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Show LEGAL J. M. C.KT1.R- C. C. VILSOS CARTER & WILSON, ATT01LNEYS-AT-LAW, Office otbt 1st NaL Bajtk, OS LAI ILilPLL oTREET. C. E. WHITNEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OCiee over 1). 'ireoi.-'i Store, .MAIN SfUEfcT, hAL r LAKL t'lTJ. BATES & OR MS BEE, O.fiS ANO CGuSSUOrtS AT LAW, i At ecu for rurchn.c tml .Sals ofjllnu Ludi, li0. C. ijATMt, ) J. Na.lt Lake City, w mr En!i. y. M. BaurJu KAKLI, &. SMITH, A T T O K N K T 3 AT LAW, ALT USB OITY, Firrt South Street. Room 11 and 12, No Kimball Block. J. B. Roaboroub, S. A. Merritt Rosborough & Merritt, ATTOKNBYB-AT-LAW, Halt Lake City, I'lah Office. 1st Soot)) Street, fint building eaat Detaret Li salt corner. ocl JOKKPII GOHLINKHI, OIVIL liNOINEERi U- S. XLVKRAL AXD DEPUTY SUR-VLl'uKl'Uli SUR-VLl'uKl'Uli UTAH, Offlee: Firrt Sooth Street, aurly opposite bL Muk'a Church. WW. HA TIKIS. & K. GILCHRIST HA y DON &GILCUR1ST, TT0RNEY3 -AT-LAW SALT LAKE CITY. Office over lit National Bank of Utah. 13 0. H. Hempstead, M.Klrkpatrlck, HEMPSTEAD &, KIRKPATRICK, Attomcyi-it-Law, Main Street, opposite Weill, Far go k Co, 6 a LT LAKI CITT. alO BANKERS. SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK tat Lnke CHyi Utah Ter. Authorizod Capital - $500,000 UnJ. . OuHiil, Prttidint. JoacjiU n. Burkctti Caihlcr. HiKTBTaiD A KisxraTBloK, Attorneya, CORRESPONDENTS 1 NIm vnnir J National Park Bank. BOSTON. ..National Uank of North Atno- 'uiICAMfl Third National Bank. Sr. LOUlS.-.Tlnnj National Hank. U.MAUA ..Omaiin National Bank. t , SA N 1'iIANClaCU... National Uold Bank and Trust Co. LU.N LuN...Jay Cook, McCulloch & Co. M8 a7wT WHITE at CO B A N K E B S KAST TUIHPLE STREET, Salt Lake (City. Dealeri In GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION. t'xehnngt on aU ihe Principal Oitie d the United States and Europe; Particular attention given to Collection! aod prooeods remitted at Current rate .of Exohanao on day of payment, UKO. Ji. WU1TISJ1Y, Attorney -WJlUlKtlPONDKMTII flunk of Onllfornia San franciaoo l, Waller . Hew York OhjI County National Bank - - OUlcntro Hiwki.ll Bniik Bt. Louli Bute Bank of Nebnuka - Omaha . yU WELLS, FARGO &, CO.. EXPRESS FORWARDERS Bankers niid Dealers ill Exchange Draft on Karope. European Collection promptly attended to. m it TeiiiU Iftraet, Bait Lak Olty. d)12 Tkio. V. Tiaot. Agent; First National Bank of Utah (SALT LiAKS CITY. a HptcUU Advertisement on Third DESERET National Bank or SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Paid up Capital, - $'200,000. Authorized Capital, $1,000,000. Wu II-HOOTER. President, 1 II S. KLt'llEl'tl K. Vico l'roi"., 1 llllUIHAM VH-.NU, I u .IKNNINOS, VDlreoton. JOHN SHAKl'. 1 j, t. i.irixK, i U. a. ULULS, Caahior, I dial in IHI1.D dvst, rouf, Kxni.mwn, LAM) WAHIIISTS, LEUE St Kll, etc. Collootioua mado nnd promitly remitted. re-mitted. