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Show MM jffl KALAMAZOO L tiiy as Neat as 1 a Sew Pin. It Caroline Bartlett Crane llleads Movement for Cleanliness. itirbbls Woman, With Varied ffixNotable Career. "Newspaper F Uja" and Preacher. KfTj, The! Tribune. ltJui-JIAZ00' -MIc,, :,Iay 7'Aftcr RTkkI; of street-cleaning, in 'tliTtt of a woman street com-itrssloner. com-itrssloner. Kalamazoo begins to dnttt as a new pin. x u'uujhcd hen the AVomen's Civic ant league proposed to change iM of things, but they laughed i swnen took hold, and the rc-ilnltlUscnt rc-ilnltlUscnt effort and actual work pittit on every side. , wy one of the seven blocks placed vgi of the women gives evidence ' job Is In the right hands, i Etv. Caroline Bartlett Crane Is 'u7 jtreet commissioner, and she ere for three months. She rc-I'from rc-I'from the city only $5 per day 3 upenst-s, but may dlsposo of b. She has mado a contract l'i wLj naming at 7 o'clock the new MccamlKlonor has been on duty, Umi "png" of four "whito wings." Wihn TVorkeO, Instead of "marked "kE results, merchants have Sly taking care of their own store fli&S sidewalks. Miltitn to cleaning the streets, Chne has Installed metal gar-Su gar-Su at street intersections, to be JHtirepctltorles for waste paper and Sof all kinds. These' boxes are AjtanMl daily and kept in a sanl- JB Ask Hen to Help. Iwm have been distributed, read-fMij read-fMij Women's Civic Improvement iHlis undertaken to keep Main JH.(itan. We ask you to help us. !K,io not throw anything paper, Hr1' or other litter in the street, k Is. waste-paper can at the cor-GtaUtmen cor-GtaUtmen will please not spit on or In the gratings, or any-3Kt any-3Kt la the gutter." EJtitlous change in the appear-V appear-V Kalamazoo is due to the Rev. 2fBrtBan Crane, aided and sup-HK sup-HK of course, by the women of Caroline Bartlett Ckno is ttriaWe woman, Still young in P5-she Ins won distinction in IBii wIU 01 endeavor bv llcr oxvn jp years she was pastor of the W church here, and made it one qKliISuc and famous churches of Itwqs of this church, during J"fs pastorate, that the late 30. Ingersoll visited Kalamazoo, surprise at the good ac- rtr,uexc,aln,ed' "Ic ero were Miches like this I should be ? become a church member." jMa:ie resigned despite the ur-of ur-of her congregation, to in extended course in the MM sociology at the Chicago uni-n uni-n turning here, she Organized improvement league, and has IKV? 1,1 a11 clTorts t0 advanoe m- and material welfare of Kal- Sfe IT1 Bartlott. Mrs Crane 3fo l0,,llke UP the course at Oberlln college, in Ohio, rMrS wJl?rter on the Mlnnc-Wnbnne. Mlnnc-Wnbnne. 8ho was a. good rc- Sft?Ported Like a Man. IBS1 cSnds, reporting "Just 9cs i th. vL,0 any s'Gnment JHt train from meeting a iM, to ell0 ,lntcrvl prominent iWfSS a flre' Whcn there 1wSutan? d ,!h0 pubUc' She h Trlhulty Cd,Uor of the Zmri rt Tlbune. and when the iWSf edifAr b,rlBht' energetic Jmu tiZL ei,tor. MIsb Carrie Bart-j Bart-j mmended and accepted the WSlWn MUeh aconsln 'Wt. t2mai;tlcU- q"1". firm. WASK ,0Ver obstacles A hann-ni 1 llves a"er her. WftaduateT t, at 0berlln- su -lfci from i'tS? VcndinS a cal1 efll-a hoiSSf', w,Ue,re he filed iSd' bu,lt a ohack ftrta? ihe Paorate of .Mg. P.. n".1? .church at Sioux VPU n ,,n,;emttnd for oxchaneo IKr h PU off " and, here she tHc hen! .b as alrcady rC- Vr au who know her, |