skin an application of skin food or cold cream Is necessary. All surfaces of grease should then be wiped from tho face, and the powder dusted on with a puff. Powder the forehead, chin and nose before touching the cheeks and then so dust round the cheeks that a small circle Is left practically untouched by the powder. This allows for a little deeper color to be seen in this particular particu-lar spot and adds to the effect. Jfew Hut Ideas, A great deal of fruit is being used on all kinds of hats, and especially on the Breton shapes. Some of tho smartest show apples, cherries, currants and grapes placed without any meaning whatever, but with extremely stylish effect. On almost every light hat wo notice a touch of black, and where it Is possible possi-ble the Inner brim la of black. Many tan shapes are lined with bluck, and those for morning and country wear show high, elongated crowns, with bands of black moire ribbon, two or three black wings being the sole trimming. trim-ming. Some picturesque hats are in chip, the crowns covered with currants or rose3 Imbedded on puffed tulle, which fabric also forms thick ruches round many of the crowns. The Furore For Lace. The furore for lace is getting more and more pronounced. Fichus of err.- ' broldered lawn, inner sleeves and Puritan Puri-tan tuckers make delightfully useful little accessories. In fact, everything of this kind can be utilized. A g8od many uncut stones are worn, both as buttons and links, and these are extremely chlo on cloth frocks. Uncut opals will run a close race with the ruby In popularity this spring. What Ib still more charming is the revival of the old Spanish comb In real tortoise shell, sometimes inlaid with gold or sliver. But anything beautiful is nearly always good. A .Novcltr In Snrnmer Con. One of the most notable novelties this season is the white Bilk coat of the sack order A very pretty example Is fan plaited and lined with amber sllk the yoke adorned with an all over design de-sign In broderle anglaise and outlined with a white silk frlpgo and gold gimp, from which are suspended at intervals inter-vals little ivhlte and yellow silk roses sewed to the head of the fringe. The coatoe Is fastened, at the throat with a large rose and a shower of tiny green buds. ' " v The Xc-rr Shades of "White. Parchment white as well as oyster white Is particularly becoming. in tho former theTo is; a slightly brownish cream tinge, while in the ratter a gray-Jsh gray-Jsh green Is seed. 5 1 I j y ' ' - ' . |