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Show M EXCURSION RATES Mlr- . ' 1 Ifi,-. m Via Oregon Short Line. B9 ii ? ilj'i St- l-xnla sd return ?i2.B0 B ,'JKR Chicago and return 47.D0 Bj h J I Chicago and return- via Bt. Louis. C0.00 Bj '? St. Louis and return via Chicago.. B0.00 jrj IL' 1 Limit 60 days. Transit limit 10 days Bl It' 1 ln each .direction. 1 I Tickets on sale Tuesdays and Fridays Hll'i"' i ' " eaCb WCek' stopovers allowed, i-j 'i Assailed by His Brethren Because He Told the Truth REV. A. M'LEOD, D. D., OF THE DETROIT PRESBYTERY, DECLINES DE-CLINES TO BEAR FALSE WITNESS WIT-NESS AND OPENLY CHAL-LENGES CHAL-LENGES HIS ACCUSERS. Eminent Divino Shows That His Clerical Standing Cannot Bo Questioned, Ques-tioned, and Bravely Stands by His Published Statements. Since tbp .announcement made some days ago to the effect that the Roy. A. McLeod, D. D., of Greenleaf, Michigan, had been cured of dyspepsia and nervous prostration ly Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, the Doctor has been overwhelmed with communications communica-tions asking him to ropudiate his letter, but he has stood bravely back of his frank and outspoken statement Failing in this purpose, pur-pose, certain unscrupulous people have questioned his standing in the ministry. This attack has brought forth the following open letter: rfTv?S&v REV. A. M-LEOD. D. D. Greenleaf, Mich., April 14, 1904. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co. Gentlemen "I am in receipt of your note in which you inform me of the postal card you received from a minister stating that I am not a minister. What object could I have in telling yon that I am a minister and allowing you to publish pub-lish my name as such if I were not? If you have any doubts in the matter, I think there is a United Presbyterian church in your city, and I suggest that you call upon tho minister and he will show you that I am a minister and a member of the Detroit Presbytery. Pres-bytery. I believe that I am thc oldest member, too. If there is still doubt in the matter I would refer you to Itev. Luther McCamp-bell McCamp-bell of Almont, Mich., and ask him if I am a minister. Again, write to the Clerk of Presbytery, Rev. Maxwell of Birmingham, Mich., of the United Presbyterian Church of North America. I was graduated at Knox College, Toronto, To-ronto, Ont. I was licensed by the Presbytery of Lindsay, Ontario, and ordained by the Presbytery of Chatham, Ontario. After you satisfy sat-isfy yourself in regard to this matter, I would like to have you ask the minister how he arrived at this conclusion; also ask him to prove his assertion that I am not a minister. I would like to kiiow his name and address, and I will lake thematter up with him. I have been living here for 21 years, serving God. You can easily find out my position. Rev. Archibald Lei tch is the ruling elder, and you may ask him. His postoffice address ad-dress is Greenleaf, Mich. Write the bankers in Cass City, Mich., Mr. Anton or -Mr. Penny, and they will tell you whether I am a minister min-ister or not. I hope you will let me know this preacher's name when you satisfy yourselves that I am a minister, as I am anxious to find out who he is. As I told you in my former letter, let-ter, I have derived great benefit from Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, which I have taken as a medicine, and which I understand is always sold as a medicine. I am not ashamed to say that your medicine medi-cine cured me, and though 1 am a strict temperance man, I do not hesitate to recommend it." Yours respectfully, Ministers of the gospel, doctors of medicine, medi-cine, miree.M und people In every wnllc of llfo unlto in commending this wonderful medJcInc-hc only perfect tonic stimulant, stimu-lant, thc only true, medicinal whlskov. Duffy's Puru Malt "Whiskey cures couch's, colds, worst form of grip, consumption, bronchitis, pneumonia, catarrh, dyspepsia and all kinds of stomach trouble. It never falls to build up a worn-out system, to sootho tho tired nerves, to brine perfect health to the whole being. Every testimonial testi-monial Is published In good faith and guaranteed. For salo by druggists and grocf-rs or direct., $1.00 per bottle. Medical booklet vfrco. Duffy Malt "Whiskey Com-,paai Com-,paai Rochester, N. Y, rr ; -FORCED SALEJj ; j WE ARE FORCED TO tM Ifflllk RegardlessTTtT I jelrytSock illllk ml Pi without reserve g I , I JEWELRY IN THIS STOCK. f 3 MS ha always sold for i S 1 ' , c TO-MORROW 5 ' " I i t ur contract with this store expires. We must vacate. We must selL Our loss is your gain. Any one of the beauti. 