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Show XEMPTON MILL. Rechristening- of an Old Plant Under Recent Transfer. Discussing- the purchase of the Dewey mill in Bingham canyom by Col. Enos A. Wall, and the use to be made of It by him In the reduction of Kempton ores, a camp publication sayz: "It will now be known as the Kempton mill. The plant is comparatively new and Is flrol-elass in every particular, having, been set up by . Messrs. Bemis, well known as among the best mlllmen of tho State. Its' capacity and effectiveness effective-ness having been increased by the addition ad-dition of two new tables and a new crusher, It will now be used In reducing second-grade- ores of the great Kempton Kemp-ton mine, which has In sight sufficient to keep bus- for years a mill of 150 tons daily capacity, and while the product prod-uct now going from the Kempton to the mill bins Is a considerable tonnage or low-grade filling that was In the way In .slopes and drifts, when the mine Is agaim operated Its yield will Include as fine concentrating ore as was ever treated by a Bingham' mill. "Tuesday teams began hauling ore from the Kempton to the Dewey mill, and It is said the lot will consist of about 250 tons. "Now that the Dewey mill has chai'.ged hands, Bingham is left without with-out a custom mill. The old Rogers plant might possibly be leased from Col. Wall and fitted up for custom use. "Supplied with a large amount of new machinery and remodeled to Increase Its effectiveness, If not tonnage capacity, capac-ity, the Queen mill is expected to be ready to run by tho middle of August. Back of It are thousands of tons of ore awaiting treatment. 1 "Manager Orem, In camp yesterday, Is shipping a lot of Utah Apex (Pnr-nell) (Pnr-nell) copper and' load sulphides. 1 "J. W. Cairns has purchased the Edith and Estella claim In lower Bingham, Bing-ham, and will begin development work at once." Mining- Notes. A report from Tlntic indicates thnt C. IT. Blanchard Is preparing to open up the wealth of his King William ground, adjoining ad-joining tho Grand Central. C. A. Taylor, for eleven years Identified whh the Jonny mines at Leadvllle. has returned after a visit to tho old camp, and Is looking into opportunities held out In Utah"s diggings. Ho reports considerable considera-ble activity at Leadvllle. with now strikes on Rock hill promising to prolong Its career ca-reer Frank G. Jnnney. superintendent of the Utah Copper company's mill, camo in from camp last night, much pleased with Its behavior. Another lot of high-grade concentrates will bo marketed tomorrow, W. A. Scott, tho ubiquitous and popular representative of the EnRlneorlntr and Mlnlnc Journal of New York, has returned re-turned from Alta, In which camp he rcc-ornlzes rcc-ornlzes many opportunities. The completion of the new road to tho' Sevier Con. on Gold mountain, will enablo Capt. Lawrence, manager of tho pro-ertles, pro-ertles, to dispatch tho Improvements on tho mill. Manager Jacobson of tho Columbus Con, of Alta promises tho market at least 100 tons of ore the present week. Superintendent W. II. Nutting of tho Bingham Con. ameltcr was a visitor from the valley during tho day . E. J. Raddatz. superintendent of tho Honcrlno mines and mill at Stockton, left for camp again yesterday mornlnp. The Uncle Sam of Tlntic Is nt the sampler sam-pler with three lots of concentrates and one of silver and lead ore. William' B. Jeffs, a Michigan director of the Columbus Con., has arrived from tho East to inspect tho properties at Alta. Tho mill on the Lucky Boy at Custer Ida., will go Into commission again tho present week. John Josten, private secretary to Samuel Newhouso. leaves New York for the West tho present week. The Ohio Copner company of Bingham marketed a carload of high-grade copper concentrates yesterday. Superintendent Brown of tho Centennial Centen-nial Eureka left for that Tlntic property aaln last night Lafayette Hanchett. manager of tho Newhouse intercuts, lias one to Idaho Springs, to remain soveral days at tho arreat Newhouso tunnel |