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Show SIMPLE CUBE FOR WOUNDS. Smoking Them With a Woolen Cloth Will Prevent Lockjaw. Every llttlo whllo wo read in tho paper that somcono has run a rusty nail ln his hand or foot or other portion of his body nnd lockjaw resulted therefrom and that tho patient died. If every person was awaro of a perfect remedy for nuch wounds nnd would apply It thon such reports re-ports would cease. Tho remedy Is simple, always at hand, can bo applied by anyonewhat any-onewhat is better, Is infallible. It is nlmply to smoke tho wound or any wound that Is bruised or Inflamed with a woolen cloth. Twenty minutes In tho smoke will tako tho pain out of tho worst cose of Inflammation In-flammation arising from such a wound. Pioplo may flnccr at tills remedy as much as they please, but when thoy aro afflicted af-flicted with such wounds let them try. Granite (Or.) Gem. |