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Show Ten companies of the 4th U. S- infantry, in-fantry, about 500 strong, commanded by colonol Flint, arrived at St Louis Friday night from Little Rook. They left by the Missouri Pacific road for Omaha. Colonel Flint is ordered to report, to general Ord at Omaha, but it is supposed his command is destined for the Modoc oountry. t Jaf. Gannon, formerly a detective officer, on Friday ntuht, assaulted A. Georgo, editor of tho San Francisco Post, struck him in the faoe, and drew a pistol. Tho bystanders disarmed Gannon, A warrant was issued for his arrest for assault to murder. Gannon's Gan-non's pretended provocation h tho policy course of tho Post in reference to chief Crawley. Wm. II. Knight, baggage master of tho Midland and Oswego railroad company, com-pany, who absconded with a considerable consider-able amount of tho company's funds, and a young married woman of Washington, Wash-ington, has been arreated in Harris-burg, Harris-burg, Pa. Reinforcements havo been sent to the Spanish troops at Navarro. The olhcial report of tho engagement with Dorrigaway, at Navarre, says six republicans re-publicans were killed and 114 wounded. Another oooouot places the number killed alone at 200. Henry H. Conkling, absconding secretary sec-retary of tho New York Market savings sav-ings bank, hu returned to that city under promise of imrnuoity from pros- i ecutioD to testily in a pending railroad suit. He says Geo. Bell is the man who accompanied him to Canada and relieved him of threo thousand dollars. He expressed surprise at finding Van Name, president of tho bank, in prison, and announced tho determination to etr'ect his release. CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA Hffienuii'i Genuine Cod Liver Oil Our Cod Liver Oil is warranted pure NEW tOlMJl.A.Nb utL. ll has aloud tlio test ovof twenty years' oniierienoo. and can bo relied on in every particular. Mamifiiclurod by UttiEiu.i i Co.. Ch.'UiiLs and Urastisu, Iow lurk, acd sold ly all Liruturbu. OJ-l W. 8. TRE8COTT Is the Aro tit f.jr QR, HALL'S GUIDE BOARD TO HEALTH Fur vtaii. A' K.fTH WutTRD. Address P. 0. Box 8i, flalt Lake City. myj |