Show 11 II 9 r rBy By Bo Garvey F F. H II H. Butler Buller until recently conn connected with the carriage sales department of ot the tho Packard Motor company of ot New ew York left ten for tor Ber Berkeley ele Cal Tuesday morning to enter the hO government nt school of ot aero there Howard us 8 he ho Is Js known among his many friends In Salt Lake L. passed one ono of ot the tho best birdmen tests even cv recorded here and Is 19 expected to make malee good In the army aviation corps within a no fe few weeks A. A C. C lA A. A C. C hl leas has some Mm other Initials but he sells A. A C C. spark plu plugs plug I I and everybody Has Mas for forgotten otten his other In Initials In- In Is Js In Salt Lake on a A. periodic trip from tho A A. C. C spark plug factory factor Southey brings brIng tho the Information that his company compan has developed eloped and finally brought to perfection a that eliminates nearly all the tho Ills the auto span sparl plus pIuS Is ts heir to F P W W. has Joined the sales sates force torce of ot the J. J M. M Hahn Brokerage coin corr parry pany Mr Is an experienced used car salesman He lIe was former formerly employed em- em b by the tho Smith Truck Form compan company company com com- pan pany and the tho Salt Lake Auto ana anu Garage company M. M J. J Gardner has also allo been added to the city sales sates corps of oC the tho Hahn company Although the establishment establishment establishment establish establish- ment of or an all exclusive used car in Salt S Lake L. was rc regarded as an experiment ment In tho the two weel weeks s of ot the existence of the tho Hahn company to date ate the tho business business busi busi- ness has more than met mel expectations Mr l Hahn has already listed nearly a hundred cars for tor sale and prospective purchasers purchaser have have- havea a wide varl variety ty of ot makes to select from H. H W. W manager of the traffic bureau of or Utah Is In Chicago this week attending a rate conference of ot the tho Interstate Interstate interstate Inter Inter- state commerce commission He lie will wilt represent represent represent rep rep- resent automobile dealers of ot Salt LaKe LaKo at the tho conference and will endeavor to obtain a a. reduction of oC tho the freight rate on automobiles shipped west C. C 1 13 Cookerly formerly of oC Twin Falls I Ida and well known throughout Idaho as asan asan asan an automobile salesman s. has been employed employed employed em em- by the Sun Motor Sales company This company compan expects to announce within the next few rew days das the acquisition of ot anew a anew ano no new car agency At a special meeting Tuesday Tuesday- noon the tho Intermountain Motorcar Di D Dealers Dealers' tiers tiers' association association tion ion t failed to 1111 approve a petition signed by nearly all aU Its members to close Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- afternoons at 1 Several of ot the tho larger Jarger concerns declared that Saturdays Saturdays Sat Sat- I uras and Sundays are their best days ys for tor business and the opposition of oC these firms prevented unanimous agreement I on the tho closing proposition Notwithstanding Notwithstanding standing that the association would not go on record as favoring the Saturday afternoon closing Manager Arch BrownIng Browning Browning Brown Brown- ing and Sales Manager J. J E E. Edmunds Edmund oC of the Browning Auto company ml made e a strong plea on behalf of ot the closing movement The They declared their place of oC business s would b be shut up light tight ever every Saturday afternoon and Sunday regardless regardless regard regard- less of ot what action the association should take Most of or the other dealers have already alread al- al ready roady read announced that they would close Saturdays for tOl the rest rut of oC the tho summer R. R B. B Brower had a great reat Fourth of oC July In the first place his wife went to the tho country countr That left the Indefatigable advocate of ot liberty with a n lot of time on his hands and the birthday of ff tho the country country country coun- coun I try to celebrate Ordinarily Brower Is 18 isone one ono of ot the men an Auto row buthe but buthe i he lie went out to the ball Lall game game- amoIn in the afternoon and all aU but had the crowd In Incited incited In- In cited d to mob the umpire whom he ho termed I In vociferous and vigorous lan language a n fit CIt consort for tho the kaiser After the tho game amo he picked me up In one of ot the new J Liberty Liberty Lib Lib- lb- lb t erty roadsters that arrived this week and was waR still sUII so heated rom from rom his one sided ar argument ment with the that he almost started the car Clr with the brakes I set By Dy the way the Liberty Libert did a little aunt that th will stop most earn cars It turned turn 1 oft off South Temple street at five rte miles an hour and O went up the C street hill hilt on hl high h Newt t e Carruthers curled up In Sn his favorito ta- ta fa favorite rocking chair lighted his pipe and mp flipped d the match toward the ah ash a h tray tra 11 Match missed mined and hit hll floor Newt proceeded proceeded pro pro- to put out flame with hl his foot toot A terrific explosion shook the hou house hourc e and when hen It was waa as over Newt ewt found himself I badly burned He II had hall Just had his shoes hoes dean cleaned d with gasoline This happened Tuesday Nc Newt t U Is able to hobble down downto to the United Motor company compan offices I every cery day with the aid of ot a cane Sales Manager er Edmonds of oC the Browning BrownIn BrownIng Brown- Brown In Ing Automobile comp company local Overland distributors distributor has Just received recel R x I letter from John Taylor former salesman sales sales- salesman man for tor that concern who left r recently to go co to th the San Kan Pedro nav navy yards and help hell build ships for tor Uncle Sam Ham Taylor Talor who Is motoring to th the coast with ht his family Is la driving driving- an Overland O Country Countr Club roadster and In the letter which |