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Show Odd tangles. 1 (Word definitions, unless 'oihcrwteo stated, an according to Webster's Inlar-natlonnl Inlar-natlonnl Dictionary, Llpplnrotl's Gazot-tfor Gazot-tfor or Phillip's Dictionary of BlograiAny IU-fercnce. Origliml contributions will be welcomed. Communications for thin de- Carfmeiit (o be nddrsSFd to IS.' R. Chad-ourn, Chad-ourn, Lowlaton. Me.) 2021. AMERICA'S EDICT. ZW WR lg J. " n 7 h 5 , ROBERT. 2r.22.C 1 1 ARApiC. I started forth with Hplrltn liKh; ('LP8 ;i bright May rrmrnlnp. -A IOIATj twclve-yenr-old was l, ot heeding mother's warning TwiLH live miles round to grandpa's farm, But throe, as crown go living; A dangerous road, au added charm. boon 1 this path wan trying. As through- the woods I trudged TWO sound Set all my pulses beating; A hear across my path, I found; r did not crave tho meeting. . So In the woods 1 ran in fright. And left the beat' behind me; I dare not PRIMAL out till night For feur the beast would find me. And thus I lost a pleasant day At Krandpa's, but J'n wiser; The longest oft the wucsl wav; Heed well a good adviser. E E. C. torn 20. AN AUTHOR CATALOGUE. A literary friend having Invited me to spend a duy with him. took great pleasure pleas-ure In showing mo a shelf of books, which he informed me were the works of rnodorn authors and poets. The titles were plain enough, but the names of the authors wore rather puzzling. Here- aro some of them. 1. Seat of the affections. 2. The whlw-thorn. whlw-thorn. 3 A plot of ground, 4. A walking slock. 5. Cooper's tools. C. Tho darken color. 7. Enduring fatigue. S. Anticipation. Anticipa-tion. 0. Two. 10. Near. rll. A marsh. 12. Palo nnd lean. 10. To hinder. ll.;To guard 15. A slovenly woman. 1G. Muddy. CANUCK. e 202-1. ENIGMA. Unless, Indeed, yob aro color-bllrid, IIt;7o Is a llotver you may find; Pull offJls head and you have yet A fragrant llowor, like Mignonette. Perchance your fingers have some stains From the guillotined remains; Oxalic acid In solution Will remove all Such pollution. From the llowcr Just as before Cut oft Its tall, but cut no more-Now more-Now you'll see or feel the point; If you have cut the proper Joint. The headless, talless thing still there 1h known as preposition anvwhere. Tho clippings both, If joined together. Might make a dress for summer weather, One-half, seems good enough to eat, Tne whole smells spicy sweet. TIIE-IIEN-BER-MAR. o 2023. PARTITION. Two 'formers each of whom has two fions. resolve to retire from active life and td leave their property to the management of their sons. A divides his farm between his sons, John and Fred ln tho ratio of A s farm to U's. B divides his farm between hie sons. Tom and Joe. also In the ratio of A'h farm to IV p. How doe Freds chare of land compare with Tom's? F. L. S. 202C ANAGRAM. That there were ghosts upon our coasts We felt assured; not ono. but hosts, Nightly we shivered, as the fus Of footfalls swift add" tremulous Thrilled attic stairs and corner posts. But CynlciiH, who always roasts His friends, made unbullovlng boasts, And held the thought preposterous That there were ghosts. With threats as bloody as Horr Most's, From bits of cheese he made somo toasts, And caught this TOTAL Incubu j mil wiuuyiii. sucn iUisjJv 1 ivj us. Rates! O. I'd rather than these osts I That there wcro ghosts. M. C. S. ' o 227. ADVICE TO LOVERS. Tf your best girl Jilts you. do not SPRING CHICKENS over It, but A COLLECTION COL-LECTION OF PUPILS your feelings, and show her that tile ecus. BUZZING BEES with others. Hire a NUMEROUS SHIPS horse and buggy, ROLL OF PAPERS up for a long Journey. 210 POUNDS OF WOOL up your valuables, SOME YOUNG PIGS tho road behind with obstructions,- and take SERIES SE-RIES OF STAIRS with another girl, being be-ing careful not to let Pa see you. or he j will A PLEXUS OF HAY her uo. FRANZ FOLKS. ' I 202S. CURTAI LMENT. lie played I hi; ONE with nutch applause, I In un Italian band. ... Beneath a FOUR of crimson gauze, That draped the niUsIc stiind. Ills SIX wuh leader": dark and thin; His quick eyes, all alive. Glanced from guitar to mandolin. From Mute to pipes of FIVE1 "Ho comes from Naples," I was told, "Yet tracts his descent Back to some cruel TWO. and bold. Who Camped In Austria's tent." "That Oriental face." said I. "Might uft the tribe of THREE;" Meanwhile tho' son sat Idly by, Ills ONE upon his knee. SEVEN-SEVEN the music- dies away, J In alRhlng soft and deep; . j It ceascB. Now the boy must play. j Denr me, he's fast asleep! J ) Mi C- S. |