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE INT BREST I'AID ON rtnvlusa X)opoit. n-l M. M. TKVK. W. H. TU, HK3RT M ABTlSt, TRUE, SON &. MARTIN, Real Esiato, Mining and Loan Brokers, V0 KliubnU'a lllotk, S VET LAKE 01 TV, UTAH TERRITORY. lUvil K'lato honeht and n-td: Hmi.'M and St.Ttv rrnliM. ri'nls oi'llwlisi. and all bu.inow c-(i ni-i i-vi wuli real auaie and mmee pruuiL'tly aiit'iiilovl to. iuhl TRUE. SON A MARTIN. "li'lll FIRE-BRICK CO." W. It. flltSlloLM, I C. W. BENNETT, l'(-r.id.Miu I Irua. je toc'y. U m. T. MATLIEWS, SupeiiotcndenL Capttal Stock. fJO.OOO. We uiinut'actur at Salt Lak CiU and Leal. Mko Eire-Bncli, FirvCoaeat. Frvnt Oaud-iTMeod) Buildinx Brick, StOTO Bnck. CruciblM, RetorU.lo.. Ac. J ;,t material not niirawM in any rar( of thcnorlU. W o uo Lolii, Umsliani and otbot V. T. Ma'.hcirji (ho ret int indent b bad - ovit thirlv j.'ar osvt'rionoa n i.v n.r; in .-.ilt l.VMjCtiy. noarJohn-on'JMiii'h''t noarJohn-on'JMiii'h''t W,-rki Oi'i.-o Na IV, .Main i?i;.-ot. vl.- iivnu.-tt'io.co.) ,-ii Iturni.'li KirK-l'-riok n.l all llro m-trri.iL-IuMr'T tii.m :1'"-'" "U1 iiOivt:i.i. and v lioitir uurtliiv. o itii ito all fura.u' min to t'all. rirUricka mad to rlan. Orderi lolicitod. ffbl Our Mr. MATHEWS il ttont iVr S. B, Munson, Juii., & Co.'s IVU-tH 0-rnt -T..-.1 Mot.tlio S'linsti-. Iron Rwiins. r,.rr:i..Hci lnn 1 1 h'.:t'?r". etc, etc. ilaiiuiHnirovUt OlucAfc-o. l.lmoi. e'lA-imcat cn oci at tho office of tbe IvJouirany, wbore eyntracu can bo made-0. made-0. W. BENNETT. Sec. SAN FRANCI8G0 HOTELS' LTclTTro u s e, Ccrnor, MjntsiGry and Sutler Street. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. .The "Lick" oers un5-jrta-el accoffimoda-ti-.a for fo -in-, b..-ir? ecc:ra;;-l',aicd ard aav-in hrn cars fur all i ari ot th city i-ar in? iu d-.jr. l:a tuoiu-i at J suitM are ua-e-iMailed r?,-.:-.,ri. WQ;0 1U L.nin?Uail il acAn.v td-od u. do :ne ai' it lc,-ait room of it.) kind in America, or the Continent. ItA cui5i2e ij iecD J ij no itmu-.i'.n of m kind; every luxury o Uia wuua, prepared by the ab.eat oi co.,ks boine dily ,acod on iu tables, in act Uie"Lici" jirs toLhe r-jtirut a home, whero everj' attention is guaranteed for tGe comfort of iu yu.u that tiia rnc-t carefa) ju ii-ment of en eritneed men in their eereral caJiae, ean azurd. cuiij GHAj3IIOTJKL On Market, Hew iloattomeiT and Second 8-jku, JOHJSSON & Co., roprlsiobj a MORTON HOUSE, POSt STEEr, ABOV; KfcARNtY, SAS FKA.VCISCO. . The best accommodations iruaranteed. Location ecntraL Temii, tt.00 to -J.jO per Day. W. G. Graham. ai r?- l0. rirtrr. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. "macondray dTcOi, Importers of CHINA & JAPAN TEAS, SHIPPING AND . COMMISSION MERCHANTS . 301 and 300 SAN SOME STREET BAN FRANCISCO. We are constantly in receipt of fresh ln-roicea ln-roicea of CHINA and JAPAN TEAS, and all description! of East Ixdia and SiaaiTa Pao- ucca. d8 D ALTON & GRAY, Commission Merchants ! And wholesale doalorsin GREEN AND DiHIED FFUJ: S OF ALL KINDS, Also Produeo, Nun, otc, etc, 401 and tOii utvlt htri-fl, between Washington ami Jacluou, San FrnncUco. CO-OPERATIVE MARBLE WORKS. JOHN DANIEL & CO.. (Successors to 0. Oori.) Manufacturers of and Dealers in Monuments, Headstones, Tombs, MANTEL PIECES TABLE TOPS, CUL'NTER TOPS. PLUMBEH.S' SLABS, IMPoSlNii ti'i'UN ES, Etc, at lowest prices. 