Show 1 1 WI n ill OF LIBERTY chapter a. a s D. D A. A R. R It will ivill meet Thursday I afternoon at 3 o'clock at the I homo borne o of the regent resent Mrs George Georgo GeorgeI ill Dern Contrary to the usual custom cus- cus torn tom the tho chapter will not adjourn for forthe forthe I the summer but will hold hod regular L chapter m meetings on the second Thursday of or the tho month In behalf orthO of or F thO tho war activities of ot the chapter ii 1 t jj The Tho Wasa Literary club will I. I hold Its annual outing at Liberty park I July 10 at 6 All members Rye requested to come and bring a at I t I basket lunch The arrangements are J fn in charge of oC the entertainment com com- c. c it it S SI I I Tho Past Noble oble Grand club will willI I I meet Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock 1 with Mrs Albert I Fisher V West 1 t t South street Visiting Past Past C Noble Grands are arc invited to attend I r S S SI Oble M The Women's Democratic club will I Thursday at U i o'clock in the 1 block r Y- Y r tl S Sr r The Women omen of oC oo 1 Woodcraft craft in inaugurated in- in 0 a series of ot card parties tho the thop p past t week weel to be held each Wednesday At their rooms In the Arcade for tho the S benefit of a homo home to be established fo for Woodcraft women and orphans stamps will be given ven as prizes t tt at each affair and tho the public Is in- in The Red Cross unit of the Woodcraft t will vill meet Friday from Crom 10 4 until 5 S o'clock In tho the Atlas block f t 0 S SI il I IB I The Red Cross auxiliary of ot the theS S Cath Lc Womans Woman's league ue meets 1 Mon Mon- n- n 11 das da's rid Thursdays at 2 o'clock in thc tho Do J block for sewing and as a's at headquarters at at Ame palace llaCO for gauze work I 1 Ii TI o 2 ladles ladies of the Utah Power and II ht company auxiliary of the I Salt county chapter of the Red s gave a party part at Salt air Saturday afternoon Jul July C. C A picnic supper i served and dancing enjoyed S S S I U 1 auxiliary to the he ambulance corps will Ill hold lj-bir lj ir semimonthly meeting at Liberty Libert P pirk rk tomorrow evening Members are aredo aret do t Ak to meet at the gr grandstand at att t o o'clock The Tho meeting Wilt will be he in the theof ture ture of an outing rather l than strictly strict strict- I j ly t a business meeting and all members mem mem- bei bers ls s are arc requested to come and bring I Ir r friends S I fiends I II S There will be a sll special meeting of ot Ladies Ladies' s' s Aid society of ot the Im- Im Baptist church on Thesda afternoon at 3 o'clock in the church parlors The Red Cross unit will meet at 10 io o'clock Tues Tuesday a morning morning- for their regular work I S S S The annual outing of ot the Woman's Womans t 1 Republican club at Lagoon on Monday f evening evening- was one of or the most success success- ful affairs ever given by the club Supper was wa served at 6 o'clock from 4 two long tables that were prettily decorated with garden flowers and i. i vines Dancing and bathing were I i during tho the evening and the thel thea l 4 a b adjourned until September I S S S SI U 1 I Lynds Red fled Cross u unit it will meet an anat Wednesday at the Wilson hotel for foran forn Van n an all nil day session a ftp The Red fled Cross Cros unit of oC the Phillips Congregational church will meet on Tuesday afternoon at 2 30 o'clock f with Mrs C. C CN N. N Chandler East Fo South streeL street mp J I j t A wedding reception was given gl on I I neSda evening June 20 G at the home home o of Mr and Mrs ills John Rowell In honor of their daughter Rose and Alma lma Little whoso whose marriage took place at the Rowell home at 7 The iThe bridegroom Is with ith tho the quartermasters quartermaster's quartermasters quartermaster's quarter quarter- masters master's department at FL Ft Douglas and arid the couple will vill mal make e their home tho the Rowell family in Hill I avenue |