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Show I Diamonds, Watches, l II -fl Jewelry, Silverware at McConahay's Auction, -: 'il 41 West 2d So. Every! i-l'H Day, 2:30 aqd 7:30 P. H. f : I 1 1 aalt' lake, fcrn j Ij; I Charming Mme. Tally fT ' I No Steam No Massage WlfP I No Seclusion k fjp J ? H Superfluous Hair Removed "by" Elec- , , ' II l Ul ! tricity Electric Treatment for All - v&s&&' ( 1 Jt I'l i Facial Blemishes Parlors Crowded JN, 1 ' ''i' ' .111111 With tho Elite of Salt Lake Ladies, j )' f Ladies can be seen, before and after ''JP.X'f'' "'"' , ' !' ' treatment all this -week, in Madam's i i ' ! Parlors, 322-324 the Knutsford. ' Jt ' j ! MADAME HAS HAD A VERY BUSY WEEK of It. and hundreds of ladies t , ,f liavo called upon her. She has astonished all with her apparent youth and 1 U many have been the exclamations of "How did you do it?" "Can't you teach , I If vis how to preserve our youth in the wonderful manner which you must em- f ploy to enable a woman of llfty-nlno to look not moro than a day over thirty?" i , , To all of theso Inquiries Mudamo Tally has been able to satisfy all ' M questioners. Sho simply assists nature to work out the course that Is laid , 1 out for It to do. It Is unnatural for a woman of Jlfly or sixty lo look like 11 one of twenty-live or thirty, but by using preparations furnished by na- lj' ', turo's great chemical laboratory, concentrated by tho skill and industry of il man, sho has been nblu to prolong the work of nature and make It acconi- 1 i Ip'ish that which In the ordinary cournes of life nature Is unable, unaided by l- , 'H man. to do. Madame Tully claims to have dlscbvored that which will ac- I compllsh this prolongation of youth. Thero is nothing supernatural about , ' i m her method, nor I.h one led to believe so. When electricity was first 'j i 'H brought under tho control of man, people stood In the same awe of Us pow- I , f ers as they do now of Madame Tully's discovery. But at the present time , ' everyone makes use of electricity, and though few understand its workings, ' ..H there Is explicit oonlldcnco in Us uso. Thus people ore coming to understand I and believe that. Madamo Tully's preparations are all that Is claimed for j ! ' H I them, and all that have occasion to uso them have found that their effects ? , , " ' arc wonderful. j Mme. J'ully will teach any part of her wonderful treatment to those who ' i ,i i'H desire to make a profession of facial and skin treatment, and will supply ' ' I them with outfits and all needed .supplies. ; i ' i Reception and demonstration daily, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Free to all j W callers. Ladies all invited to call. Address all mail to Parlors ; h i 322-324 Hotel Knutsford, Salt Lake City. Q J !( I Timely Reductions for the Best Grades-Harris is Always in Line. ' , !l JNo elian re lor housecleanin in April; bad weather; cold; wet. Waste of the housekeeper's time lo attempt it until ': j this month. Ki,rht now housecleaning is at its height and right now Harris presents Rugs and Carpets at an under-pricing j which Avill make it easy to refurnish during this important event housecleaning. Regular prices always low the present j Jr , reductions lower than is ordinarilv possible wore it not for the having facilities of the store. C !' . '1 ' ;H F H Per yard buys your choice of 5 patldrns in A jp pov fine grade Q For extra grade 4 ' fl Ov Axminster Brussels Carpels. TtOC (-t"init Carpet-. OhJC all-wool Ingrain. C ' 3? : : , i (IZn Vov yard for youi' choicc of J i)ri(tenia iu .Tu u t a c t tut ... i , g 7oC velvet Brussels, worthnu least ?i.2o. The best grades of fo$&nesQ Mattings, the most . ' 1 ?5 Per yard for the finest Velvet Brussels ever bsailtiflll pattefUS eVCF Q&n & Aa C (tploOo old in Salt Lake at the price, borders to shOWil here 3t &LL III U U i 1 match, worth ?.l.Gu. w t 5 $1 SO Vard fL' Axminster Carpxets' REAL REASONABLE j ' 'j' I Reduction for Art Squares I "l"m tylloflO store, with borders to match, worth 2.2;1. u-iib v 1 , Jj Here is the place for Rugs priced to suit the pockctbook j j. 6 CjASS 11 Oif ClTSIB OlffnT of cverv housewife. The most beautiful patterns conceived. j j'- jpcUclI Jult m jSIicSII MOSS -xi2 Ar( r mbu. moc 0x12 Velvet Art Sriuares.JO to ?50. ; ' h. 1 0x12 Hartford Axminster Art Squares, 3f5, reduced from $ !' .'J.25 for Axminster Rugs, 2TxoJ in., worth $-1.00. -J0 nnd IH. ''I 4.00 for Wilton Rugs. 27x51 in., worth .00. 0x12 flarford Body Brussels Art Squares. 3. ; " j 4 7.50 for Wilton Rugs, 3(lxG3 in., Avorih S.75. 0x12 best qualily Wilton Art Squares, ?35 to 50. . 'H s2.75 for Sinyrmi Rugs. 30x00 in. 0x9 all-wool Art Squares', best, 8.75. ' jj J Look over the above list, which comprises the lihest selections ever shown at any sloro in .town. Kvery offering is ,a 'I " bargain worth the closest consideration. And remember that this house is Hie place where cash or credit is' given and on, ! ' : i) terms worth careful investigation. g ) '' V And while looking over this magnificent display of Carpets and Rugs visit the Drapery and FurnitW Departments, ' Hi,!'1 'l where exceptionally low prices prevail. h Jt I Where You Pay fJPLETfE .0Uf 0RN!Sjg Where You Pay S i |