1'articalar attention wid to packinn goods for shipmonL Urdori ruapectfally so Lo i tod. 4)41 Pint fit-, bet wren Moiitfromcry nnd licariicy, ban 1'raitclaoo. apil'i JOHNSON & BEST Manufacturers of OFFICK DESKS. HOOK OASFJ?, WRITING T AliLi-S. fiiiOVV UAtiEd, and all kintb of CA1HWET WORK. Orders Bolicitod and satbfaction guaran- toed. W nreranm .'J 1 I lne St H nil ti factory facto-ry 7 17 JlnrkctSt,, ban I raucltcu, airl7 PAPER & ST ATIONERY ' WAREHOUSE. JOHN G HODGE & CO., Importers, Manufacturer;!, and Wholesale Stationers, j Keep a full lino of , STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL B0"KS, PR1NTEUS' STOCK, BU 'K BINDERS' MATERIAL, WRAPPING, BOOK, and NEWS PAPERS, Ac, Ac. Aontfor tho Caroiv Company's superior Lcitor and Flat Puplts, Tho Trado suppliod at loss than Chicago pricod. 3 AT, 340, and 331 Sacramento St., Sun Fritnclsoo. - aprlll Einstein Bro's & Co., Manufacturers and Importers of BOOTS & SHOES, And doalors In LBATLIEK, FINDINGS, Etc., 49 and 31 B ATT Kit Y NTRF.KT, dia SAN FRANCISCO. ESTABLISH KD Importers of Teas, East India goods and general grocertes, 213 aiui 2b Front Street, San Francisco- o'X X. J. WItlFFlTJ i, tii In ' klnda of SALMON AND HERRINGS, IB! WaahlHprtoM 8trt. All klmli of Dried, Smoked aud Plchled rtsb eoiutaDtlyon harnl. I MURPHYRANT&CO. Itnportri of American and Suropoaa (nvle nnd Fancy DRY GOODS, -,YiN FUAMCIMCOr UAL1FOR91A, Call the k' tcntion of t is Tr la to teit tarts and eomi'lete stook of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS' f men tvj are now rwceiTini aireci ir"ia Karvpeaji Manufacturer, comi-risini ia part frtntb Harlno, Wool Satis, Wool Plalil, Frforh wJ iJf:Mi, Irish tad Frnh Tapltna, Enprtil Clnthe, Tamlia, Mack Mid colored, Vlita, Alpaaaa, t4ack and oe)r4 SILKS. VELVETS, RIBBONS ilM QLOVES, KSi. Unci. G,-rlh a '1"'. V i 6ents' Underwp-r Gonts' Furnishing Goods liMliTf.ti-rr'ft in VI il t-rnoh -WhlH (Joo.U, IlmiilkfrclUefr, .jjlallt. -A.tr iJ f' Umuaiht, br. Ivn nnd M vtckad "'"".Tnwtli, Uc- i. T ir. T" rV-.Ai. Eu-Iinklu d Uojrltae, l., JBU., t SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. A. W. WHITE & CO., Comniission Merchants, Aid dealers in all kisdi of GREEN AND DRIKD FRI'ITS, BUTTER, CiiEfciE, hUUS. HAMS, ic-ShippinK ic-ShippinK orders solicited. F- Uat.rt, ) a 04 Waihlnftoa 8l , J.'J.Mijjs, Y ban Franc i.eo. A. W. Uaiitj aprI7 S. P. HOLDEN sTcrXT C0HXISSI0N MERCHANTS, 23 SANSOUE STREET. SAN FRANCISCO. J. BACH. 1 yreaclTO K. 8HI1E. J. BAUM & CO., Importer! and llannlactnreri of MEN'S i BOYS' CLOTHING. 216 A ZD lnom IU, Ian Franclico. No 18 W aiTi Su Now York. & L. A. Sanderson. T- L. Horn. SANDERSON & HORN, Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO, (Proprietors of La Eapanola Cigar Factory.) Sole Manufacturers of tha Celebrated 1 'CHAS. DICKENS' CIGAR 413 FRONT STREET, Between Washington and Claj-. fi Franolsoo. ap26 S. A, llARSU ILL. B01EBT HAIQHT. MARSHALL A H AltJHT, C03IMISSI0N MEROEANTS, And Wholfisals Dealers in EGGS, BUTTER, CHKESE, Et.f 208 and 210 Clay Street, P20 SaNI" RAN CISCO. E. A. FAR CO & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Brandies. Wines Mi Liprs, P. b. vym. 15 BAN T RA NCISOO NOTARIES PUBLIC. NOTARY PUBLIC. HENRY M. TRUE, having been legally appointed Notary Publio by hia Hx-colloncy