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Show D. R Allsk's Bmnd of Flour at (Jeo. SianwariDg i. Wirrn'.d and delivered, de-livered, tf Tvpos. I). T. U., 115, meeta at 12:30 Ic-day, in Morgan's Commercial College. J. K. Evas 3, Sec'y. Sua Kldhkloc Bros Bar Ike ninl nd express notice, in another ' column. a-5 " Kkuovid. Newman d; Co'a Wood Yard, to centra of irt block south-p&st i if dpt, nf&r Suit Lke Cracker Fac-torv. Fac-torv. Jyate order wiih W. W. Fange nt Foil Otfice. L'fs if ?. other but Giiibxhdilxi'b ttAGLK CHOCOLATE. 7 Centre Ornament for ceiling, different dif-ferent dfignj, manufactured by James WvalL. plain and ornamental PlMterer, Kirn Kaat street, near .'corner of Second South. H Cham;s IiUTTEB, at myl') Geo. Manwaring'8 A Car Load of California wine and ale just received cheap at tiangio'i. Fob a nice breakfaet or an elogant Frf-ncta Dinner to the Delinonico. al6 S' Roi.l Sawing. All kinds of fancy BrackeU on band, and made to order, at Latimer, Taylor & Co' a. my 10 Walnut Lumker t at H. Din-woodoy's. Din-woodoy's. ' ma4 Fresh Arrival of M. Keller's celebrated cele-brated Winos and Brandy, at Morton's Old City Li'iuor Store, corner south of Wulkor Kro my7 Arrival of latest spiing stylo of IlftU, Tius ana Suits, at ni'21 Skioel Bros. Mai.lory'; Select Oysters in every style, or by Hie can, at tho Uelmonico. alti CniNA, crockory and glassware, at Barratt's. m28 Furniture; an immense stock, at ltnrratl'8. m28 Ask your grocer lor Ghirardolli's CUOCOLATS and COCOA. d6 will sell, for ono month, Tents and Wngou Covers cheaper than they ran bo bought anywhere in this city. T. Curtis, '2d Soutli-sU, oppoaito Commercial. Com-mercial. m Har llxtures and hotel ware, at, Harrull'B. ui-t Tits New aortuiont of Parlor and IWdivoni Furniture, at U. Dinwoodey'i, in vory cheap, and those wishing to puri'lmso will lind it to thoir interests to givf him a call. mS T'ie r-iLT Lake Iron Company are l-ivimr iii for gtvj old ost iron, at their work, ono block south of the dopot. Bring your iron in and exchange it for money. . myS A Contract to let for 3,OuO ties, six inches wide, four inches thick, and six feet long, to be delivered in the city. Appiy to Win. W. Kiter, Supu S.L.C.H.K. Office, 1U7 Kimball Block. a24 Hotel so Kest. Apply at the a24 Colorado HouiO. Soconusco'Cbocolatr is tho best in tho world. Use Ghirardelli's. 8 Ladies call on Geo. Jlanwaring for your Groceries and Provisions, you will be well served. myJO ' The Thoroughbred Stallion "Wao-oner," "Wao-oner," f 104 hands high; 1.3001bs.; mahogany ma-hogany bay,) stands at Wit lard & Jackson's Jack-son's stable, Salt Lake City, until July 1st. Tonus reasonable. B24 Kigbv & Wtaito. Gas Notu'K. Parties wishing Ga supplied in their building, arc hereby noli tied, that tho uudoriguid are prepared pre-pared with a full stock of 1'ipinir, ChsnJelier, etc., and are enabled lo do work at tho lowest rat-.