Show Hearts of World L Coming to tj Orpheum Hearts of ot the tho World arId World the the tho stupendous dous and successful D. D W. W Griffith motion motion mo mo- tion picture masterpiece which is the I talk of photoplay fans tho the country over oyer has been booked for an engagement engagement engage engage- ment meat at tho the theatre opening Sunday July 21 n. It will be produced under conditions prevailing pre at ai the biggest big big- gest goat theatres with largo large augmented orchestra and additional features wo worthy o thy of or such a magnificent tion Hon Nothing has been shown to tho the American public so 50 impressive as an Indictment of or the tho Germans as this film with its u visualization of or a few tew or of ortho ortho tho tremendous number of and barbarities conclusively proven against the tho Hun At the same time with all its revealing of or the tho cruelties of or tho the common enemy Hearts of or the World Is essentially a romance The TIlt young oun couple that occupies tho the central contral cen con position in tho the story is typical of oC thousands and thousands of or men and women who aro are victims victim's of or the tho kaisers kaiser's lust for power Throughout tho the production there are arc consequently contracts of or tho the comic with tho the tragic and the tho result is a presentation whoso whose enthralling Interest interest Inter Inter- c est t Is la not to be bo discovered In an any oUi otlie work thus far done by lir the camera Music appropriate to each incident will be played by a largo large orchestra |