Hx-colloncy Governor Goo. L. Woods, is now prepared pre-pared to attend to all business conn oc tod with iba Office- Mining couipanias incorporated under tbe lairs of L'tab. SoarchinR of Records, Conveyancing and general Notarial business attondod to with accuracy and dispatch. Ullico hours from 8 a no. until 6 p. in. Office of True, Son A. Martin, at No. iW Kimball Bloos. aprJu CBaS. 1. G0BLD, A, p. OODX.D. A. S.. GOULD & SON, NOTARIES PUBLIC, eommliilontri of Decde, Conveyancer! Conveyan-cer! and Searchers of He cor da. HAVE RESUMED BTJSINESS AND FOR tho presont will occupy as an offico, Room No. 4, ovcrFInt National Bank, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Applications for patents, mining doedi, agreements and bonds for deeds, mortgages, (owors of attorney, loasos, contracts and other Instrumenta of writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch. .Mining and other companies, incorporated under tho laws of Utah. Abstracts of titles to mining and other property prop-erty maae in tho most complete form. All business entrusted to this firm will bo rogardod as strictly private. (ebl3 CHAS. W. fcTAYNKR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified and oom missioned by tho Governor. . , Offico 1st door south of Savage's Photograph Oftilorr, Salt Lake Oil. mi CHEAP QUARTZ ILLS ! I THE PAUL PROCESS. To Parti as desiring ; CHEAP MILLS, IOR Gold and Silver Milling Ores, OR MY SERVICES, t NOTICE IS GIVEN TUXT I AM NOW IN UTAH, to remain till the 2th of May, and can be addressed or consulted at Srringville up to the th; after that, at Salt Lake City. Pamphlets explaining Procoss and Prices can bo had oa application. ALM AKIN B. PAUL. my 10 NOTICE. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY GRAIN, PROVISIONS. Also GRASS., YEU ETAI3L.E mill IIIR1) SEEDS. ANP a full line of GROCERIES. CALL. AND EXAMINE AT Geo.H. Knowlden's- Orp-vit. W.-1K F.rw A CV.. ! WKST SIDK MAIN STRKKT, I Pigs! Pig-s! PigIj ! THE ELEPHANT CORRAL, j th WARD, FOR BALE 1'HEAJP, mj i HOTELS, ETC. AMRICi HOTEL, First Class Quiet House, ONE BLOCK EAfT OF THEATRE. SALI LAKE CITY. Terms, $3.00 pr Day. Weekly aud Table Board al Seasonable Season-able Bate. J. C LITTLE, no21 Proprietor. WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, i UTAH, 'pHIS HOUSE 13 THE LARGEST AND A best appointed House in Utah Territory, and has accommodation for three hundred acd tifty sruttftA. street can acd carriasas connected connect-ed with the White sulphur Uathj. Reading Rooms. conLaiBing papers from all joints. Iittthi, Ear, Telccraph, News and Cigar Stand attached to the lloaia. II. 6. GREELEY, & CO., I nov2l Proprietors. T0WNSEND&0USE, SALT LAKE CITY. THK LKADIMi HOTEL O W UTAH JAMES TOWN8ENO PKOPRIETOlt. This House Is oentrally and pleasantly 1 oated, well furnished, and baa aocomnioda-Uom aocomnioda-Uom for io mesu. THE PROPRIETOR ia now preparing to boildlarte additloai to his Hotel, whieU when finished, will render it the Most Gomplei EttabUthnwnt In the ROCKI MOFMilN REGION mil a. S, EBB. C S. It 1 1. LIB UNION DEPOT HOTEL A3D RAILROAD DINING HALL Situated on Railroad Platform, Junction U. P. and