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Show AT UNITY HALL, 140 South Second East street, Sunday afternoon ut 3:30 o'clock thero will be a lecture by Dr. A. Brodbeck on tho "Origin and Destiny of tho Human Race," besides readings and music Offertory solo, "With Ver-dure,Clad," Ver-dure,Clad," from "Creation," by Haydn. All frlonds of Ideal culture Invited. ' u THE MANY FRIENDS of W. R, Ashby will be pleased to learn that ho has been appointed as representative for Salt Lake City for the Bond Mercantile Mer-cantile and Training school of New York city. - THE NEX.T MONTHLY MEETING of the Benefit association of tho Nauvoo Legion will be held in the Bishop's office, tithing yard, Monday evening, May V. nt 7:U0 o'clock. A continuation of the interesting lectures on- the "Life of .Topeph Smith, the Prophet," will be continued by the chaplain, Samuel W. Richards, and as these lectures have been so very much enjoyed, all Latter-day Latter-day Saints are cordially Invited to come and hear, whether members of tho association as-sociation or not. CARL M. SWDNSON, the young Utah actor, who has just returned from a successful engagement, starts for tho East Monday morning to work in vaudeville. vau-deville. tt A A FIRE-PROOF w'agon-housc, 60x100 foot in size, is being built In the rear of the Z C. M. I. it is for tho safekeeping safe-keeping of the delivery wagons used In carrying on the Institution's large business. busi-ness. o 1 DURING the week nine new cases of smallpox have been reported; seventeen sev-enteen have been discharged, leaving thirty-seven under quarantine. There have been three new cases of scarlet fever, making five under quarantine. No cases of diphthorla have been reported for ten days, and the city Is clear of this dread disease. Two cases of typhoid ty-phoid wcro reported yesterday. o n u WORK of repairing and remodeling the Ford hotel on West First South street, which Is to be reopened by Freed & Wood as the Southern, Is being carried car-ried forward as rapidly as possible. One hundred men will be at work todav lav- .Ing new carpets. The house will be ready for the opening June 1. V l M SPIRIT OF LIBERTY CHAPTER, Daughters of the American Revolution, will hold its regular monthly meeting1 May 12 at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. U. TJ Iliskey, 931 East Second South. a p LENA HAT7ERB AC H of 757 South Fourth East and Lena Olson of 82$ East Fifth South are sick with typhoid fever. Mrs. Frank Thomas of 173 E street is quarantined with smallpox. mho STATE SUPERINTENDENT A. C. NelGon Is mailing circular lettors to ay prospective graduates from the Eighth grade In the public schools urging them to continue their study into the higher branches. A . ij FRED A. DAVEY, formerly with A. J. Knollln & Co., this city, advises his brother, F. E. Davey of tho Oregon Short Line, that he has just been mado an officer in tho United States nnvy Sinco his enlistment a year and a half ago ho has been serving as yeoman on the Massachusetts, but Is now fleet pay clerk of the North Atlantic squadron and nssigned to the Minneapolis, now In the navy yard at New York City. O .1 ROBERT BATCID of Brigham City Is at the Keogh-Wrlght hospital, whero he will be operated on for cataract today. to-day. i r SPECIAL MUSICAL programme has been arranged for the service at the First Unitarian church this morning. It w 11 Include a solo, "Dear Promised Land, by Joe Poll; an anthem by the quartette and a sopranp solo by Mia Emily Larsen. rm?' 9li:0RGE SPALDING of the Chamlnade trio. Denver, has been li H,rd,.ht0wn? the Christian Sclenco church -Wednesday evening, and will probably comply with the request. W. T. TURNER, Government engineer, engi-neer, arrived In tho city yosterday to take up plain table work on tho Utah lake project, on the staff of Prof George L. Swendsen. Mr. Turner has been engaged for some tlmo past on the Salt River valley project, actual construction con-struction work upon which is makln? good progress. o HON. F. S. RICHARDS returned ves-terday ves-terday from Washington, and Is confined con-fined to his home with a mild attack of malaria, contracted by living for a few weeks too close to the Potomac river swamps. He expects to be out In a few days. t a H. P. JENSEN. SherlR' of Sanpete county, stopped off in the citv vester- day with a boy whom he is taking from the Reform school back to MantI. The boy Is too weak-minded for tho Reform school and pot weak-minded enough for the Provo asylum, so the Sanpete authorities do not know what to do with him until he gets old enough to go to tho Legislature. FOR the opening of the eeaeon of tho Salt Palace Theater the Anthon-Wll-son-Clarko company lias been engaged. Tho engagement is for four weeks, beginning be-ginning on Decoration day, and It will open in the farce-comedy, "What Happened to Jonos." The managers aro Wilson & Butcher. LIEUT. R. E. POPE., TLS.N., Is at tho Kenyon on hiB way to Europe. Lieut-Pope Lieut-Pope was on tho cruiser Marblehead at Panama when the new republic waH established. He left his post April 1U on a leave of absence. Every one at Panama, he says, expects to become rich during the building of the canal and afterward. j OWENS, VARNEY & GREEN, the bill posters, came near being defendants defend-ants In a prosecution for desecrating the United States flag yesterday. They put up some bills advertising a brand of whisky ; containing a picture of the stars and stripes. When County Attorney At-torney Westervclt called their attention to the law passed by the last Legislature, Legisla-ture, the bill posters agreed to cover the objectionable poster at onco and proceedings were suspended. t a HON. F. S. RICHARDS came back yesterday from Washington, where he has been In consultation with the Department De-partment of the Interior regarding arid land legislation. He contracted the malaria ma-laria while In the East and Is a sick man. . . MAJ. H. P. MYTON has received a letter from Vice-President A. C. Rldge-way Rldge-way of the Moffat road saying that the surveys aro In such shape that contracts con-tracts will soon be let west of the rango and that Utah people will be given a chance to bid on surveying and con- structlon work, Maj. Myton hao recommended rec-ommended John McAndrews of Vernal us the best man in the State to pick a route across the reservation. ALMA E. HARVEY has asked tho State Board of Barbers' Examiners to revoke the licens of J. C. McDonald, manager of the Moler Barber college on First South street. Harvey alleges that McDonald has not studied tho business for one year as an apprenticp under a qualified . barber and that he, has not practiced the tonsorlal business in this or any other State for the period pe-riod of one year. e AT A MEETING held In the Fourteenth Four-teenth ward schoolhouse yesterday the stockholders of tho Utah and Salt Lake Canal company voted to accept the recommendations rec-ommendations of the committee on Utah lake Improvement and to ask for 1E0 second feet of water Instead of the GO second feet proposed as their allotment. |