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Show It 1 , j . jT l Here's Another Remarkable 1 (j ji 4 f Sale Added i Ow j S Oulashwcek silk.snlc avh a wonder. ThisSvill eclipse j (; il1 all other elVoris. 'A liiai-velous purchase by oury Eastern rop- . j1 -j; j' 1 ' resentalives 2509 yafds of foulards, a straight 1.00 5nd L . 1.25 qualily up-lo-dafe soft Mcs'salin finish.eeQllcnt silks, ' -f 111 lues blacks and browns only, the only three shades in !' j 1 tf vogue this season Tor shirt waist suits. Full 2-1 inches wide. J; 1 ' I; .This. big loi just'arrived and goes on sale Monday morning. I j1, ' Also in connection with Ihis great silk-purchase we -will jj 1 j, j 3, include froin our regular slock all broken lines of silks up to ' lij 1 1 '.'. ,. Q l.fQ retail, including plenty of Avaist lengths. Try and be on ' 1 j' j ! j j Monday, if possible. You never saw such A'alues. 1 ; I-' Sale Pricev-50c Per Yard. MOXOAY AXJ) ALL THIS WmtK 1 WHAT SHOULD J5E TERMED LAOE WEEK, FOR AYE ARE PUTTING OX SALE THE LARGEST LINE OF LACE BARGAINS EVER OFFERED IN THE WEST. Four "immense lace bargains purchased at our own price. Thousands of yards of laces, Nottingham, Notting-ham, Oaloons, IMauen 'Venice Laces. St. Gall Venice Laces, in galoons, bands and edges; Piatt Val Laces, fine imitation Torchon Laces Lac.es for all purposes hi Four Grand Bargain lots. LOT I. 3500 yards fine Nottingham, Ga- LOT 2. 2500 yards dainty Plaucn and St. loons, St. Gall edges, bands and galoons In Avhite, Gall Venice laces in a beautiful A'ariety of cream arid ecru, in A'alues 25c, o5c, I0,c, 50c and g.'iloous, edges and bands in white, cream and G5c. A. most attractive line of patterns. Come ecru; positively Avorth -10c, 50c, G5c and 75c per erirly'Monday morning and get the choice of this, yard. Your1 choice of the newer line of laces for the biggest bargain of all lace sales. ' - $Tp 25c Atj 15C ,u00 v;u.(ls ijuitirul ' imitation LOT 3. 2000 yards fine Platte Val laces and Torchon laces and insertions, all widths, from . insertions, all Avidths. Regular 15c, 20c and 5c lK' tb'5 inches Avide. Designs that you usually ' values, for pay JOc, 12c, 15c, 20c and,25c, for 8c Per Yard. ' Only 5c Don't Dose Yourself j4 with druKS for nchinpr temples. fo ilck hcadiehe, nervousness, etc. J The chances are your eyes aro ik at faulti AVc diagnose your Jlfflculty without charge. of thin. JnkenrtnS?11! scrawny hand or XS) Br. Charles Flesh hX larBe bus nefl8 i3 due te ul' W of one satisfied patron . Indrwt KNOW that Dr . ohnri ? Ar-OB?t will create pmfi( SSgpft ft wherever it Is applied t?HT sorption through the nU acUVrB tak9 internally Xpffi' A merit. ' PPUed as sK SPECIAL OPFPp The regular price of Dr n. , IP Food Ip $1.00 a bo-c buM ,ar,Mfe Into thousands of Amv t,? lntf(3l2L decided to send two , (?) fcTK answer this . advertLment V? ?L00.. All packn, "Vy.'W, Vrnper. postage preoiia. Dt 11 WSl FREE f Eam'vle ijox-iust Jmt, 1 "v-1- to convince you of jmt merit of Dr. Charles SaMi be serit n-ce for 10 cents. V cost of mailing. AYe Si kfc B? our illustrated book. "Art n? uWL which contains all the rhents for massaging the a"W D. CHARLES C(l 10 PABE PLACE - iiwJJfeJ J. HILL DSTJG COlyjjjfc Drunkenness iuxcM A rosltlvn on-j perm.it.cnt o: drunkenness and the oplan There la no puhllclt), n? MclcniibB ueatod R3 prlvateij as at their onS1 . The Keely Inmltulo, SU W. 8a. TiSr Calt Lako City. Utah. 9 Great Clearance Wmen's: Ssdts and Dresses at ?j OET!iIrd Off. An annual event of most significant import ance to the women of Salt Lake, when ready : made garments of the Walker store kind arc' unreservedly offered at such reduction; it means an absolute saving of one-third on the bestapv parel that women can buy. Four hundred of the well - made, thi thoroughly proper kinds will be on sale, thus.; allowing liberally for the varying wants of each individual. Dozens of shadings, dozens of mixtures, mix-tures, dozens of fabrics, scores of styles. The. sizes are all here, too, 16, iS, 32, 34, 36,38,40, 42 and 44. Prices regular are $10.00 to $175 " MoMay m& Week--On8-TWrd 0$ H ' J fe ) lr," $?