Show MIT Hl 8 BODY IN flATE lAl j New York City Hall to Be BeI I Place of Funeral for forI I Former Mayor By Universal Service NEW E YORK YORI July 6 Tha Th The body of or Mayor layor John Purroy Mitchel former maor mayor of New ew York who was killed today In an aviation accident at Gerstner Gerstner Gerst- Gerst I ner field near Lake Luko Charles La will probably lie Ito In state in the city hall hail after which public funeral services will willbe willbe be hel held The bo body y is now on tho the way north accompanied b by Mrs Mitchel l who was at the aviation lation field when her herI husband was killed but who was I spare spared seeing his death Ma Mayor or said to today a when he I received word of ot his predecessors predecessor's death The news of the death of ot John JohnI Purro Purroy Mitchel Is a great personal I shock to me My Iy sincere sympathy goes out to Mrs Mitchel In this her great reat bereavement Proper steps will willbe willbo I bo be taken by the officials of ot the city and the tho public generally to pa pay every respect to the tho late Into ma mayor or I TYPICALLY AMERICAN John Purroy Purro Mitchels Mitchel's rise was typically typically cally American in Its meteoric charac charac- ter He was born July 29 1879 1819 at Fordham N. N Y and was still stUl under 4 40 16 when checked b by death in mid mid- care career r Educated at Fordham university university sit sity and Columbia law school he earl early made a name as a tier fiery speaker and l debater At the age of ot 23 he was admitted ad admitted admitted ad- ad to the tho bar and four tour years ears later att after r serving as special counsel to th the e I city for tor several months he ho became commissioner of accounts Mayor George B. B McClelland directed Mr 1 Mitchel l to Investigate the adminIstration administration administration admin admin- of ot Borough President John F. F Ahearn Ahcarn of or Manhattan against whom McClellan had been waging a 8 fight which had languished through the non- non production of evidence Mr Mitchel dove dovo into tho the melee mcle with characteristic visor vigor As a result he Introduced evidence which acted as asa asa asa a political bomb his revelations causing causing caus caus- ing Ing- Inga a profound sensation I DEFIES TAMMANY CHIEF I ITell 1 V said Tell Murphy to go to Mitchel lItchel when friends of ot Ahearn Ahcarn told him Murphy l Tammany leader had consented to give him a a. supreme court nomination if ho would let Jet up on Ahearn The Tho fight tight was continued and Ahearn was removed The removal of Borough President Louis Hatten Haffen of Bronx and later tho the resignation of Borough President Joseph Jo Joseph Joseph Jo- Jo seph Bermele of ot Queens were also at attributed attributed attributed at- at to Mitchels Mitchel's fiery Iery attacks upon their conduct In office I I |