Show l' l r AR CHAUFFEURS IL VILL NOT BE MEN x i Abe f pile fair er r rc th OF ALENT In ln lL 11 3 9 ida t tida WHEN FIGHT ENDS f R 1 URa R s Private Driver the Battie Bat Bat- S tie Line Expert Will WillBe rte sl 1 Not Be a i n n J to another article in Motor r t fay n l o fe fe Villi William am takes a negative develop develop- cw ew on the thc question of or tl the c war 1 g a n for private te service he bt ter the thc I present re ent conflict I std err errO Monroe says sas that those hopeful hua hu- hu O op a ass ans who can see a a. enof cnn enI en- en I of OC wed ed n not t on only with mechanical genius it t possessed of at marvelous powers behind t ir he wheel emerge emerso from the fires tires of at cx- cx European Europeans on battle starred dS s are suffering from a pink delusion For or military service the post-bellum post will be Invaluable He will be a aion aon on ion In uniform but In the bearskin of or service he will have ha much to un- un rn that cannot be applied to the ca- ca city of ot the thc civilian chWan chauffeur uThe headquarters chauffeur rc Is that pd id d nothing more Beyond a few Jew minor minor IK his duties imply no more ease ea-C or br dirt no more soiling of his inform than the tho officer whom he heM CS M It Jt is true that his discernment Judg- Judg ent nerve ner will bo be Infinitely greater and N Art fener but he will have no more to do O Ith the thc correction of mechanical faults his car than does the locomotive engi- engi H eer eer with tl the tho ro parlor cars for which he 1 o is merely chauffeur A scheme of or lion prevails In France France After scar icar Is parked at nt night and before It laves for service in the the morning it is examined d and tested b by me- me anies who whom training has made them themI I Icar In one branch or another of or t II units of or power plant or chassis Ith the result that one of or them Is ren re- re CH n for tor the efficiency of or Ignition mother nother of or a third for tho the and so 50 on This a assures ures III rough roush tho the personal responsibility oCeh of oC eh ch specialist for tor his own unit absolute of or fitness in the car when tho chauffeur slides un under er the tho heel for Cor the days day's work I I Another thing thins Tho arm army chauffeur i save nave the private owner vely nothing In n maintenance expense I e C does not make sixty miles an hour the thelden thelden I t olden rule of or pace laco because at best I attic will not permit of ot spee speed greater L tan lan thirty or fort forty mies miles an hour and anti with great eat convoys comos of or muni- muni ons supplies food and troops travel ails alls for tor constant gear scar changing and in- in 1 speeds But the prImo prime motive army chauffeur is get there Time i i Ia hundredfold old more ore valuable than tires tire uel an and In the main upkeep cost Is s a j condary consideration consideration Hc He will have no car ear Except I In such ses where prewar experience has taught i m to know all aU of ot the Innumerable little and o of disordered for first warnings of ot trouble i come corne army driving will develop cop c this ii nse to slight degree if It at all Seven Sc 14 Minutes Minutes' deJa delay for a minor adjustment fight Ight mean the loss of ot seven Beven miles of ot or lives An And even though e ear were almost Instinctive with Ith the lack of opportunity to apply It i g. g uld ld dull the faculty even when n of ot heavy bombardment permitted him listen of oC a a. leaky radiator that tans cans serious damage to the engine I out rne out bearings or 01 scored cylinders o e army chauffeur must clIT carry out or- or ir re r. Never was the thc name automobile more oral cral than In Its war use To move an and ep sep moving mo so long as Is possible is the fission islon o of the arm army motor car An And tho the duty is obvious since he Ise is ise ise e pilot The Tho war after-war chauffeur will be he fitted r one thing only His Ilia training calls for tor forout forout out as much technical knowle knowledge e as is to make mako a n good oo taxicab driver nothing more And like the taxi pilot j depends entirely on the ability of or meI me- me I yf base for the efficiency of ot the thear thear I ar ar he drives If It It fans falls his I y y amounts to a 3 shrug of or th the shoulders ers v r Owners expecting a Pentathlon-cham- Pentathlon in the war pilot a driver pable of or solving every even sort of or al I 1 problem that arises in the life liCe of ot a t totor car assume too much and know o little lIttia of or actual conditions In the self self- R service r of or our armies abroad |