Show I DRIED SPUDS HELP HUNS S By United Press Prell W WASHINGTON ASHI July 6 G. Seven hundred drying plants In Germany Germany Germany Ger Ger- many and hundreds of oC other factories for Cor food tood saving are arc r reasons ons wh why Germany Germany Germany Ger Ger- many hasn't starved These figures home ope through government channels channels- drying Potato capacity In th the empire hun hundredweight dr drying ing cylinders open dry l O drying corn plants vegetable dry ing factories 25 drying plants in In sugar factories and antI 22 2 milk drying plan plants I About of ot the 1500 malt mall kline kilns are also equipped for ve vegetable vegetable- I drying I Lan Landowners owners not possessing plants can make contract arrangements for fot their drin drying r. r SlI O AT tP l KRON PROST T T. T Several Rever l Y Y M M. C C. A A. A war work secretaries secre secre- secretaries are arc suffering In Trench hospitals hospitals' hospi hospi- tai from gas as poisoning during th the present offensive |