Show MAKING RECORD UI ON I NE NEW FREIGHT SHED I I I I I Building Will Be I Completed September 15 i Contractors Say Over O at the D. D R. R G. G freight Creight depot a race raco Is going on It is for fora or ora a p. national record in construction work The task consists in erecting I the new inbound freight shed In a l I shorter time than any similar structure structure ture has been built in the country I The structure will cost when completed which will bo ho about i September 15 Hi The building has many interesting new features in including including in- in the tho metal sash over a concrete concrete concrete con con- crete beam It Il is of ot concrete an and steel construction It will be he feet long IonS and 75 feet wide and willbe will willbe willbe be used for or the inbound freight The rhe older structure the outbound freight shed shell is Just west of it and is somewhat somewhat somewhat some some- what smaller When finished this inbound freight I shed will be lie the biggest and most complete up to date dato freight shed I wf west st of Omaha said D. D II 11 Sanders who Is superintending superintending- the work for forthe forthe or orthe the Lynch Construction company Then the D. D R. R G. G will have havo one of the best yard systems in the tho West cst It will furnish them more moro storage and more floor floO space in this new structure than in the former one while between the inbound and 1 outbound sheds will be bo two transfer platforms one of oC which is completed already The They will enable freight to tobe tobe tobe I be changed from one car cal to another It will have an umbrella roof like Jike the theone theone I Ione i one alread already built I The work has been heen going g on rapidly rapidly rap rap- idl idly continued Mr 11 Sanders We e Weare Weare I are arc building at the rate of sixty yards ards of concrete a da day since starting A At Atthe l the tho present rate rato of construction it will be the tho record Job for or the government govern govern- ment this ment-this this road as well as all others bein being government controlled you know To date it il is a national record I in fn construction of this this this' sort sorL sort v I The Tho features which are new about aboul it include the heavy hea concrete beam under tinder the windows the horseshoe section section section sec sec- tion of concrete heating conduit be beI beneath beneath be- be neath the llie floor and the mastic floor I which is very cn good for trucking and andi andIs i Is duplicated only one place In the West Nest out in California somewhere I We Ye are arc now not on the boiler room and I expect to finish it next week The work has been heen done twice t as as I fast as wo we expected the weather conditions con con- being unu unusually favorable to toI concrete work and all the tho material I hein being on hand han from Crom la last t fall Call which aided materially This freight shed when finished will twill be he over a n block I long and will 1 be an attractive looking look look- looking ing building |