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Show VANOEBBILTS PAY FOR EXCLUSIVENESS j Cost Thorn. S4,00O,0O0 to" Hedge ( Themselves "With Millionaires on Fifth Avenue, New York. NEW YORK, May 7. Nearly $4,000,-000 $4,000,-000 will be spent by tho Vander-bllts Vander-bllts to protect that part of Fifth avenue In tho immediate vicinity of their residences from undesirable structures. Some of this outluy has bcon regained through the resale of properties to individuals whose plans the Vanderbllts approved. The last of j these purchases of real estate came only a few days ago, when Mrs. W. K. Vanderbllt, Jr.. bought tho Coo houso at 66S Fifth avenue. This purchase, it is said, is preliminary to the building of a new residence by W. K. Vanderbllt, Jr., on this lot and the adjoining ono, already owned by his father, but the doal emphasizes how strongly the Vanderbllts Van-derbllts aro Intrenching themselves at that point. The work of raising this Invisible but effective rampart around their mansions was begun, or rather was forced upon tho Vanderbllts only about two years ago. The entlro three blocks on Fifth avenue, from Fiftieth to Fifty-third street, appear to be about as secure from business and hotel encroachment as any place In the city. The threo blocks, figuring In both sides of the avenue, include approximately approxi-mately 1200 feet of frontage. Out of this the Vanderbllts control absolutely 510 feet. Another ICO feet the sites of the new residences of Morton F. Plant and J. Henry Smith havo passed through the Vanderbllt ownership and wero sold with a distinct understanding as to how these plots were to be Improved. |