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Show ' AUGUST 10 IS . ' fill Then k Notified of. Mination. Simple Ceremonies Will Mark the Event at Rose-mont. Rose-mont. Programme Similar to That When Lincoln" "Was Notified "Will Be Followed. y ESOPUS, N. Y., July 23. Judge Parker has fixed August 10 as the date for the ceremonies notifying him of his nomination by the Democratic National Na-tional convention as a candidate for the Presidency. He reached a decision concerning the date after a long consultation con-sultation with William F. Sheehan yesterday yes-terday and a telegram was at once sent Champ Clark of Missouri, chairman of the committee named by the Democratic Demo-cratic National convention to notify the nominee for President. Mr. Clark ls expected to call a meeting" of his committee, com-mittee, probably to be held in New York, and ho may also come to Rose-niont Rose-niont to talk over the arrangements with Judge Parker, although no plaji for such a conference has yet been made, Programme for Ceremonies. The programme for the ceremonies at Rosemont on August 10 will follow precedents laid down for similar events. It Is known thatftludge Parker is impressed im-pressed with the simplicity of the ceremonies cer-emonies which took place on the"occa-slon the"occa-slon of President Lincoln's second nomination, nom-ination, and also when Judge Thurman was, Informed of his nomination for Vice-President. The speeches both times were marked by their brevity. When President Cleveland was notified noti-fied in 1SS8 he made a long1 speech and the ceremonies were far more formal than any others which have been brought to the attention of those who are arranging details of the Rosemont ceremonies. It is the plan now at Rosemont Rose-mont to have lhe notification follow-closely follow-closely the form of the earlier ceremonies. cere-monies. It Is not expected that Judge Parker will talk at length, nor that lie will discuss Intimately any of the campaign cam-paign issues, but will leave thTs to the letter of acceptance which will be issued is-sued a week or soMater. A letter giving grent satisfaction at Rosemont has been received by Judge Parker from Carl Schurz. |