Show I S CHEESE FACTORIES MISSOULA l Mont July 6 Al 6 Al I Al Although though fiur years ago ngo there were only twenty working creameries and no cheese factory in Montana now there 1 nrc r el sixty ht creameries In successful success- success ful CuI operation and ten cheese factories In the tho state according to W W. H. H Fluhr state dairy commissioner who recent recent- Iv lv conducted an n investigation of ot creameries and dairies In this part of ef Of I thy th sta state tc Because of oC poor noor storage storn facilities In Inthis Inthis inthis I this state Mr Ir Fluhr aid ald Montana I creameries o ha shipped their products products products prod prod- to eastern states In the tho summer slimmer months and they the have been shinned hack back the following winter for sale in inthis inthis this state at a considerable emble advance 11 ii triin LP ur Death l Isi hi not III in our minds mind over here no matter malter how strange e that may sound at home writes a Y V. M of C C. A t. t secretary from the American front It could be iP nothing but an nn honor to Kivo n I ones one life lire In so noble a A. cause aus Cheer liP up and reed up at home ore AVore doing I i it over here |