Show ORPHEUM 10 TO OPEN I WITH OF THE M WORLD AS ITS ATTRACTION Big Motion Picture Winning Unstinted Praise as Great Production By Arthur S. S Winton The most mOEt Interesting announcement of or the current week In amusement circles Is of ot the tho coming g to the Orpheum Orpheum Orpheum Or- Or on Sunday July 21 n of or Hearts of or the tho World the tho supreme motion picture triumph of or D. D D W. W v. v Griffith Tho The widely heralded film mm play has been booked for tor an extended engagement and It Is believed that It will repeat here the big successes Jt It has scored In all the other large largo large cities of or the coun country countr Hearts of oC the World dealing as it Jt does docs with the most vital subject of ot modern civilization has baa at the tho same saru time a n. definite detinUe plot and tells one of ot tho the sweetest love stories of or youth manhood and self Although its stor story Is Js of oC the tho great war there runs throughout a stirring tale tala of or a beau beati- lUul romance and comedy of ot the Infectious In In- factious sort Tho The production has earned the right to be bo called the tho lovo love story ever over tola on tim screen creen The Tho big feature is typically Griffith In Its Us massiveness and startling stu stu- It took eighteen months to film It working with the full cooperation cooper coover- atton of or the tho French and British war departments de de- de Many of tho the scenes were filmed within a few tew hundred feet Ceet of or orthe the German guns and all of or them within range of at them For Fot SUp supe I aro are tho the fighting men of ot tho the allied armies In some somo scones scenes fully men are enga engaged ed In a gigantic struggle Mr Griffiths Griffith's wonderful sense or ot dramatization has been definitely and ably expressed in Hearts of ot th tim World Just aa atS it was In Tho Birth But Dut Buthis Buthis of a a. Nation and Intolerance his newest picture is above them all aU allIn allIn In Its remarkable dramatic Interest and wonderful photography And it has a typical Griffith cast with Lillian Gish and Robert Harron playing the I i principal roles j Manager Edward p P. P Levy y has lias announced announced an nn a big augmented orchestra orchestra or or- I chestra of or sixteen pieces and massive J stage settings s as Incidental to tho the showing of the Ule picture There will boan bean bo be an orchestra leader to direct the music and tho entire staging of oC tho the drama will bo be under conditions prevailing at atthe atthe atthe the big big- metropolitan theatres GOOD BILLS SCHEDULED The regular weekly theatre and motion mo me- tion picture bills bUls include many fine offerings At the Paramount Paramount-Eu i press theatre Mary M ry Pickford will oc no seen in inh How Could You h ler er r latest release Jean 1 It Is declared to bo be ono one of her and merriest offerings and a direct rebuttal of at the sometimes heard expression that Americas Sweetheart Is la going back The Thc American will have Tal Tat I mad madge e In Good Night Paul on Monday Nonday Mon Non da day and Tuesday Later In the week Moral Suicide a picture with a. a strong strone moral flavor In the tho presentation presenta presenta- tion of Dt a n problem that has confronted many manya a family will m bo be shown Th The Isis 1515 has booked Geraldine Farrar Farrar Far Far- in The Devil Stone It tells a story of or weird fascination presentIng present present- lag Ing the tho wonderful Miss l Farrar In u k modern role based baaed upon tho the themo th mo of or from brought down ancient folklore and Influencing tho the i In the tho life of a woman of I Q en events n A M A A n r P a U tA nr i 1 LUO no LIU ULLI D a n S o I Ji u- u gram grain replete with Uh good features Including including In in- tho the popular William Farnum The Darn Bara and Mabel Normand l Normand will appear In her latest pic plC lure ture The Tho Venus Mod ll Mon ton Monday lay and Tuce Tuesday It reveals ro her at her Cr very bost best bost Tho The Rialto has during tho the weeks Pearl White bite William Clara Clan Kimball Young and a big list ot of famous comedy stars In screaming comedies Patrons of at the tho Pan have o been regaled regaled re re- re with some flome truly fine vaudeville at the th Broadway w Y house of or late lato and this weeks week's bill Is no exception Private tc Jack hero of tho the Princess Pats Pate offers a IL most interesting pot par portrayal trall o of the life uro In the tho front rant line Une trenches in his Over There His Ills talk on war wax conditions is 18 also keenly interesting and enjoyable The Tho Six Musical enliven the tho bill with fino musical selections anc ane u tL lot lotof lotof of or ja jazY z numbers that go Immensely well Tho The now new Pantages bill promises soma sofia good entertainment with Flirtation FUr Flir tation a musical satire as tho the headliner head head- liner |