Show I BITUMINOUS COAl OUTPUT INCREASES Bituminous coal production for tor the tho week eek ended June S was the largest In Inthe Inthe the the history of the tho bituminous trade The Tho output Including and coal us ul USel ed d for tor coke amounted to tons compared with for the tho preceding week and tons for forthe forthe the tho corresponding week In 1917 Shipments of ot bituminous also took tooka a decided advance ance during the week cars being reported b by roads R against cars cars for the tho previous pre pro week Anthracite shipments shipments' sho showed ed Improvement Improvement Improvement Im Im- Im- Im provement nine roads reporting shipments ship ship- ments merits of ot cars cars compared with cars the previous week and 41 01 for the week of oC May Ia 18 iS IS previous high record week for anthracite ship- ship m men e n ts NEW YORK STOCK LIST Badger Bros Bros brokers S Sith Maui street furnish the tho following quotations received over their private wires Sumatra 2200 Alaska G Mines 3 3 3 Alaska Alaska Juneau 2 2 2 Am Beet 71 Am Can 2600 47 4 45 45 5 46 46 4 Am Car F. F 85 SH 84 Am 11 I L pfd 79 79 American Loco 1500 68 67 68 Am S n It 1400 80 20 SO 80 Am Sugar Ref 13 13 13 American Zinc 20 20 do pfd pd 53 63 53 53 Anaconda 69 68 68 Atchison 8 A G I J 10 BaIt Bal Ohio 5 54 5 54 54 Baldwin Loco 93 2 93 93 Beth Ste 1 B 84 84 Brooklyn R T 65 Bute Superior 30 2 27 21 Corn Products ZOO 00 4 42 ii 42 Calif CalC y 7 Can 17 17 Central Leather 1400 1 71 7 71 71 Cerro de Pasco 7 34 Ches Ohio I 1700 57 1 56 6 4 57 51 c St P 41 Chile Chie Copper 1400 1 17 17 17 Chino Copper 41 41 H 41 Colo F I I o o 48 Crucible Steel 69 63 69 Cuban Cane 32 3 32 31 D I R G. G 4 4 do pfd 7 7 Erie 15 15 15 Distillers Sec 59 4 Ceni Motors G Nor pfd 90 90 G Nor Ore Oo 32 3 32 32 G 43 Cent Electric lOC I I M 1 Marine 23 27 27 4 do pfd pd It Nickel Nickel 31 30 31 4 Int Paper 36 36 35 I I Inspiration 1500 56 56 56 hid Ind Alcohol 1400 1251 Kenn Copper Coppe 6 33 33 33 33 K C Southern 1 IS 18 Lackawanna Steel GOO 84 4 84 34 84 34 Lehigh Valley SS 58 J 58 53 SH Maxwell Motors 31 8 31 30 Vi Miami 29 29 29 M 1 K T 5 6 5 4 5 54 Mo 10 Pacific 23 4 23 23 Mexican Petro 99 I 1 ld alo Steel 2500 53 52 53 Nat Lead 59 59 59 N Y Central 1600 73 2 72 72 Nor Western Nor Pacific 87 87 81 86 SG Nevada evada Con 20 20 20 4 New Haven 38 30 Vi 38 Vt NatI Nat Enamel SOO 52 62 52 U 52 8 41 4 Ontario Sliver Silver Siver 12 12 11 It Ohio Cities Cites Gas 00 37 37 37 Pennsylvania 44 44 H 43 3 P Steel Car 67 4 67 17 7 67 Coal 52 52 52 Reading Heading 93 K 92 9 92 9 Rep Iron Steel 1900 94 9 93 93 Rock Hock Island 23 I Ra Con Ray Itay 25 24 2 24 I Shattuck Arizona Arizona 16 16 i 16 Hi Sloss Sheffield 63 63 6 62 So Pacific WO 83 83 li 83 So Railway 24 23 23 Studebaker 46 6 46 6 46 Sinclair Oil 01 34 3 33 33 Texas Co SOO 11 Tobacco cco Prods 65 64 64 I U Rys pfd 16 16 Union Pacific U S Rubber 2200 60 60 60 U Ti S Steel 2200 IOS Utah Copper 4 I Utah Sees Secs 1003 13 13 13 U S Smelting 43 43 43 U do pfd 1 42 2 4 United Cigars 2600 10 42 2002 42 2 4 42 42 Wilson Packers j 63 63 63 Willys WIs WI's Overland 1600 20 20 20 Wabash A 42 42 U 21 Total sales Bonds NEW YORK CURB CLOSE J. J A. A Hogle Hoglo Co South Main I street furnish the following quotations quotation received over their private wires I Bid Dd I Asked Industrials industrials- Industrials I Air 6 72 Aetna Exp 13 13 4 Amor Amer Marconi 5 5 Chevrolet 15 5 Curtis Aero 39 W 39 Hol Holly Com 30 40 0 I do preferred 90 La Lake ke Torp Torpedo do 4 5 Maxim 4 Sub Sib Boat Boa 16 17 Y United 32 33 U. U S. S Steamship 6 6 61 Wright Martin 10 10 Oils Oils Oils- Barnett Barnett 16 1 I Boston Wyo IS is' is 7 20 Cosden Coden 6 6 I Elk Basin 6 6 4 6 Fed Oil 01 6 2 2 Glenrock 2 H 4 Metro Pete 1 i 4 16 1 1 3 16 Merritt Merrit Oil 01 27 27 M. M 1 W W. 16 Midwest Oil 01 t. t los lii 11 do preferred 1 Ui 1 Hi 4 Northwest 60 62 Okla and lUg 7 1 7 7 71 i Okmulgee 4 74 4 Houston 67 68 Sapulpa SS 85 SS 88 Sequoyah SeQuoah 1 Mining Mining- United Eastern H 3 Butte Bute N. N N Y C Cal 1 and Jerome 1 1 H Ui Caledonia 45 is 45 Cana Canada a Copper 1 B. B 1 16 13 Con Ariz 1 i 2 Con Copper fi 6 4 Davis Dal Daly 5 I 6 Emma Copper 16 18 4 41 4 Howe Sound 4 4 H I. I I Blossom 7 16 16 Kerr Lake 5 G 5 Magna Copper 34 35 I Mason on valO Valley 3 4 2 Old Id 3 35 37 do New 3 3 8 s 8 si 31 Ohio Copper 15 16 Ia Ray Hay I 4 Stewart vart 3 16 Scratch Gray 16 1 Success 8 9 10 io Tonopah Ex 1 1 United Verde 40 40 li Yerington 4 6 G Vilbert 9 10 City Service Com Corn 9 I 03 do referred 74 75 I |