C. P, Railroads, OeiUn, Vtah. marll ERJJ A NELLIS, Proprietors Pulaski Hotel, Known as tho Chicago Restaurant, Opposite tha TJ. T. and' C P. R. K. Depot, OGDEN, Utari. PASSENGERS wjshing to remain over afow days can obtain plediiint rooms and first clais accommodation. Terms $.00 and 93.50 per day. A SAMPLE ROOM attached to the House. Lunch os put up' for passengers. J. H. CZACHERT. apl9 Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS ROUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. myll Washington House NEW ADDITION, ANOTHER 100 NEW SPRING REUS, NEW TAR1F. Third South street, HALT LAKE. CITY Board and Lodging, per Wak So OO to 7 00 Board and Lodging, per day, 1 00 to 1 S Daw Board, per week, fi 00 Beds, per week, - 1 50 to a 50 da, par Wight - 5 lo 50 Heal - - - - 5 Thirty copies Eastern, Western and Local Daily Papers. m GREAT WESTERN HOTEL Second Soutli Street, Salt Lake City, With acapneity for 31 truest. First-class accommodation for families and travelers. Rooms per day from r.Oe to 11. no. Raomtpcr week front tJ. 00 to H 0.00. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Barber shop and Laundry connotod with 1 tho Hotel. Ice for aale. For particulars apply to tho Offico. SMITH . BIGAZK, mylT ProDrietori. I WHO WANTS Fire Brick? Messrs. MORRIS & EVANS Bog to Inform their n n morbus pntrnns ttat they are prepared i 611 all orders for their Celebrated Fire Brio- At their yard io rear of Theatre. Offico near Savat;o's photograph gallery. I'.X). Box 10C5. MORRIS & KVAKS Are also prepared to estimate for tho EUKCTION" OF SMELTERS ROASTERS, CALUf NERS. Ac, and find all materials on tbe sVrten notice. Fire Cement For Taiupioa aUays on hand, arrl? NOTICE. rsT. Thro will bo an ann-ial mfet'nj of tbe f-iia 'Mers 1 the a ve cviapacy I'.eM ni their &: :a KunbAl.s lilo a. en Hnday eioBine, Mar l-lli.iS'J. at I (ci'."'k, for ibe Sear. .r.i frr theVa-; i.::--n of fuh othor L-.-tr.os :ts xw co-.r.c Loiore tho meeting. By order vf tbe U a: i -f l':r t r-ItiOs- U.aKA:-;. aj -1" fc.Tftarv. NEW GROCERY STORE. ROSS COMPANY JJAV1. r-'sr-W-d tt- --k arl jt.-re . ;!h'.-:rri rf S;:;; .v n -r. hw ;:d -.ij a frlccdid :"re-h f ui Lz.juc arilaz:7 GROC ESISS Which Lhey ,-fcr to uiii-s as AS CHEAP AS the oxxinX'ii:?3rr, Q -Mf delirerod ee of charge w all r--? of tkciiy. OiKii lV,isCLLANuUS, BAZAR LA PAR1SIENNE. , JUST hECBIVBD . ! Choice Spring Goods! j ' Finest Styles of I LACE SACKS, F1CUU5 A BIBS, : Lareo varioLT of j Most f imrmliif; Suite aud Walking c o l n ui r m . 1 OPERA fcLOVE OF EVERT ! j SUADE. ; I ELEQAST UNDERWEAR I SUPERIOR HOSIERY, I Superb Collars and Cuff's j FIXE LTXEX, Delicate Embroider lea, Lo Eon Ton HUiU BACK COMBS And ovary fashionable etcetera ui Lno U ardrubo at MISS CANFIELD'S 1U7 Klmb.ll Block. 1 ; Ladies Bazar la Parisienne . 