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Show Ii ; . Council Debates Raise T L .It Is Conceded That an In-( In-( j creasa Will Be Necessary J ; This Year. ! 5 ' . Meeting1 Will He Held Next Tuesday ITightito Agree Upon Amount Ii Shall tlio city tax levy for the year I 3004 be Increased 1, V or 2 mills? i There Is no question but that the levy, offf mills for 1903 -will have to le ih- creased between 1 and 2 mills. The members of the finance committee and I others of the Councllmon met ycster-1 ycster-1 flfi V wifh the Mayor and City Auditor, ( but lifter discussing Inn matter most I ; of tho afternoon won unable to come , to tiny agreement and dr-cldcd to mec'. ( next Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock and prepare a ivnorc. The Council wil. iretr In regular residon at S o'c.?c'.: " Tuesday nisht and the levy will then , hi- fixed, i Auditor Felt's Estimate. i 7 i AL the meeting vsterdayln the May-I May-I or":t oftlce City Audltur 0. D. Felt su',-J su',-J nilttcd a detailed estimate of receipts ur:d expenditures for the funds fo.1 which It Is necessary to secure revenue hy taxation. He re-.-ommends that the rate be fUed at 10 miII'm. --hldh Is 1 mill In excess of the levy lost ytsar. Councilman Coun-cilman A. J. Dav's was in favor of. making the levy 11 mills. la Uie interest of the many public Improvements that have been proposed In the city. Coun-cllmen Coun-cllmen Howlett, Black and Mayor Morris Mor-ris favored fixing the rate at about lOVi mills. Councllmon Barnes. Tuddenham and E. II. Davis thought "we ought to' get along on 10 mills." Hobday Bald "the city should dispense with f?ur-l f?ur-l plus help In many of the offices and . Iteep the tax rate down." In the estimate of the City Auditor, waterworks was not Included, for the reason that the fund Is sustained by ;wator rates collected. Expenses in. Detail. The following table 'shows the estl-. estl-. I " mated expenses, etc., and tax rale for each fund, as recommended by the Auditor: I ; 1 II ? & H ss 1 - . Is H 1 H n si ? SBSiE Funds- g G o p : Contingent expense J-I3D.C00 5252.COni5207.100 S'W SS st-io- 10 ,LX .M, Irrlgatoln and water supply. 53.000 -I 003 40 000 T51I "as 41 n,f,Is I'Mc l.brary .M? S.feo JSg 'g JSiffi 111 R Wliat the Levy Produced. I ' The foregoing' levy is based upon an II ,1 assessed valuation of the city of S3S,-II S3S,-II j. l'M,717, which Is an Increase of 42,307.-" I J Sti7 over last year. The levy of J) mills i , for 1903, based uaon a vnldatlon of ?:iC,S73,01i;, brought In 53H.71S.23, dls-m dls-m trlbuted as follows: 1 Contingent expense fund, ' mills J1G1.4&S.45 ' Irrigation and water supply. VA ' mills -10,052.00 Streets and sidewalks. 2Y- mills... S9.917.7S Sewers and Drains, mill 19,-190.00 l Public llbraiy, V mill S.SO-J.OO : Owing to the Increased expense placed 1 upon the contingent fund by reason q 1 incixjased salaries and new offices created, cre-ated, it is believed that It will take close to the limit of 5 mills to meet the. running expensey of the city. The t majority of those present at the meeting meet-ing yesterday belieyed that the Audlt- ors recommendation of 4.90 mills could 'be cut to 4. Councilman Barnes J thought -H4 would prove ample. ' J ; "What Auditor Recommends. , ) The Auditor's recommendation of 1U mills for Irrigation and water eupply -.; is the same as. the levy of last year. 1 , It was propqsed to Increase this to 2 mills to meet the contemplated improvements improve-ments In the wate'r system. Before 1 Brigham street can be paved, It Is said, 1 the water main on tlm street must be ! ' I replaced with new pipe, the cost of t which will approximate about 516,000. I ' There, are many new laterals also to i be put In. I There was little difference of opinion 1 as to the necessity of a 3Vs mills tax fqr j streets and sidewalks. In addition to L f the paving of. Brigham street it is proposed pro-posed to pave West Third South street )' I and State street from Fourth to Sixth ' j - South, as well aa the improvement gen-- gen-- ! erally of city sidewalks. . I Inadequato for Sewers. , , One-tenth of a mill was thought by i ; ' moist present to be Inadequate for the 1 I sewers and drains fund, but one-fourth ' , I of a mill was thought high for the II-I II-I ' brary fund. It was suggested that this tax be cut to one-eighth of a mill, j ' It was finally decided to let the whole ' matter go over until Tuesday night and 1 no definite action was taken. Those z 1 present at the meeting yesterday were Mayor Morris, City Auditor Felt, As-, As-, slstant City lAttorney Brammel, City 1, 1 Engineer Snow and Councllmen- Hew-' Hew-' ' lett, Barnes, Tuddenham, Elack, A. J 1 I Davis, Ii. H. Davis and Ilobday. I |