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Show I NIGHT REPORT. j FOREIGN. Viisni. ' Yies.-.a, 10. The con:ercial crisis ! was l.cil ir. character, ar.d erew out o: d::--fci.r:a.::.-n iii rcrd 10 roe security 1 ; mcvt -Za ue iirc'. by u.e Kiicc'-.-i. j Ih c.iiry cuci o-l, and uie . v. -ru :-- -.r.rr day. 1 I Tie r.-LCu pi vVa. w.il leave f-r 1 T- '.h i-morrow, accompanied by ! fr-lzc Aricar. S-rTcr1. prr.-i-ert barter of ihs cvy hae subsL-riN-i linO t-0 dorms to p.-p the :i'Cfc martci, and Lhe Ansthii .niiitjr of rsiZ.oe. by as asreemer-t i:n us N -iii-T.il Baii, has iacreasoQ me iLiiu ';aO ioniia. British Stm. IiOdoB 10. A ere was dUOTffred to-dv, to-dv, vn the lr;iisii iron eteamatip Acin-. o-urt. '1 com part ai en in w-ich ve ire orieinaied waj d-.v'ded ; tne extent of the dainaire i not known. London, la An oiSeial inquiry into the ios of the steam-hip A:ianiic was I opened to-day, in Liverpool, lstnay, 1 one of the aJts, tetiLea that 6ha lef. , port witQ -j wds of cosd, and provia-ioa provia-ioa it thirty-two days, independent ot tre cab.n store?. B. dwell and Xoyes, of bank of England Eng-land forgery notoriety. Bad another examination ex-amination to-dav. at the Mansion House. It is said ihev w uh to turn queea's t-idocca t-idocca Tae Carlist committee in the city report re-port that IV.n AipaoEfO is in front of Iniald; taba'is before ilanreia, and Trirtny, a: Keno, each with a i&rge force, ir. Geriuauj-. Berlin 10. It is denied that penera Manteufell will be appointed ambassador ambassa-dor at (Paris, upon the evacuation of french territory by tha German uoops, -lhe Spaniah Civil War. Madrid, 10. Saballs, the Carlist leader, lea-der, recently shot one of the officers who, he learned, was about to surrender. surren-der. A severe conflict has taken place be tween the Carlist band under Don A:phonzoand the Republicans, resulting result-ing in the total defeat of the former; sixty-live Carlist; being killed and many wounded. Information has been received receiv-ed at tee war odice' of the 3el'eat of the Oariiats in a number of small engagements. engage-ments. Several priests bare been arrested in Madrid, on a charge of advocating the cause of Don Carlos. j Madrid, 10, evening. Tne returns of I the voting to-day in Madrid and the provinces, for tae electoral bureau, are in favor of the federal republicans. Britain Hnklng Dominica Com to 11 me. Hew York, 10. London papers contain con-tain the particulars of the complete satisfaction sat-isfaction given by the Dominican government, gov-ernment, for the insult o tiered to the British flag in February last, when three political refugees were taken by force out of the vice-consul's home at Puerte Plata. Under a domand and threat made by the commander of ber majesty's ship JV'iobe, president Bae z ordered the prisoners to be set at liberty, and that the governor reuoist the consular tlag, and tire a salute of twenty-one guns; all of which was duly donii, and gives great satisfaction to the foreign residents of the island. |