&jtP -Ja " - "H i! UNQUESTIONABLY GR.EAT, THIS UNEN SALE 50 dozen broken lots hemstitched dinner size napkins, 6.00 and 6.50 New goods, but no napkins to match, np to 10.00. L VH , y WE DOUBT I? IT HAS BEEN ' regular, price to close quickly, 2.75. i PRICE. a .! i .f-'jll 5, ' Trn? TAi i y?fS fIVF cai ti AKW " ,r ! 50 fringed table cloths 2 and 2,V yards long, all'-lineu, bleached -and-uii- Napkins many lines are included in the sale, tho.se, however, that fJ- ' H ; X' LUALLitUlW5ALll,AWt , t blenched. ' , only.be closed its odds and ends, bu't none the less desirable and neff m 1 Some radical changes. Hundreds of lines that will be, discontinued and Values to 3.00 the cloth: SALE,. 1.15. '"N , - tern. N - J j, j . f miist be1 closed, out. , . j ' , . 50 hemstitched cloths 2 to 3 vards Ion- . 1 Thes.c prices will move thpra-Sg cenfs, 1,50, 2.00, 3.00, 1.00, f - , EGf 1rdlc8S1 ? the bi !inen advance, lliere will be a terrific jprife ;dr6P, - rcguiai.lr from 05 to fe.Ooi lnitwiU.the" advance .' Tinen wpri'h 00 and fl'0? inS fL" ' (;: i and -, and in some instances almost 34 of the price aviI). go. I v. ,,. J more , ' ' i--1 1-3 .AN D 1-2 OFF. - j - . , ji.j X Tliis great sale begins Monday morning and lasts entire week. ; ,l ' CLOSED AT 'Sf JS UP TO 00" t ' ' ' Lunch cloths 36 inches square and 45incHds- square only a frffi 501 H . ij' j ' X ' 'Entire Avest aisle, linen and wash goods section, devoted to tliis'salQ. ' J ', v r"1'" Sonie of them will go at A price up to 2.50. A m . j1 . There will be hundreds of all kinds of linen, bargains;, offerings! which can. dS pattern lunch cloths 63 inches square, all. desirable patterns and good shirt waist Un AVebbs' (lew bleached, JH"6 inches, wide; the most favorMj Hji ' j i" not be mentioned here. r . quality. c ) Ettamine weave, 1.00 regular. Value for i price up to 50 CENTS. , j j ; Come Monday or any day during week. for linen Raines,, ' Instead of ,1.75 the cloth,, sale price 05 cents. . ... ; Table damask, bleached and unbleached," up' to ,2.50 a yard. Some j H I "0 exchanges or approvals. 4.0 pattern cloths. Many Jno. S. Browns make '2 yards square and 2 to yard lines will be discontinued. '! ! j ' J lx'&SCb MOKE OFF.. ' ' ' ,l" 3-yard lfcfiigths. f N c " f . Will 'be marked down 20, 0 and 10 percent per yard. J Hj ; ,li fi X Shirt, Waist, Patterns. , tf ,. Drapery. Towels. ' j till JJnorV C$T$ CUI'lain"' ?2,0 f0V$L;5S- ; ... ' Fringed tvols. Uuen, whito or colored border. Pre Hnen. s H1 n J ' t JL.O, 9Sc reuuteu from $4.50, ?.50, $o.00, S2.00 unci $1.-j. ..v.. $3.00 for ?2.4S. J3.75 for ?2.0S. " the regulul' 20c. 30c and ;!5e qualH,y 100 dozen to close at 19c. . ur. l 'J m Ji . t .... -. r,Mh , j ;- Silk stripe, worth $5.00, for ?3.9S. P ' - Turkish bath by the yard, just the gotrds for kitchen upo an j mi ij arpStS Ona V.UgS. All ruffled curtains, Swiss and net. 1-3 off. from 65 cents to 57.H0. V,-: poses; both bleached and .unbloached 1G cents, regular for w cemt. ?, l I 'ill jj New-lot 9 by 12, Hartford & Smith Axmluster Monday and'weok S'M'OO. . Arabian curtains. $10.00 or $7.50. Arabian qurtnlns, $30.00 for $24.00. . ' ' r Linen lap robes from 60c to $1.2ct to close, at HALF PRICb. , ,, 1, ' t by 12, Brussels Irt&rajn, "$12,00 for $10.00 $13.00 for $lU0. ' " ' "" 'J?'':' Arabian curtains. $12.00 for $0.00. Arabian curtains, $10.00 for $32.00. V. . . r - - H , '1' X . Itjby 12 b'est alMVool (or $9.00. VI by 15, best all wool for $in.00. - w -T 1 Arabian curtains. $20.00 for ?1C. 00. - " . iJgfj SrQaGS. ! H '!l tii by 10 1-6 best all wool for $8.25. AX. A itj ix? r " - .,)Uv w dw 'i i H - 10 patterns, best all wool Ingrain, 75 cpjUk for 59 cents. ' - 'n. . Forty SllK PettlCOatS 1'Or Mali SfTlCO. Colored bed spreads in. pink, yellow, blue and rcd-the M qunju Hi ' ' il'. X Granfto Ingrain, 35. cents for 27 cerits. Union 45-cent for SO cents. - l -Taffeta, and Foulard Silk Petticoats. In about fifteen shadings, with as many: at $2.95. , variety f 'J r M I , t , 0 . " . styles of plaftlng, tucking and lace trimming. In green, blue, lilac, pink, white White bec-Jpreads. fringed, full sized, tor the hriiss beds-a B".- i- l: i . Oriental Rag Sale Continued One WecR, Vz Off - sgW&'KS &ss,JS!!Sr MS&wr """ on,i' a0l"e are s"6""y s6"!a-"ls''f'a l1 ri ll1 ' ' - HALF OFF THIS PRICE. . . 1 " jfa iii i |