1 1 n 2 1 ? o FOR A GOOD RELIABLE WATCH, A CORRECT TIME KEEPER, GO TO CAUL C. ASMUSSEN, Ojipoilte Pott-Office. Uo will rofund tho mny if any should l'rove to tho contrary. Call and see his fino soloction of ;tho most BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY, A COMPLETE NEW STOCK, Couilmlug of ItroocUea, Knr-rlnga Flngvr-rlntiB, KIuiU, Sleeve. buItoiiii,Haius. rackets. Full Nela, etc., etc, A ri'lendid assortment of LADIES' AND (i NiS' liOLD AND SILVER WATCH:S, American WaUlies n Specialty. A largo and comloto slock aiirays on band. . CAUL C. A3MUSSEX, Oppooito Tost Otlieo.Salt Lake City, Notice All Good loft over one year will bosuld lo defray oii'en$wj. dl.i S TjQ MILD P0WZ3 CURESg innninrTv noMi:oijTJiic srErrFTcs HAVE PROVKP, FKCM TI1K MOST miiide esi'rionco. an emire "iiocew; im-ple im-ple I'MLUi-t E:'-cicnt and ltelinblo. They are ;ho oi.ly nn'.li.'ino i erfccily ft'laided to rorul.ir ii-p fo -i-ni le Ihnl mi't nkes can not ho mud e in mint; them; o bur m low at to bo free fri'iu JnUKtT. and so ei'.icionl u to be alway reli.ihle. They have raided the htch-ot htch-ot riinimtitidntinn from all, and will alwayi render aamfaciii n. Ho. Cents. 1, " Fever. Cncvifinn, Inflimm at inniZ"i 2, Worm. W..ria Forer. Worm Clic.ii 3, 4'ryliiK-C-Uccr teething of InfanU...-' (, Illnrrl.rrn.nrcinldr.in -r Adults 2 5," Dyiftittry, itri; inK. Hilimn Calio...2S iii ' ( li(iltr-1loriiiu, ViMimins ...ii 7, -miuhK. i;., i, Hr.mrhiti? JZ S, ..r.ilslr, r . 1th..-ho. Kieache...-45 9, " lica'tm lit., s.ok Uoadace. orr. in, " ny-j.fi. In. bi!'.i.-:i. S:. marh Z'- 11, " S'ipl't-e-eil. or I'smful Periods i"i 12, luir., t,Kl l-r.ifii-e l'cn..d.. 1 ;t ' Crniip. Cuich. hi:::rult Broathirc !U, " SH Hli runi, K-MielM.Krur-ionta 1-,, KhenmntUn,. Kbi-uma! i- 1'atnl 25 ifl, " rtvtr nd A ue. Chill Fever. Avu-v Wl P. " IMU-, i.;,- j ...r blee Su 16. M iil"'lmj'i ami fre or weai HTft. .VI jo, M'mmrh.,,-." r -hroni' rrfluena-iO Sj, tioojiliig-longti, violent . .1. 1 m - i . '- : '- '.'.'"V"!: iiV; . '""Z. 6 i " tr ll(tinr(;r, airc-1 Z1, " rni'l. elaroi (lisdi. fewcii- ir.--' M i, licntrnl icli,h:y, i.hytical we " Pro'i- ."-"'"'"-V-"?"i"7ril -a" '..".'.."..'. i .. " i-Hii kin,.,.11-irrri. fr ai ridina.. Vi ,l,ln. ,.,i.,,,.r, .,-,iv. " Atr-.ni. ((Mill), Vinlnul ..Nui.-: iL'. flitary Li- ' Snrt'flnntCr'i'-V" V 1 rli,i Htuknu., wrriif hi.V. i-oitiful IVrlf.,1., w:-- nuai,...:" ; -;. SutT. rl..t, --.-.,-c ! , jV , ,, " .- , .-, is-i. t- Viiuj' ' ' K ! .( pfpilw rlH. fr..,k. : j f;v 1 y ui'.s 'On-,. - - - -s 3v ;l;ctIii;; t ' : . V'":l 'f".".V h .. "f t:.., :. r--. : iLe t-rice. Aadrew Hiirnphrys' ! Hc-e-rilhic MedicJne Co. I i K. a:.K I:T LL IiRt tf.,?T3, I Aid w i. uiLf ii.Gv)'! Irag at r. MISCELLANEOUS. H WALLACE, WEOLEtAUJ AND KKTAlL CON F E CTION E R, rirat Somh Street, ll I.he City. FRESH PIES, CAKES. CRACKERS. And CREAM SCARES, EVERY PAY. WEDDING CAKES Mad to Order- TUB HBAVIEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF PUKE i C A N D I E S I THE TERRITORY. Coonlry deaJeri should call and examine, j ORAXllKS AND LEMONS. SpMiial Auenlion i'aid to Orders. SAVE YOUR MONEY By l'urchailng Uie PI IE! UIDERFEEB SEWI5B MACHINE. It will do a'! kinds of work, ruos easier, is more durable and costs from EIGHTEEN TO TIIIHTV-HVE DOLLARS LESS than any other FIKST-CLASS MACHINE. Calder & Careless, General Agents, 31 EAST TEMPLE ST. Whero you will also God tbe LARGEST, LIEBTAND.C HE 4.1'EST Stock of M lineal In.slruincDla io the Trrritory. WATCHES ft JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. BEtlf