Show I I i I r C Care are of Automobile S Springs ring The springs of or the automobile are arc one I of ot the mo most i neglected parts parts of or the thc car Rn and yet their Importance means all to the comfort you expect to get out of or your our car Most people neglect tho tiro springs be because because be- be I be-I cause causo spring manufacturers do o not provide provide pro pro- vide an caS easy way of ot oiling tho the leaves pro pro-I of or the springs H. H JL M. Mayer with office at the Battery Bat Bat- tery Char Charging Station 33 E East Esl sl Fourth South street has haB taken tho agency for tune the G G. G L L. W. W spring oller one of ot the simplest and most oiling devIces devices de de- de- de vices on the thc market for thin thlu purpose G G. G L. L W. W V automatic spring consist consist con con- of oC a high grade ra e felt relt pad pact with an nn oil reservoir contained in a genuine rustproof rust rUst- proof polished d blue metal case This case casc snaps over the main leaf of or the spring They are arc conceded to be tho the greatest automobile accessory ever Invented says sas s slog Mayer 1 The They mt tho only to log log- lea ical method metho over aver discovered for tor the the per er- er feet lubrication oC automobile springs By a simple pimple positive scientific principle G L L. V. W spring put the tho oil oil where it is nee needed needed between c between n tho the spring leaves leaves- and nowhere else They feed oil smoothly smooth smooth- ly and regularly forming a thin film of or orall oil all between ever every leaf lea of ot every overy spring for tor its entire length th C G. G L L. W V V spring net tet automatically lIv every second the J car caru is Ig moving moving Cost little easily at tacked tache Never Neer rattle Cant Can't slip JUp Last Loal a lifetime |