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Show AMERICAN LEAGUE. Long Hits Win. CLEVELAND. O,, May 7. Cleveland beat Detroit again today by making long hits off Donovan. The scoro was tied in the sixth, Bradley hit a homer, and in tho sovcuth. after Donovan struck out two, Joss tripled and Bay made a homo run. Attendance, 2100. Scoro: R. IT. E. Cleveland 100 101 20 5 9 1 Detroit 000 101 000 2 S 0 Batteries Joss and Bomls; Donovan and Buelow. Rally in the Ninth. CHICAGO, May 7. The locals won a close game from St. Louis today by a groat batting rally In tho last Inning. Two of the visitors. Sugden and Burkett, woro put out of the gamo for kicking. Attendance, 5C00. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 102 Ml 002 S 15 1 St. ' Louis 301 0 003 7 14 1 Batteries Altrock. Walsh and Sullivan; Pclty, Sudhoff, Sugden and Kahoe. Nevr York, 6; Boston, 3. BOSTON, May 7. Now York won out today, C lo 3, In a hitting contest, by bunching hits and taking advantage of Boston's mlsplays in tho third inning. La Chanco accopted seventeen chances without with-out an error. Attendance, 11,100. Scbre: R, H. E. New York 003 000 001 C 11 3 Boston 000 002 OOJ 3 C 2 Batteries Chesbro and Magulrc; Dlnccn and Crlgcrr Washington Still Losing. PHILADELPHIA, May 7. Tho locals again defeated Washington today by superior su-perior playing. Attendance, 7000. Score: R, H. E. Philadelphia 003 003 23-ll 15 2 Washington 000 C01 030 4 10 3 Batteries Waddcl and Schrcck; Jacob-son Jacob-son and Drill. |