to iriform the rosidents of Pslt Lalte City and vicinity, that he nnt only ffuarantoos to properly Repair, Clin nnd Adjust Whtehwand Chronometers, bm bo wH make them or any part of them to order, and warrant tho work. Justrocoivod a now supply ot E'pin, Swiff Wafbos, and a fine M ek of lirnt-cla-s tewolry. Pricw 1 u any In town. Two doors Kat of tlio Itoserot Hunk. 14 C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kind! of HEAVY HARDWARr Iron nnd Nfeel, Stoves and Tin Ware LACKIIBlTn TOOL!, AsjTlevltwraJ Inpitnititi Aid Nlalaf Vooli, At L.owt Kitii. OPPOSITB TUB SALT"LAKK IIOl'S MEDICAL. The Human Eye, DC. WILSON, M. I)..Ofuli-t and Aurin, OSice near U'jdbe'e corner over lun-lurd's lun-lurd's Shoe More. apr.T muriiiTEi. il fiTA.ftt i,T 1h IVnn. Medi-il Tni- ver::i'. of Phi Udoli tu. Pa., -i.-n-t Ui icI'Ttn her frirn J n i -I.'- r-'.i? "I t she i- I r"tnrcd r-hei - tlic -i-k and if'i'i"d of b-r w. also children. Fruin oiar TWENTY YKW.S "Y s! CCE.-SFL'L PLA'TICE. She is ijualitioil t - uar "'ir -ni- es'e rf 1--BK ti. Jintr. Obnoterie casec promptly attended. Hvr-rf ia- tum"r, olfrtinate aloerf, tetter. Ot ttaiiflia. rhumaiisui. etc, ot- Ofcoe opposite new Tabernacle, South Temple Street, lull Lake City. anrlS EW MEDICAL WORK! : "The Philosophy of Marriage." rorth Debllltatad Hittmi Hyilfm. I Tf-.tim.. f .- '.-'' tu.j; " !- ' :c-.c-t.i ia r wbj- u- ij --c- I Bf.k iii b ferwilad i k) j o! U SlI br. irte on W (nasal lad by tetwr. 43 MISCELLANEOUS. ,C0AL AND MINING COY. 1 1 il:ps at ErmsUiH ar.d K.x-k Sprites. The Best Coal for Suielwrs, i Smi:hs and Eousehold Purposes, IS F. I V t K 1 15 A T K S. 'i' A. L. MOUSE. lo:i. B. Lyons', tiro d.ir, s. ulh o: -1 I LI' : "T - II I V 2 I ITS m : m dim i - i Hii g d S Ul Silts 0 HI ft iii I a . js 6 " i 1.6 J IRON, STEEL, HAHDWAP, ., STOVES & TINWARE. SCOTT, MJMIM k CO., DEALERS IN WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS, AND ALL KINDS OF FVMNINC TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, rirEA-AM. KINHN OF rilTIN.IN Fi)KFrK.Ari;sA nin.i.s. H A. R. ID W A. H E , millDKN'8 HOKSK & MUMS SHOKS, BELLOWS, ANVILS, ANI OTHKK BLACKSMITH TOOLS, BRASS GOODS, IU'UHKH PACKING. AGENTS FUh Hooker Pump, Tubbs Rope, Fairbanks' Scales.. Fireproof Safes, C. !. Lubricating CM. Hercules Powder, AM. LOW FOR CASH Have rll m !" ill r tl Ktmp, iul are ireinrcl t u lu nil kimlBur Sheet Iton & Tin Work, Promptly and at reasonable rmc. W EAST T LMl'LK ; or MAIN bl IU.I.T. d I e s t m -sr THE FAVORITE 0 11 in AN 1 T ii c In! 'jitinc is the opitiicn of I'hof. C .1. Tlj'iinas, who lu tiiirty-iiD'- y far.-' pit n-ri' ni i aa a Munician, LBdiT of Orctictraa and Choirs io Kurope aod America : Salt Lake Cut, U. T., MR. C. W. tjTAYM It, Hiring an cxi cricnce of thirty-me thirty-me j"ir- a- a M'l-H'iao, a er"at fiiarr -t wl ifjh tiirjr 1 hnvr, tfi-n L"h'lcr of tfrli' -trft" arid t h'nn in Kuropc and America, and U'lne HoiiotUd by yn t" asfl wy judr rri'-nt OD the " k.U'j Ort arja," lT which y u arc aprot, aod bavirtir tri'-d and cxaruiDed them thor-oi-h;y, 1 orind'ifriily r'-commend tln-m to i h1 GHvn ol thi I'.'rni"ry.)'ir tl" -if Sri-FR'f.a I"NPt the OX .) KM.ANTF. I riCiMT a tiri ni.itati'nj of tNc f'lfr Or- ! rar th'ir m" f-M'inTH Af'Tl"S aryt , I F.J.If AT It T'-irn, y.y-VA.lf-'T. ! W op.K'MN--llil'ir ih"rf 'o.s-fF.r'-non I and th'ir i.f.sf.hai, iUi.iA ;v .mik- i 'fie th'TD ALL tiia" nan UK d' -i"'d io i "Jrt'ir M-li-r f--r CrnTh r i'ar.or. Y',nrp rc-p''"f . J. J IIOMA.