Show 1 I j WALLOP BEES IN AFTERNOON BUT LOCALS J ANNEX ONE IN EVENING id a i i fter Lunch Affair Proves Rout for McCabe a l at 1 Local Boy Shows Class as Relief Hurler Second Game Clouting Bee in Which McCredie Men Garner Twenty Healthy Swats l j- j Bill Rodgers Rodgers' Salt McCredie-Salt Lake castoffs and by the way ere iere are nine of them on that Sacramento club again tore into p ir r tr poor Bees yesterday afternoon and made them lie down and curl p before the fans could realize that the afternoon game had parted mI The Senators had an easy time tucking away their fourth fourth Sterne me of the week 16 to 6 RT GRIGGS AGAIN j I athletes who appear to toV V t. t I unable to shake shako the Jinx dumps could not get going until It s j ts too late and when they finally ll i i get under wa way they had bad no pitch pitch- Taj g. g They kicked away awny the game for j Lm m McCabe in tho the first frame and andt I Jm t the tho former Brown into such a aime ame ime me of ot mind that ho too fell Cell down e as s ho he would t fA bunch of ot dizzy baseball behind I. I Cabe be gave the visitors a six run Ime d 1 In the get away inning and In Ln ri 0 second Tim himself a ascended until had Shad himself sel in the hole hoe when Art walloped one ono over the fence Cence J h a man on ahead M TAKES rAKEs BURDEN f again asnin took up the other I now's burden In the tho second and fin fin- J tied ed through the fifth when he was for six runs on seven blows t tien en trotted out a tall slim l uth from the local lots who answers Ithe the name of or Ewing The kid held o jo e visitors to one run and three hits 1 the next four Innings and really dis- dis 7 a lot of ot class in his hurling pt on only 1 that that that-he he cracked out two goodness to tt singles and scored Ii ire e of the tho runs Jf Karl Crandall earned a shirt for tor torR by hitting the OBrien Keith R Fn n in left Iett field with a single during UI sixth frame Crame E 3 EYE EVENING GAME Bees managed managed to win one In Pile evening their second of oC the tho se- se sen n 10 to 7 7 thanks to some lusty I off ocr Bromley's delivery In the st three and third one-third innings 4 For for a change some home of or tho the wallops Bees went safe safo and for a time limo simply ta simply rained hits Eleven on blows 3 t tf Bromley Bromle and Gardner In the first b ur frames netted men menven r ven Ten runs and gave them a command- command lead tl tf Tho ho Yips again got busy early and B Ji most ost chucked their game on to Ice the retho first frame on Willett Two in the ho third made things look but finally ll Edg EdgAr r voluntarily I Tnt nt to the showers vers and Ken Penner finished Shed with pretty good luck I ack Farmer was again tho the clout- clout 1 K hero of the game ame The big Ken Kon- I hit safely four times once for forI I double and later for tor a triple Ho He a. a tovo ove In four of the B Bees Bes es' es runs His for tor the two eames sz therefore Isiro is iro o singles les four doubles and a triple I batted In five of the runs In the a contests iJ 2 l PLAY CLASSY MATCH I By Associated Press Pa July 6 Max Max Max- lell ll R. R Marston and Jerome Jeromo D. D Travers Oswald Kirkby and John D. D iderson derson 2 up and 1 to pla play in an eight eight- hole in-hole n hole n-hole hole b best st ball four ball g gl lf match the benefit of ot the Red Cross over ate links link o of the Merlon Merion Golf club Ih |