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Show In .llfmory of Chaac. New York, 10. The Ubase funeral ceremonies commenced at 6, Dr. Tyng reading the tlpiscopal service. The attendance at-tendance was very Jurgo. The remains, this evening were escorted to the Washington Wash-ington trnin. On arriving at the capital capi-tal they will be placed in the supreme cwurt room. On Monday Dr. Titian; will preach the sermon, and the remains will be taken to Oak Hill cemetery. All. the departments are closed, and nagi at half mast- The pall-beiirers of Chase were : Hamilton Ham-ilton inso, Irwin McDonald, Wm F. I bherman, tierritt Srmth, Win. CuMen Br; a ut. Mayor II a vein eyer, Gideon Wolls, Biram Barmy, W. AI. Evarts, J. J. k-iiico, Chas. (J Conner and White-low White-low lie;d. Cincinnati, 10. At a bar meeting, today to-day addresses woro made by judge Matthews, Uoq, Henry Sianberry, F lamer Ball, judge Uoodley, judge Whitmore, M. i. Pugh and others; and a memorial of rerpect to the memory of chief jus.ice Chae was adopted, together togeth-er with a resolution to send a copy of this tribute Lo the family of the deceased. deceas-ed. The following was also adopted: Kcsolved, That wo respectfully ask that his remains may be laid in the beautiful cemetery he did so much to establish, near the city of his home, which recognizes recog-nizes the full measure of his worth as a most eminent citizen. LouUlana AlTalra. "Washington. 15. The President, this atternoon, was asked if governor Kel-logg Kel-logg had made a formal application to him to interpose and protect Louisiana from domestic violence. He replied he had not done so; and in a dispatch from him last night, ho intimated the prospect was that the present troubles would pass away. The lollowing dispatch was sont hence to-day, by acting secretary of war Kobe-son, Kobe-son, to colonel Jfimory: It the United States marshal finds it necessary, in tho execution of his processes, pro-cesses, to tane possession of boats or other means of transpoitation, and asks assistance from "you, or directs the troops which are already ordered as a part of this posse, to assist him in such seizure, for that purpose, all necessary assistance will be given him in taking and maintaining possession of and using the Haine. I (New Orleans, 10. The opera house was sold bv tho shorilT for $10,000. It cost Slik'.OOO. Senator Sumner Divorced, iiosion, in. in tue superior court to is forenoon, judfjo Colt ordered a decroe of divorce ab.-olulo in tho casoofCbas. Sumner r.t. Alice M. thnnnor, on the ground of five years desertion. To lit llangnl. Baltimore, 10 Hallaban issentenred to bo hanged for tho murdur of Mrs Lanipy. '1 he cae of Nicholson, his associate, as-sociate, goes to tho court of appeals on a bill of exceptions. New York Intelligence. New York, 10. Judge Pratt, to-day, denied the motion lor a slay of proceedings proceed-ings in the cas f Nixon, sentenced to be hanged on Friday next. Edwin C. B. Garcia, consul-general of Uruguay, was arrested in a civil suit to recover about Slid, 000, and tas bee,-relt'ast'd bee,-relt'ast'd on bail. Tiie cnmptri-ller of currency has ordered or-dered that no dividends be made by the Atlantic bank, until the Labilities are tuily ascertained. It is stated that a nolo for $..u,0W was found among the assets of the bank, drawn by Southward, South-ward, the president, and discounted a li-w weens gj. Wine mining stock deposited de-posited as security n said to be worth- less. A similar note drawn by a direc-1 direc-1 ur, and eiidnr.-ed by the president, has been also found, and collateral deposited deposit-ed al?c worthii'if. Arming thealieRM di'ul.llui Hi-sets is a nolo for 3-A'J, drawn by tho notary of tho bank, and .aid to b running ur.der renewals for several years. And row McClelland, a leading policy detl'T, co:;vi. tt-d a few days ago in Brooklyn, anJ-said lo have h"cn a partner part-ner of Nichula Duryea, .kined some months since by his rival Siiuuioni, was to-day sentenced U ono year in the pei.r.i-nliarv, and t-i pav a line of $1 ,(".. 11,-nry YaL;..Ts,m. J( the Louif.iile fVurn r . :.il, B..d lmi.il y. iuii'.'d for b jii't'c t'.-Jny 111 lhe st'-n:u-hip Oceani-t.a. Oceani-t.a. A l;irgenumbcr of friend f accompa-thvri) accompa-thvri) toiue at'-tauier. A. .(. Bal-.a:d Bal-.a:d and Idiii'.iy. h- d John Churchill, of Lv-i;Vi.l", wire a. so passengers in the ' same fteainor, A 1 ( .. .j ' , ,t .r: ,i ciiy this evening even-ing t-i kit-i'l thj la;ierai uf Oatei A:i,''s. hi h-iit in, lu-morr.-w. Auioi.g li-eij; urn I fit- airoci"r and ,cri .1 ln t-r.ecr,, M and T-'ias ri.ri'Hd company, of wnich Air.r-i ii d ,i iroL l-vr, and a heavy sWck and bjr.d .. Jer. Tne L. ra. c 1 had a noeti-g to-nier.t, to-nier.t, :n c r :i.!-..."r:,on uf ;ce and p-j.iC c:v:ce 1 1" te a; Juhn Stuart Mi i- U atliluk'lon Adtku. Wa.- , r. 1 '. Tre af.T. ling hv- - .1 ... W:-,:-.w !-.(-. n .i ar- 1 r-- 1 h' -; . u iroiCi nil 'i 1'-- - - :,l :1 :"r.'i n-" ar'Pir.t-F"e:. ar'Pir.t-F"e:. :'"!. . ' r. --vi I-..-y ic:w"..ed ry . r ; d i. :. . :" -..-f e (. ii-e u:.U. Kllrd Arrldmt. WV, :' .rr, Oi-:,., l'"i. A d-.tr.t-b .'.-.I- :,M . " if: r.l r....-i L frci(; -,t ....... ;. U i'r- r.ce a;.l -. - ,r. r-.rt i" tr'. jv.''".7, n f.r t.-.i.; Go. C. j rijiLf. r-c'.:"n n.t.-;'-r, wire Ji...ed, aj,d ' u..-ee etiiara were strio-siy u;j'rd. Arson, Harder and Sulci fit. ' Phnadelphia, 10 -Perry Write. r-! ndkcc tne tenement oouse 4-lo, Npw 1 Market street, se; ire to tee c. e tis ' Eorrmc. and cut the irv; o: se ua- ; iaowa wrmaa. and a:".crardi his own ; trroa:- B.'t ca-i, l ttae iam were soci extcL.shed. M lac e Uantou, Cise-nra'.i. 10. The musical iWtiva'. cow tr:s :trroon w::ri a n.i;i:.ce, ir. which a-i who Cd previous. y euiaiini I u: tit -jit-Tv i-ctr pncarea. i M. L. n't. Io I ne txear!vi n ilir-g 1 -;il McPorV. i J: rSr.-.:.r, :i t:- ; nv-.r bart, U bjrncu. L-'-ss i7j,c.v. ! insured $10.i.v0- K; Wt-it, ICt The 1". 5. w2r ' I Canasdaux sai.ed forNcW Organs j to-oay, to (Snvey muisit-r Foster u j Vera Cru-. wnesce He wiii proceed to j the city of Mexico. |