-. All work warranted and full snti.-iViction guaranteed. guaran-teed. E. lissE cc Co. ap-t t m Get tour g.od Horse shod by Wm. Dowliog, at Sayles ii Fralick's shop. ma4 Plows cheap at alO Taylor & Cutler's. Leave orders for Newman & Co.'s Stove Cord and Kindling Wood, with W. W. Funge, at the officoof the Vandyke Van-dyke Coal company, in the Post Office, or order box same place. ali-t Just Arrived at Joelson's, Groes-beck's Groes-beck's block, two car loads of splendid Parlor and Bedroom Sets. my 6 Grand Opon in g of the Antelope liesturant. Old 3Jan Fisher at the Wheel, tho "Bijou " Keslurant of tho city. Choice moats, game, liah, fowl, and ovsters always on hand. The finest bill ot1 fare over presented in Salt Lake city. Oysters in metropolitan style. Second South street, nvo doors weet of Cunnington's Klephant Store. Coma one; come all; And come early. a20 C. W. Statner, m'28 Agent, Table Cutlery and silverware, at Barratt's. m'28 Babt Carriages, for sale by H. Dinwoodey. mar29 Geo. Bhowbll, Scavenger for the City. o2 Foa the Statf oj Life, aiso cakes buns, crackers, and pure home made candy, wholesale and retail, go to the GLUBE BAKERY. ja23 Cokb. Messrs. Durant & Cutting, dealers in pure Connellsville coke, hold themselves ready to supply demands and fill orders for the article, with promptness aud correctness. They are live, enterprising, reliable business men. See their advertisement. Mattrasses and Pillows, all kinds, at Barratt's. w2$ Examine C. K. Barratt's stock before purchasing m-8 M U SIC SCHO O L. HcHdainca McCARTHER A BROWN HAVING opened a Music School, will giro lesions on l'iano yrgan. llarii and Guitar. 1'a-ticular attention will bo iaid 10 tho L'ultivmion ol tho vuico, and singing m Italian and Entlisb. Kcsidence at the house of John W. Young, Esq., opposite City Hall. ai FKANKFL'LLEU. JAMES M. SMITH, V. UL'KL UAHKEEL rE TJNDE11SIGNED ARE PREPARED to Buy and Soil Real K;Uto on , Com mission, mis-sion, and to negotiate Loans. Five doora north of Post Office. FELLER, (SMITH & 1URUER- HEW YORK TRADE. BENEDICT. HALL & Co. Manofftoturen and Wholesale Dealer In SOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand Bt,, Mew York, Jam or CTesbj. one block east of Broadway dl ; THOS. M. AR6ALL & Co., Hen'a, Touthi' Boya'and ChUdren'a! CLOTHING, AT WHOLES ALB, 113311 Brokdwan Haw York. t. onwLBj V7 JEHIAL READ & Co., Mannfaotn.