Show FRENCH WONDER AT II YANKS YANKS' SWIMMING By fly United Press WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IY IN FRANCE Jul July 6 Swimming G.-SwimmIng days das have arrived with tho American army In Franco France A hot wave made it summer summer summer sum sum- mer all an along tho the American sectors in Just a few tew hours In France there are arc many canals and small lakes the latter not much more than overgrown puddles But they are fine fino for swimming The French are amazed at tho the way the Americans take to tho the water Either it has never occurred to Frenchmen Frenchmen Frenchmen French French- men that water was made mado to swim in or else they dont don't like swimming The Frenchman misses the tho point of ot the argument when hen some Amerl American an sticks his head out of ot a 11 puddle and yells Come on In pal its it's fine |