Show WOUNDED ONCE HE RETURNS TO FRONT Kaysville Boy Writes His His Parents He Is Back From Blighty y and Wounded and find s sent nt to flighty Blighty Private Private now well and able bodied again vate ate Lawrence Jo FT F. Manning a n. I Kays- Kays ays- ays 4 f D' D A i LAWRENCE E. E MANNING ville Utah boy with the Canadian overseas forces is now returning to the front to have his second whack at atthe atthe atthe the Information to this effect ef- ef ef effect was contained d in a letter Jetter to his parents Mr and Mrs J. J J C. C Manning yesterday esterday Manning who Is Js 22 years old and andas I as was born and raised in Utah enlisted with the Canadian forces in Salt Lake December 14 1917 He became a member o of the One Hundred Twenty- Twenty seventh se company compan C C. C S S. C. C and within a month was sent to England to train For five Ive years cars previous pre to his enlistment en enlistment enlistment en- en he h was vas a member of ot the Utah national guard and served on the border during the Mexican l trouble He Ho was wounded in France three weeks ago and now having haing fully tullY re recovered recovered recovered re- re I covered Is going back to the battle battlefront battlefront front a again acain ln I |