-eti and Wkoleaale Dealers io rTR AND WOOL HATS, Straw Ooodi, Umbrellas, tct o408, Broidwun NEW YORK; lo. Jim Han .at. j L. M. BATES & CO., t - roadwtr, H1W YORK, iMPOBTaai An naaias n D ancy Dry tioous, HOHIBKV, WHITS SOOD3, M'lOi.KS, SHAWI.S, iAMKBl A'OllOSS, 111. BV LOEH. jo! PES MOIWES TRUDE. DZS MOINES Scale Company j., . F. R. WEST, Preident. fp B.F. SP0FE0RD. Vice-P't- B GEO. A- JEWETT, Soot'y. LjJ--jiBl W. BEDHEAD, Treasurer Uisfi!;"3, s- niTcncocK, sup'u WM. D-CI1ERS0N, General Acent. We are manufacturinit, and ran fill ordon on short notice, the following: Hay, Coal and Stock Scales RAILROAD, Warehouse- & Counter Scales WHEAT OR HOPPKR SCALES 1 ! FLOl'H AND BlTtHRBS' RUAn Bftsigac; and ffrhi)on Ttnrki. Erery article warrartod durable and accarau. SCALES OP ALL KINDS REPAIRED. Address, for Cir-alar. DEI HOMES SCAT.K CO., Do38 Ie Moifl. Iowa. ft. E. ROBERTS sjCO., Manufacturers of SCHOOL furniture:, "mCE PKKS. ! CHURCH. HALL, AS L CuL'P.T H-jUS SEATS . DES MOINES, IOWA. B;arkll Liquid 5;at:af ad Black FarJ 1 Orien ':ivltA Soi '-.r Il!ujtrat-I Cathiafii Pocai-sk First National Bank OIF UTAH:, ALT LARK CITY DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FIN AN DIAL AGENT OK THE UNITED STATES. Wiuh HrsBiT, President Avthovt &ODBB, Oaekiflr. Autnorlaert Capital, - - S3u0,0t)9 PA1D UP CAPITAL., . tlSO.OUO. KAKNINQS, - 13tt,UUU. Dividend in IC7I, 50 per cent. Oldest Banking Inst Uu turn m Utahf .A. CTMril HunkiDB Humnuaa 'rranaiirU'd. A-iKN- li.t IN OnlJiHAIm AS MONTANA. CQLliCIIOhS PHOMPTIY ATTtNDLO 70. INTKKIfST ALLOWED UN .T1MB DKPVisiT-; HENRY WAG EN ER, Hm.it LakeCltyr t'tavh, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAUF.R BKKB, ALE AiiU fOBTKR, wuoLaaiLi mr arraiL, SECOND SOUTH STRNKT, thre doon. on it Klopban tfrtore. net Ui NOTICE. 'VHE UNKNOWN OTV)H.-i i.flVIVE 1 U-.ocri.: Kiftv (..,! in tl,.-.., 4 liarinor iflo. ar.a C.ur ll.ir.! i- l--i IE ihc'Tj !.a : f I'-lc -ill Vc D ti.al e have d'.nr- ll,...r 'n th a- if unu I n;inr to tho aui'-ufit -f i Tie li-in irpd i f M" Ii..(inr ear h. 1 fao snrac hrir.e dl ;:n 1 (. -n . '.h asd eichi -1 "-Itirj rent i 0 jt'ii!l1Bfi v. -aid r!;.--;-. L. , r,g r :- Aj n.; y. t xu'-. Terr. i -tt. A:. I j '.'j a:,d -)-ti '. ) oi. a.-9 Lr'il.7 cntiwd I', i nj- ) '.ur I- r-.n ,n a -,ce flatnd, wo, hm dilc v ' ' ' is !r. in d t of ttit coiioa, Ui A. u fi.to '.. at hiut Lake t-ity. H KN K V " u L, S a- tVAN. SiLT Lai C "7. a eclt-'i. Jfi NOTICE. Q H. S'VKKIMAV WII 1, J I.i A-K -"B t '7 (.'' '."T ' rioVv I,.".,-: .,. J Lt-J. L'ftli- C-.:t-r--. .1 li'ifir-. 1 I,a- C .T.---.1 nb i-rr.l.ji.. 1 ;, -. ar- ' '? " . : l u L'a... -it. J. A " M'Y.. in t:', mvfl J'"T K t t,,.,;"TI. AM"-. . WM LANAKAN I SON, DumuLJtfcs and joniniw or RYE WHISKEYS, W.r.bni Ra. 10 1.1, hi Jiir..