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Show Reno People Aroused Over Crime There Is Talk of Vigilonco Committee Com-mittee to Rid Community of Tough Element. Spaelal to The Tribune. K3NO, Nov., May 7. Unless the epidemic epi-demic of crime which has prevailed In this locality for somo time past Is soon checked it Is likely that a vigilonco vigi-lonco committee may bo organized to drive the criminals away. The people are aroused to a high pitch of excitement and the methods adopted by forty-niners may bo adopted. Today tho body of a man was found in the river and tho evidence thus far discovered dis-covered shows that he was murdered and tho further fact was brought out that an organized band of murderers exists in this city. Tho officers aro now running down clues and Indications are that several arrests ar-rests will soon bo mado in connection with this band of murderers. During tho past week live highway robberies rob-beries havo occurred, but tho holdups have in no instance been arretted. It is bo-llcvcd bo-llcvcd the holdups como from a gang of weary Willies who havo boon in camp near hero and tonight officers arrested thirty of tho gang. An attempt was made early this morning morn-ing to murder tho city editor of a local paper, a bullet being lired at him by unknown un-known persons, the missile fortunately going go-ing wldo of tho mark. Late this afternoon officers located Abe Madden in a saloon, arrested him and placed him In Jail. Maddon Is an escaped burglar from a California prison. Ban Francisco officers have been notified and ho will bo held awaiting their arrival. With this record of crime it Is llttlo won-dor won-dor that tho good people of Reno ure aroused and It Is likely that s-evcre measures meas-ures will bo resorted to to rid tho city and society of tho toughs who havo infested in-fested it for some time past. |