Show MARSHALL OPPOSES EXTENSION OF POWERS r rBy By Milton Bronner WASHINGTON ASHI TON July Juh C. C Take Tako it from Crom Thoma Thomas Thoma's R R. l Marshall Marshill h ll that nothing the tho world war has bas developed has made I necessary or advisable an any widening or broadening of ot tho the powers of ot the vice vico president of ot the United States And Tom Marshall ought to knot kno because ho he has been vice ice for Cor five fhe years ears now Is tho the anI only man reelected to the Job since the carl early ages abes an and if Ie he lives will nave nav serve served lon longer er than an any man since Calhoun I put this question to him Dont you ou think the war has demonstrated demonstrated dem dem- em the necessity of ot having the I vice president sit Il as a matter of I course with the president at his cabnet cab cab- cabInet cabinet inet net meetings and dont don't you ou think the tho vice president ought by law to be armed with the power to get up on the floor of ot the senate and defend and explain ex cx- plain cabinet ministers minister's acts when unI un un- attacked We Ve have had examples examples ex ex- amples during this war when senator senators I have made before largo large au audiences lences of ot congress an and public widely advertised attacks upon cabinet mem an and ItI it has been only onh- after days clays of at I and preparation that senators friendly to those ministers have been able to tu get the tho facts and present the other side If It the vice vico president ent were here always always al al- al I ways in the cabinet meetings s he h would be full fully conversant COD with all the moves mo and prepared prepare instantly to reply to Unjust unjust un Un- just attacks an and insinuations The vice presidents president's answer was somewhat complete It was was NO NO Then his eyes ees twinkled as apropos apropos apro apro- pos pot of nothing at all lie he me of the old oM stor story about Thad Steens Stevens Stevens Ste Ste- I vens ens when some man mart was under attack ai- ai tack Whoso Whose thief is he queried Ste Ste- vens Yens Our thief was the reply Then we must defend him bim sal said Stevens without hesitation I Seriously sal said Marshall l I dont don't dontI think the vice president in an any administration administration ad nd I ministration would woul want to bo put I in into to tho position of oC chief defender of or administration appointees To make mak him a sort of member of or tho the cabinet I per so would woul be a foolish straddle It ItI I would make malte him both executive an and legislative I dont don't believe In itI itI it H. I think it would be a good thing I though it if the cabinet ministers who I under our form Corm of at government are really really real real- I ly executive secretaries were given the power to como conic on the tho floor loor of or the house and senate an and explain personally personally person person- I ally the needs of or their Departments They should also bo be subject to cross cros crossi I I i examination b by tho the members In that I way through h personal contact public i business could bo be transacted more quickly I IA A There Thera is only one thing I think should be granted to vice Ico presidents John Adams and John Calhoun assumed assumed assumed as as- that tho they were privileged t to J I take the tho floor just like tho senators and did so No one has done so since Being neither theatrical nor I have havo not attempted to resume tho function However I 1 have pc perhaps per per- per haps hays twenty times seen opportunities ties where I could havo halo taken the I floor loor and explained some important topic It would not bo necessary to have havo a constitutional amendment to give tho the vice Ice president that power All AU that would bo ho required would bo be an nn amendment to the senate rules rulos f 4 And so opens a new chapter In that highly popular serial of ot tho the ups and downs of ot Teddy and Bill Philadel-phia Philadel Bulletin |