(t Ai.VlOB.K. l OLD VALLEYa - G ?aae. S.!S".E AG:N1S. SALT LAKE C! Y. We hav o e.'W in St -ck :o or' r-;-!1 01T Bourbon Whiskies .dn-irtirip ul" olp;ckov hkrmita0k, g. w. taylou, K. C. KKRRY, A FULL LINE OF EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE LIQUOR TRADE. For sale low ami ou liberal l eim -It c.'si n.-Uiiii. to iniiwy.HLV.'fca I'le vp rTAinlnr out Ciood-i and l'l lrn bcfori- pur. limlufi tl.cwlm c. ST. LOUIS TRADE. ' M Lcais Stsijicfi Ccaipmy, COKNKK or CASS AVKNXE AND SECOND STKEKI. ST. LOUIS- MANUFACTURE PLAIN AND TINNED IRON, Pressed, Stamped, Pianhed, Japanned Japan-ned and Gat van ned T I N -V A. K K . Also a full assortment of Tinners' Stampsd Materials Constantly on hand. A full KAne of our Manufactured tiooils can ihvyi be found at the nitrtroouu of Z. O. 3E. I., SALT LAKE OTV, t'TAfl. SPECIALJLAVORINGS, VANILLA, LEMON, KTC, For Flavoring Ire Cream, Cakes and Wiry. "Willi prosit csirc, by n new pr-nccs, wccMmcl from the tn- n-loi'l l-'rn,! and Aromatiis, each rlninicu-risilc vor, titid prinluoe iTiN" '(:. of' i-t ejxUn,Ct Of great $tn tiytfi ond ; v rl W purity, yo jvii"i$ Jr ty jLii-.t as rfprrseutai. dr,it-tn.-h l tit's full vien.nire, hMinq om-hulf more tiii of '-' if purporting to tame quantity. Vic in once, iril use ro oV.tr. 77m tjc dehrate, drfinovs flavors cr.-r male. So ?iiH.'rior lo Iho chciip oxlnulo. A-k fur lr. I'rico's Special riiivoriups. Msum fiictua'd only by STEELE c PRICE, bepols, CH1CAUO uiulST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of 7'r. IVies CmnR Hiding iViw'cr. BSSOIBI SWT! UTIHY. Legalized by State Autltority aud Drawn iu Public in St. Liuiis. Grand Single Number Scheme, 50,000 NUMBERS. Gla.aa K, to be Drawn INny 31, 11 J. 5,880 Prizes, Amounting to fOU.lHH) X prtue o( 'VO.OItO aOOprltMOft 1 OU 1 jiriM ol la. .'VO VyrUimol l.MOti 1 pr t nf 1(1,01111 Vj.iir..or XIU 1 pnu of 7,aitu Vrifnf .11111 (.r-iciol ft. OlMI 0 ith, uf Wli 4j,rlTof ,3tMl! jninuwnl IW an .mm ot i.o on an i ?...of i a o U.rifiof MH lh rir.-.nl I UU 1 40 irlrrf of '430 S.IHIC y, ,.f 111 Ticket a, III). 11 air 1 li km, t. Unitrtcra. I'J.&U. 1. Onr Inttriw tr flmrl-ri-l l-i t1i Platf ar in uo.lt r tlir -u .Tt i-i.'U 1 '-..rn r i"iii' f - Tl.r official tlrawli'K "ill If j-nl-llfLiJ Iii Pi U-nlf r. ami a eojJ o i.riqg H Ar Wr mil iIikw a ulunlaf cliRm- Ibe lui daj f Tt-ry nn-olli 'IuMdk Utr ) J k". lUmlt it unr n- l.j rm-T nrriCI M iN FT OKPKHH, KKUIH1 HIKI' LKTJ h 11 DltAFT. c- KM-KKpH ' '1 li.l .rlrrular. A'l-dr A'l-dr r IKK V. NILIHI A q.. Offi' c Hot .1'. l. .MO. ' uivJT 'AilTertiitiB jr Iho Oil wdi -h wi moo i(j Dtboir Lamn. Muhkks 1'H ivt.Kii. L P. