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Show NOTES ABOUT MEN. Senator Spooner of Wisconsin says that tho besst Introduction ho ever heard was by tho German Mayor of a small town In his State, who In Introducing him said; "Ladles and shontlemcns: I haf been vosked to lntroduco you to the honorable Senator Spooner, who to you vlll make a epeech. 1 haf now dono so, und ho will now do so." u Tho English Premier's Sunday golf-ha.-; finally aroused ouch bitter controversy that appeal has been mado to tho archbishop arch-bishop of Canterbury. His groco, however, how-ever, llko tho wary teacher who evades a difficult question by telling tho pupil to look li up for himself, "so ho will remember," remem-ber," diplomatically says tho question of Sunday coif, as nil Sunday pastimes, Is one for "Individual conscience." Thus tho quosilon Is still open and the debato goes on. Senator Bcvcrldge was discussing tho liquor problem with some friends the other day. He told of a social reformer In Indiana In-diana who was holding forth on tr.Is sao-Ject sao-Ject In a little town. "My friends," said tho orator In concluding a moving appeal, ap-peal, "you simply cannot drink and get ahead." Hero a rather rough-looking fellow fel-low aroao and said, "You dunno what you're talking about. Say, you get ftill tonight and 6eo If you don't get a head on you by tomorrow morning. a o Wark, the centenarian Senator of Canada, Can-ada, assigns his longevity to plain food and regular habits. He says ho has boon accustomed to cat oatmeal porridge and milk for breakfast and still makes lt tho principal part of his morning meal, followed fol-lowed by a slnglo cup of black tea and a slice of bread. A piece of fowl or fish with a cup of tea forms his midday meal. In the evening he has a cup of ten and a slice of broad. He retires regularly at 10 o'clock and rises at 7:3"). |