1 ful Pieces shown above that formerly sold for $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50, actually worth from $4.50 to $9.00, your choice while thw I j last 50 CENTS. 1 ' 1 j Some of the choicest pieces are still left Come at once and select the most beautiful article yoU see. We must realize 1 I cash at once. Values are not to be considered. Wc are forced to realize something. This is your opportunity. If you don't I I take advantage of it to-day, you'll surely lose the chance of a lifetime. j Don't Delay. Don't Wait Come To-Morrow. I 1 Men, No Pay Till I Cure Yoti ! I g.,j ' Lot any man who is weak, broken down, old and decrepit O A n Pky808- "weakness, full of pains and nches, gloomy, dos- q "Jj pondent and cheerless any man who wants to be stronger and $ 0 younger than he feels let him come and tell me how he feels, 8 yTv sn an( " Ba 1 can curo him I will not ask a cent until q k? & navo done so. $ Ck$K ton't wan': monet7 that I don't earn. I don't need it, $ Ck iYF KD,L am no aor am af or dollars that are now q j M''flr going WTong in the quest of health, look at all these poor 0 '-TtX wrecks of humanity that are spending all they earn on drugs g " Xwi dopo that is paralyzing their vital organs that havo spent all V,1lO --rZ f they have earned for years without gaining a pound of D SM- strength for the hundreds of dollars wasted. $ Opf j That is the mon6y that I am aftor, because for every dollar 1 -mT ae can Sve a thousand per cent interest and I don't want 2 IS "- I t 'rs ifc at imtil I have cured you if you will secure me. I have j $ rl rt-r L IffiKStPi cured so many cases right hero that I can prove my claims to "" fll 1 la yU' if tlmt proof is not enough I'll give you the names of $ ifil men right near you where you are. Is that fair P 2 IfiS J i IMIsw Most of the belts that I am soiling now are to men who $u!m$ have been sent here by their friends whom. I have cured. I q X wWUfffilli think that is the best evidence that my business is a success f y!I!ln'ffi?w from the standpoint of cures,- as well as on the dollar side. -- Wherever you are, I think I can give you tho name of a man in your town that I havo cured. Just & sond mo your address and let mo try. This is my twenty-fourth year in tho business of plumping now ) vim into worn-out humanity and I've got cures in nearly every town on tho map. 9 I've got a nice book on mon that I'll send sealed, free, if you inclose this ad. f. dr. m, t. Mclaughlin, I $ 931 Sixteenth St., Denver. $ -t- I Would You Keep Posted j ON" WHAT IS GOING ON IN NJiW YORK and tho East. j If so, send 52.50 for a year's subscription to tho Saturday edition of j! "With Its Saturday Illustrated Magazine sixteen paces of flno half-tone lllus- l tratlons. As good und aa Interesting as any of thc regular Illustrate week- v rj I iieS n j I Address THE EVENING MAIL,, Broadway and Fulton St., N. Y. City. jj jj ,ryf Manufacturer of 3 p and dealer 1 n t, 1ewclry and dla- ft nionds und other precious stones. 3 e pay particular attention to 3 "r.st-class watch repairing. Are 2. well nrenared to do all work in that line, as wo carry a full as- z sortment of material. 259SO. MAIN ST. 3 I Garden Hose That Will I L-A-S-T VTe've bought 10.0CO ft 1 T of garden hose for this eai ( Jy son's demands and tit bo suro of Its quality ex have our prlvato bread 00 it. This means we ruarta x teo -the hoae to stand irrtf , 2? and tear and water pre sure. This hoae is all nr, 1 every foot of It Just frei Jfr from factory Sli H L Inch to Inch; 8 to 7 ptf. , Cotton, llo and lie P to1- , , ' i4T Rubber, Ho to 16o P , toot. Brubaker-Campbell j Hardware Compmy 27-29 W. 3rd South. T T?hone 1637 K. , This GarmcnfGuaKntced TJ , B..KUPPENHEIMER,&:CW t , CHICAGO. hjLrf-JBl 1 Say Yoar Up--DWj I Unioa-Made I Clothing at I M. H. , mm I 205 So. Main, I 10 E. 2nd So. I Agents for the Celft i b?ated Knppaff |