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Show I by VV. L. Telecrapb.l t HAMK LYING IX STATE. New York, M. At a o'clock this mornir.e the remain' ol Chae wi re re I moved from the residence of m. S. Lloyt, at 4th VYect ...ii ptrct, where! he died, to t"t. Ororec ? chvir?!,, iu Sluyvesant fjnan, Stephen H. iUK, rector, whro they remained ili state f om the opening ot the edifice at -..until ) p. m. Ibe casket in which the remains re&t is of rosewood ornamented orna-mented wuh Mlver handles. At the1 head, fbot acd fides it is adorn. d wuh wreaih ot delicate whi;e and tuie nes an 1 a crosa- ot white jwers rei 03 i hi- lowvr etid cf the i,J, X i.e dai o. wok'U tr,o ea-ktt r?: is !. iv.. I il r .i O'l in f aft f vji. r t np in i Lrct j :c?;ocu -it, the .-. :i I; i... U a -p- u d a.- niry b.ck Tu.ia i l .-.e h-tid of tfiC ca i? I'lac. d toward ihe cLirat.cc ot tt.e bji.uisjr. I !-.e entrance en-trance to the Ciiurci, tor t pj :.; vLi de.-ircd to v.Lw tbe rci.-.:..-, wi-thro-trh a s;je dcor, thiLca to tte e;-.ac(x-i pas;ng d.iwn t:,e c-i'Dirc ai-li on enr.or -Pie cl the dai or, Wutcn tl.t c-sct ret-. harly at iba ciiuroti door were opened, there wa? a row o: carriatei in Iront cuntaiG;ca ladies na gcobemcQ waiLiEg Kuuiiuoe to ute a ioji at the lave of ihe dead jarisr. I'ar.ne id-- aitcrnovu, cainagea drove up t y ten church dixr ia an almost ; ountiEuouMine Irom which issued em-icent em-icent cttueos aei elegmntiy dressed Itdies who pasfd through the church. i toot a look at the features of the dead, i aod quietiy drove away. There were lot.' pojeemen t'reent to preserve order or-der and place ihe peopie in line so that ! no nnsoemiy ?ccne in the charvhhould take pisM. A:-I c-'cioek the ide en-i trance to i.o ei.urch was closed and, do more pec;-!c were admitted and as I .-oen a- tnc.-a ioiide passed out the i front doors were ciessd. |