-", (f.nd'j':tr of Tli'-airiuai Orel.''-1 ra. w. C1' rA 'h Orram-T'ia will it- mt It, i,jy oi-e. , C1IAS. W. bTAY.NLl!, nF.'.lilULA'.i.M F RI IAH, No. 5Ma0 Mre. Nert t-aTe'i 0 al I T7. BUl LaJi ClLJT I ; AilSCELLAiHECUS. i u, I. m.. ; v, a. c urstrn i Pacific Assay Office. I .i. A -; . s;rt. Mi! I TIN, unuitim jtiasliuiiisiatuii'liimiiiug, A., Mr.,.,,;:'.,,. :,n. A11TC11LLL i .IA.MKS, 225. O. X. GHANDOPENING OK Paiis, Loaoan ai New Yo;k FASHION , Ladies Jiafs and liounels Un oth; KechciThe Hoods, MBS. COLEBHOOK'S TEMPLE, FASHION, opposite bishop m xrrn-3. 3)111 .) LUMBER YARD. All Kinds of I.iimiIi. - ooons, winpohs BLINDS, MOCLPl.NliS. dliLNOLKS, LATHS, JONES i rORiViAN. H:f(iJfilt LMitt, 33 lVInin (.Jitooti StUt Itilio City, Contract r.f tint erect kiii uf ST A. II E Mik.LS, IvSMl-LlTXti Fl'UN Ai'Ks OiMI'LKl K In any ol ,tlie tiiiiiinK litri.-i f L'uh. AiioiiL- lur tlio lullon mt; Minintneturoii; Unot'd Knfiiiy Hi:i, t;(,w..r, lihiLo Kn.iuhf.' (,.Hm i ,,,1,,, Ai'w l mk nu K ).(. l'l 'k Cy. ruinii-l li:til I i '.,,- HMl.k, and immiiK mi.m .i-i.,t.. v t u.anu-fji'toiy u.anu-fji'toiy juiL-.n, l'i. it l.i udded. (?oio .ta-.i..r tho COUNCIL It I. I! ',s 1 ()N W UHK, iiuiiiuiri.-int.-ri t.f ah kindu ul AJauinm ii ui d Citftuu M to oidur. ATLAS ikon ni;;;s,. illim;ao- lurtT ul Hin Air ttAKi i-umaooa and Kiilliut; M .uLiufi j . U I LCA .-i I h.V M hlsiiiSL t:i., cel. uinau-d Cilaic Lnn,,.- m,,! J(ui-cm J(ui-cm and Cuw 7,n-ni nuw iu use. iStLick on huiiij fur ini Lucdiato delivery. de-livery. T, R. I'CLLIS HKO , tf( L..i3i , .uii,uiei.;! ii- ..i i.. n iT niiM, Chj h, At'., Ii r lnjiidiiiK-, (uiii tliuiimcnial .Itt'U W Ulk. 11 Ul, ilLU. M.l.-.M.mu. ,..il r.,.,flUI.1(f U(l,e UolllHrir JiallJ'uhcrlztT I it .Ti I,m. . ,.r.-- iIm. ill .-rurh IMIM',1 II- I- M ,,,... , ,,.,!, i.k. ui oi Pi' i..-. Hn 1 i i, I ! ,i, ImI, I'ulr.l flly, il..i-.l.., ii. il IlKirt., li,n. aprlN AMERICAN I'lMMIiLIORroillilUN Chip One : V I tank in Ath-b, NT. Mil 1W, IU it. CAPITAL, C :0O.O00. L 1 M 1 'I . 'i. ui I it I. it i, I 111 SVY r v, ii.hj.. . .),..,,, I ; w ;.' ,i i av . ' W ii i , V, I,. . ...piHii nr.-i 'Jr--fuif. 1 .- A I ! I ' 1 - I M I I ' iK 1 I US is I K..i,dM ..r l. n. on I ii I ).. hi,r,tr l-t '-t'lUipp uf Un iiii-i will it tint-, i- a i-nl "j I.T- I r n i I.. I 1 .r-t ' ." a : Jn- v.ir 1 r-.! 1 ar.J - ai-! ! ; -f rr- -n Chi-JjI iii'M ; "- 1" il- ' allowed en i'Mri k A' - uM, aolicitl. 'J ),.. !i ifjiM. ' I 1 1..' ' '.rj i at ' t) is ilbihu-'I by lh- :,.' -,ti.m.,. 1 Dllll (1 Oil J. .11- .J j I - -!-. n - .r f ij.- 1 . t . ., , i" 7''- ' v,' .' (e , " Mi-" .ii )'.' i !''!. J f' !.( ' ' l. i' P Tin J.ai.K , r riH. l it h .. it... L I'" "I'HI I'ip.M L'.bil . , 1 1.' ' T rm . v, .,, . rgT rift V. V. f I". ' r r. V r ! . J, ,', Sa ir.c I '.. ! r V. m t fU I, Oil i.i- i.aiib , ui', '-' rlj I " v 1 1, 4 1 i it. l-.l |