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Show WEEK'S CROP OF METALLIC WEALTH The week In the ore and bullion market mar-ket closed on settlements amounting to 5-120,100, compared with $472,900 for the previous one, and while there was a shrinkage it was due entirely to the heavy storm, the temporary derangement derange-ment of the roads out of some of the camps, with not the slightest thing to the discredit of the mines or smelters. For days, indeed, Bingham has been practically shut out, with Alta hemmed In by a fresh crop of snow. However, these troubles will have all been overcome over-come In the next few hours. By the copper smelters there was sent out to the Eastern refineries during the same period 80i,S54 pounds of copper bullion, containing silver and gold, with the record closing as follows: Pounds. United States 2C9.612 Utah Consolidated 302,S!0 Bingham Consolidated 242,351 Total 804.S53 American Copper 200,000 1.004,853 The output of copper has now reached a million pounds a week, and, with the enlargements at the valley smelters, smelt-ers, a new record may be relied on before be-fore the expiration of ninety days. The day's settlements In the open market amounted to $57,500, McCornlck & Co. reporting them as they follow: American bullion, $27,200: gold, silver, lead and copper ores, $30,300. In the metal market silver ruled at 5DJ,i cents an ounce, lead at $3.50 per hundred pounds, and casting copper at 12 cents a pound. Tonopah Stock Sales. Thursday 'a transfers on the Son Franclaco board wero recorded as they follow: Montana-Tonopah, S00 at 51.52&; COO nt J1.5C; Belmont, 550 at 70 (0'71c; ioo at 70c, seller thirty dayo; Midway, Mid-way, GOO at 30r33Sc; MacNamara,' 400 at 10c; Ray & O'Brien, 1300 at 4f5c. Mining Notes, A consignment of oro from tho Nevada Coppur company was sold yesterday through tho Pioneer oamplcr on controls showing 10 per cent of tho rod metal, DS ounces silver and CO cents gold per ton. JameB licaloy loft for Tonopah, Nov,, last night to conduct an examination of mining property. C. E. Mllner, who has boon doing work on the Mllner Interests on Iron mountain, hus returned from camp and roports tho drills of tho Colorado Fuel and Iron company com-pany now dropping down Into ltn holding. Tho Honerlne mill, which wns out of ore for a fow hours during tho week, owing to tho sevoro storms, Ib again in active commission. Tony Jacobson, general manager of tho Columbus Con. of Alta, is In Chicago on his way home. Manager Crowthcr of tho Contlnental-Alta Contlnental-Alta is oxpocted hourly from Mexico, whore ho has been sampling mines. Charley Brown, who has been harnessing harness-ing up hl plncora on tho Grand river, has returned from camp, Tho Tetro of Tintlc has three carloads of oro on tho way to tho smelter. Announcement Is mado that tho offices of tho La Rolne Mining company aro to bo removed to Provo. Considerable oppo-filtlon oppo-filtlon to it In expressed by thoso dealing actively in its harcs. A branch transfor office, If nothing clso, might bo permitted to remain as a som'cnlr. John M. Hayes, cashier for tho Utah Copper company, came In from Its Bingham Bing-ham mines And mill last night. Messrs. J. M. Dick and Jamos Chlpman of tho Midas will go to the mill In Deep Croek tho present week to bo present at tho first clean-up. Frank Keith, the new manager of tho Tonopah company's Nevada mines, is In town ajraln. Secretary Charles H. Post of tho Copper Belt Hallway has returned from Bingham, Bing-ham, after an Inopectlon of tho lino, which ho reports in perfect condition for business. A letter from A. W. TlbbalB, superintendent superin-tendent of the Vindicator at Goldflcld, Nov.. roports the crosscut now advancing In nicely mineralized rock. Active work on the Pittsburg company's property In Big Cottonwood canyon will be resumed tho present week. MUford Times: Harry Trcnam left last Tuesday for Novadu, Intending to spend eovoral weeks In prospecting tho country northwest of Pioche. Some rich gold float has been brought out of that section, and Mr. Trenam is accompanied by men who believe they can find the ledge. Lee Gllson has returned from Denver, where ho arranged for tho equipment of the Gold Coin company's Idaho mines with an up-to-date mill, and of which ho will bo tho efficient superintendent. George Dern, manager of tho Con Mercur, Mer-cur, returned from camp last night, Tho Nevada Stato Journal says that service ha3 neon had on tho defendants in the case of Thompson & Ritts against Stalmann & Farron, the action growing out of a mining deal. |