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Show SiSRALLY republicans iounfy Turns Out it Castifla. eeches by Chairman srson and Other Leaders. nish Fork Democrat De-G. De-G. 0. P. Sprinters in Prise Foot Race. ; UBifiEf The Tribune. Hp; July 23. Tho Republican-" Republican-" WOJp, which was given by the . 'ffifcrtepubllcan club at Costilla. ttlyjK-was one of importance to c B&! nty flnd thc 5 general. iy d Spart of the day was spent by 'ffr rnbllne of the politicians In UiaT a groups, earnestly but good 1 ; discussing the political sltu- S; mmlttee in charge of the var-its var-its scheduled to take place was ,f,f with the excursionists, and " to iff possible tvas done to make iestjj fne of enjoyment. igressman Southerland of Salt j i busy renewing old acqualn-fcllany acqualn-fcllany were the greetings rc-noVw' rc-noVw' state Chairman Anderson of iq . He was gently, but firmly. o7h fie public pulse and carefully gS; ie fact that Utah county will nil- t for Roosevelt and the State it !is 'November. w3l Treasurer J- D. Dixon was mx Salt Lake- Mr. Dixon was ooking after his Interests in V Ion. jHas a Sure Thing, 's It Important party worker ?if?c fft-as County Commissioner J, Sbf, Payson. Mr. Dixon was not ty?: in the least He Is the hold-t hold-t tii '.will be secure In his present tlo r.two yearE. rt'- Senator Gardner also holds his a,'!p? -VLwo years more, and therefore, !JS?' maing the day enjoying the left? He had George Hicks. James .few trid Joe Wilklns of his home - JwlBtlng. mg the Provo excureloillsts was m Chairman Eph Homer, who ijklng after the good of the party Mjragenerally. V'InrV Recorder H. S. Payne waa yrig among the powers that be, Cratf i uncertainty prevails as to his s. He has a strong following ,'..Tv estate treasury, but does not 11 141 a.' Deputy Recorder Jones was wnt Gee, deputy clerk, was busy r- frienfls with party leaders. x from Provo were Attorney JflBke Evans, W, R. H. Parman, gl3pfoon, John Coltrln and Dr. liPKlazier was a busy man. He Is IjAMstate Treasurer, and it Is aald IpKe to secure the Utah county ffiifln' to the State convention. At Grove was represented by jyegtphall, Alexander Ellis and . 'ohnson of Spanish Fork was y mentioned for Assessor for unty. jWestphall of Pleasant Grove m)fi wciatlng freely among the '"l fHe desires legislative honors. . fvans was favorably mentioned :Ict Attorney, and was received c'tflrf !at favor by many friends. InSS 'Sheriff Karmon was mingling X (i!-' 1th his friends. He Is likely E. ? rhlnated and that is equal to an O' iyso far as he Is concerned. . ieii the Speaking Began. L i. Chairman Homer presided ' A neat little 9pecch presented jj-fft iters. State Chairman James j-j-W ti was flr9t Introduced to the ' , idlence. He complimented the on the foicceufl of the occasion. to past Issues, he said that icumbent of the White lie of Utah, He gloried. In the ' of the administration of Presi-, Presi-, I osevelt, especially the wisdom ' Jj 1 at the time of the South ri. troubles. There was but ono "3 tt kept thc peace of the world 2 time, and that was the statea-. statea-. -3 'wlth which the President han-'.'J han-'.'J 'conditions that confronted tho , ii The President of the United :i epresenls the Ideas of tho Rc-j Rc-j .'party . Ing to the antl-polygojny plank ' J pemocratlc platform. Mr. An-4 An-4 ontrauted the- work of the two Lrtlee, At the Republican con-i con-i the leaders- were a unit In tho "1 party to treat the cltl- . ?JJtnh and Idaho In tha same ?, ithat they desired to treat the A Rfl ,veSi consequently, thc-y were it . enou8h to injure the ln- t thc party by otrlkhuc at the J of any section of the country. - iderson a(d that the State ex-1 ex-1 hat Utah county would be Re-rtklrtl Re-rtklrtl '"'s fall, and ho complimented '1811 nt 'enator ron Utah county. JUj Jtah County All Right. h Chairman Homer noted the ;,v'ery Provo elected a i ;"c Mayor the people took It ai) Lm ?l thc 8!e ratl for the n ticket, and, drawing oon- .iiP i.ih,fc payt utah county "HIS sfnilPUUtian by moro m 1500 rr l"11 ekotlon this fall. S0"'. who ,B a candidate t ELnlfcndenjy .f Utah county nc i 4 I' presented a series of repudiations at the polls. He concluded by paying a glowing tribute to President RoosovclL Jonathan S. Pago of Payson, the oldest Republican In the county, declared de-clared that 76 per cent of all young men of the county were Republicans. Sport and Games. At 3 o'clock the sports and games began be-gan with a race for girls under 12 years, which was won by Leon Rurbeg of Salem, first prize, a purse; Dottlo Aired of Provo, second prize, two pounds of candy. In the boyo' race under 12, AS'lleon Peters of Provo Won the pocket-knife. There were twelve- entries In tho race for women. Thfc first prize, 43. was wpiv by Florence Glazier; second prize, $2, by Mrs. E. T. Jones, both of Provo. Jn the men's running ractr, the first prize, a pair of cuff-t'uttons valued at ?1.7fi. was won by Robert Dudley (Detn.) of Spanish Fork; secohd prize, a straw hat, by A. V. Van Wagnen of Provo. Tho pretties! baby on the grounds was Edith Ward, 1 year old noxt Sunday, Sun-day, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph "Ward of Provo. Prize, pair of shoes. The 'tug-of-war between the Provo Women's Republican club and any other twelve women' from the county wa6 won by the Provo fair ones. The tug-of-war between) twelve Provo Republicans and any twelve other Republicans, Re-publicans, prize, box of cigars, was won by the county Republicans. The egg contest was won by Rachel Pyne: prize, a bottle of cologne. Sack race for boys, won by Fred Bos-hard; Bos-hard; first prize, Ingersoll watch; second sec-ond prize, bat and ball, by Elmo Griffith. Grif-fith. Apple contest, won by Ireta Bach-man; Bach-man; prize, a bottle of cologne. George W. Wilklns of Spanish Fork, aged 82, was the oldest man Republican on the ground and received a prize of $6. Aunt Ann Jones, agea bbVz years, was the oldest woman Republican on the grounds and she received $5. The basket-bail contest between Spanish Fork and Salem resulted In a victory for Spanish Fork; score. 4 to 3. Mrs. E. V. Vincent received the first prize, a ?2 fan. for selling the greatest number of excursion tickets; second prize, a year's subscription to the Weekly Enquirer, went to Belle Bach-man. Bach-man. The prize wa3 not awarded to thc largest family. It lies between Ben Roberts of Provo and E. T. Hopper of Thistle. Wayne McFadden and Lucllo Clinton, both of Provo, received the prizes for the best waltzing. Attorney Pace convinced all preRent that he was the best Yankee. He received re-ceived the prize in thd guessing contest. con-test. His guess was 1867, while the Jar contained 1871 beans. Senator Smoot Joined the company at Castllla at 130 p. m. Mr. Homer, chairman of the county committee, announces that while no official call has yet been Issued for "the Judicial convention, the time Is stft for August 24. The county convention will also be called In a few days. |