Show YELLOW PERIL HELD FATHERED BY KAISER By Os' Associated Press Prest BOSTON July JuI 6 Viscount G. IshI Japanese ambassador speaking toda today at at a luncheon given b by Mayor Andrew J J. J Peters leters declared that tie tle German emperor was responsible for tor the yellow yel yel- low how peril in the Uio Ul United States and Coran for Cor foran an nit extensive anti American propaganda da campaign in Japan Two years cars ago at Tokio he said ho he told tol the American Amerlan Amen Ameri aJo can an ambassador he lie thought outside Influences were at work to create un unfriendly unfriendly un- un friendly feeling between Japan and America but that he wa not then Ina in ina ina a a position to state definitely the name of ot the person ho lie suspected as the In In- In |