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG Cil.ll ';I1MA .'-rUl.KT, 8AN( FRANCISO, K' lii-in ATtrliifinor!" anil fjuUeriptiuni ir tia Salt Lake Daily and Semi Weekly Herald Am r.r -T ,,''-! in r- f rr.ia. "rr-e "rr-e n ar J Nn- - i a".n.f.-n. 1 !-L. I I.'..: a. C t r.i i Ar.. h a: 'I a I. --.r.1 -,: J.'i'ij l-l!.- K H. I:: I V -r... y-t J'' ''--"" I'""1'' ma. Valpara.-... .la. an ai.J '-a; N .. -m .j ..'r .-. t io. 0 Allai.uc &;aiet aiid Lur.i-. ADVKKTISIN'l j j rrml ro at.T D" Vnini: JiaaM-v,,.. .i.a:.,-.,.,l k.-i-u a-; r,., ii u r j- a I n (.-!., 1, w .a.-l I- a- 7 fai..r, . il. , .J , . i. .f . A;.tl ir.'bio af.:'-. il ai. O-Mi a". i: tm- -yj-.v r - vrr. -, ; ".( K.-n u (,,. .-1 t "n't- 1 --"' .;,;,r');"'.' 'r ' "'"r "' ,' ' .'. IM WOT.nl I''-" AdTtrlUi roar Dmldfit. g(,p jour nam t fnra flir f'uljtlt JmlU W.... AriitrlMnf mill Innirt """ IfBualnt! Unll, Adirrlltt. I tlnalnaa la Hrlak. Ar(rllu. r 1 r,i sxan h- di-Jr. t to in arlvr wt,;t Ix v i&fj ir-i,r,rn.ij. w,:b lb kmlJ, mUi u.ai W.t w4vtrukIaV Brpirs! Biiixa! Birciis LIi!DELfFuROl' GKNT-' CLOTHINli, LKV GOOi S BLi.NK.ErS md NOTIONS, REGARDLESS COST. Iscj hvt, re-'intj a f;.ar:i lie STAPLE & FANCY- GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. CHEAPER than the CHEAPEST, lV-'t ihe c.a-A. A 1'KW Ul'v.K .0:.t;i.vu;e j'ol ut t M. T. BURCESS, Civil Engineer tnd U. S. Mineral Suryfor, Will rriar tV.- Jr-f-'.-.-f lVfr- Ii- BEAR LAKE 1U1L i EXPRESS LINE . Eldredg? B-o's Express, ll'NMXi5 rM!-W;'t'Kl.V l.TUCKX U Lr.-!.-Ti. U -n-.ir . Sl fh.-iris. l-'uht'' TUhW,-. ;' nr.r'iTH WarVin fldSuhJa.vs; U'e i uiv-a. f a:.'-i tnJa. Oi ks-Ba ill .V MdMiaLi-i. UvU-i. llvans-iob.VT. llvans-iob.VT. a., 8. F. CULfi'EB & CO,, GHUtUKlK BLUl'a, GIlOClilllES AT Wltulesiile mill Ktlnll, Vll)OW CliVSS Of all Sits- No ohar.-o lor tl rriso to my jfuai', LM1L1MI AMI A M IlKU'A H VARNISHES Of all Kind. Best Linsotd Oil Putty. Fauiil;ai eu)ilio.t with UKOCKIUKS at r- .liuOtvl 1'llOLVJ. Rotl. Whilo, Who, YoU.-n-. Oratico. I'rrl, Vu'loi. tiroon iituL liarnrt Mlcil ;ui i-iit i ii r.Mi,-- iiuos, Ur Churohoa, oto. r KST1JM AT;KS O l.V K N. ni'-j 1873. Z. C. Ki. '!. Our Smok of ttic Si u-otiulilo I'reiw Goods in tlio New Slia-l-t ha.s nnivi'il, ami U oflereil liir liispeeiion ami Sain. liit'cili utd CkFlimere. SUITS, hi Liii- ii urnJ A I'irih, SHAWLS, III ail Bppmvr ti iyl)od. SILKS, I' jHurpachefl in Kv' lienor, Qui'ity saD'i J'nt'. GLOVES :in kii, lili;i.f jcoimav A i.J tho Ci.M.UUM I f l-AIlll-Af. K i.l.'iTR4. HOSIERY. hA I'll;-. Ml- i: . A l t'HI l.PJ'.KVS Vi'r jii t!j- phh:i fiir t.'va UytiD'J no; ii Ctii .'ijj. RETAIL DillT OOCDS D E P A RT r.T ?7 "IT. |