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Show SPRING OPENING FASH, JJOOKS, JiLINDS MOULDINGS HIJKETS, B1IINOLES, LATH, RKDWOOD, sriOAll PINE, TRUUKKU, And all kinds of BUILDINCMATERAL IN FULL STOCK AT LMIMER, TAYLOR &C0.'S LUMUiill YARD AND SASH AND DOOR AOl'Olltf, One Itl-i.ik KiU of Dopot. niur.'ii) TO THE TRADE, John Russell SMactoriDE Co. (tbadb hahk.) J. RUSSELL & CO., UKFIT-IN KIVK WOHK8, Work and Warclimiiyti, 'I'uiiN ku'h Kallh, Mamh., Manufacture the liuodt and larttnt variety TABLE CUTLERY In the World. Their Ouoil run now bo found upon the LbU of all A 1 Jobbing Houses. Omce ami Nam pie Hoomi BO Cham-hem Cham-hem Street, KUW YOltK. JucKu-iscllMf'sCo. iaolD GOOD NEWS AN EASY WAYTO GET A j PRINCE PATENT :! i Wo will Rent our Organs by the 'j Month aud whon tho price is paid in Kent, tho Organ will beoomo tho )roporty of the Renter. ( This is not only tho easiest way to obtain an Organ, but you will have the Best Instrument made ( which J. H. KLDGES, Organ Buildor, 0. J. THOMAS, Conductor of Thea- tro Orohestra, And many others will testify. - i Mr. J. J. DAYN K3 will give three !i month's lessons FREE to any person ll'l renting our Organs, as well as those j who pay the full prico down. No diB- ' (motion. 1 Seud for illuutratod circular and ij' jirioo list. 5 tK& Snow Rooms up staihs. f !, J. DAYNES & SON. Jj Tue Okly Exclusive Mosio Stohi In Ibo City. W3 2 doors oast of Oodb.'s drut stor.. ' FOE SALE. 1'IFTY YOKE OF OXEN, ONE HUNDRED YOKE Of Four anil Fivo 1'oar Old STEERS, j'. ONE lU'NDKED SET OF SECOND i HAND HARNESS, r At tho I'ioneor titabloa, Second South Street. 1 ai-r30 "Vm. SHOWKLL. CHICAGO i SOCK ISLAND, j AND Pacific Railroad. ; THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE NOW OPEN DIKECT TO Chicago and the East. VIA DES MOINES, DAVENPORT, AND ROCK ISLAND, Connecting at Dei Moinee with Des Moines Valley R,R, FOK KEOKUK AND ST. LOUIS. At Davenport with Boata for all point on tho Upper Mississippi, i At La SsJlowitr. the ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. NORTH AN n KOIITH. A od at Chicago with all the fast lines East and South TWO FAST EXPRESS TRAINS , Leave Council BluSa Daily. nms in flim TIME. This road being thoroughly equipped with 1XEQANT NEW COACHES AXD SLEEPING CARS And bavins tho advonUs-o of a smnotb. well-baUaiiod well-baUaiiod track, offer to tho traveling public an Eastern line un&iualled lor SPEED. COMFORT, AND SAFETY. ThroiiKh Tickets via thia Line to all Eastern East-ern Ciues can bohad at thoComrnny's Ticket Office?, International Hold, Omaha. Pacific Pa-cific House lilock. Council BIuJLj, and at the BArtAOE CHECKED THROl"'!!! TO ALL PRINCIPAL EASTERN POINTS. NAT1I1N DAVIS & SONS' IRON AND BRASS Founders- All kinds of C a a t i n s To order, c fciJ-S A0E'T5 1'uli GRIFFITH & WEDGE f PATENT VERTICAL PORTABLE : ENGINES AND 8AW MILLS, ! HALL'S Shingle and Heading Machines COPE A MAXWELL M ANUFACTURIWO COMPANY'J PU.MPINO MACHINERY. IIBLSI WEST STREET. NEAR NORTH IKMl'LE dTftbEIJ 1.3 SALT LAKE IRON CO. CHARLES HOOME, Pr.sld.nt, NEW YORK, H. J. DAVISON, Vioe-Pr.sid.nt and Treasurer, F.F.JONES.S.cr.t.r,. NEW YORK. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF IRON & BRASS CASTINGS We can offer the beat inducemon is to al partiM in this oountrj who are uiiereited In MINING. SMELTING And BUILD INO. We can furnbn, at the shortest notice. ORE CABS Oft e latMt improvements, In either Wood or Iron; OllE BUCKETS; CAR WHEELS, of any niza; HOISTING WINDLASSES; , OAST IRON TUYERS, For Farnaoes ; 8LA.G CARTS and VOTB; BOTTOM AND FRONT PLATES; CORNER BINDERS; BULLION MOULDS; LADLES nd SKIMMERS; WATER JACKETS; SMOKE STACKS and CHARCOAL WAGONS; PULLEYS of all Sizes ; COUPLINGS ; BOXES ; HANGERS ; SHAFTING ; PINIONS ; GUDGEONS, and . COG WHEELS ; IRON RALLING8 ; COLUMNS ; SASH WEIGHT3 ; And ORNAMENTAL WORK For BUILDERS. "Works :i OK1B BLOCK BOOTH OF DEPOT. L. 8. SUTHERLAND, MANAGER. Po. Box, No. 56tt. m2 SPRING, 1873. FIRST IN. THE MARKET. i FOR THE LADIES New and Fashionable GOODS NOW BEING RECEIVED BY TEASDEL & CO. Lace Pellerines Lace Trimmed Barbae, Hamburg Edgings and Insertion ' Laoe Capes and underaleevep. Love and Black Laoe Veils. Silk Tins. - ' i Silk Fichus, Imitation Applique Collars, F-A-nsrcry goods In larRe varitiee. Ottoman Sashes and Scarfs'- Ottoman Shawls Mozambique Shawls, Lucca Wrap?. Ladies will do well; by calling on TEASDEL & CO- atIthe EAGLE HOUSE, Before PurchasinKlsewbore. Blees Sewing Machines Still oommandinjr.asr'pid Ple tnarH S3. C 1VI. I. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT, NEW ARRIVALS OF 8FR.I3VG GOODS ' -IN- Men's, Youths', and Boys' Clothing, In all the Newest Fabrics and Styles. Also all tho popular Styles of SILK. BEAVER, and FELT HATS, From the most celebrated makers. MEN'S AND BOYS' CAPS In great variety. c We call special attention to our Stock of GENTS' FURNISHING r ) ODS i -IN- . ' Underclothing, Hosiery, gloves, Collars, Neck- i ties, Scarfs, Shirt Studs, Umbrellas, j Valises, &c, &c. AGENTS FOR THE FAMED BURLOOK DIAMOjLVD shirts. We are oponiDg the most extensive and beat aseorted3tock of PIECE GOODS Wo have ever offerod, consisting of the finest qua.ities of French, English, German, Scotch and American Suitings, Testings, Cassimeres, &c, Whioh cannot fail in Buiting tho tastes of all, We have purchased with a viow to supply all the requirements of our RAVIDtY INCREASING BUSINESS IN MERCHANT TAILORING So that our Patrons can seleot from the Chbioost Stook in Utah. NEW REGULATION MILITARY SUITS Hade to order on the shortest notice. Our very heavy SaleB of WALL PAPER & DECORATIONS Have induced ua to make extensive alterations so that this class of Goods can now be seen to much hotter advantaee than formerly. A beautiful assortment of GILTS,-BRONZE, SATLNS, WHITE and BROWN BLANKS, &0., now on hand, large assortment of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S TRUNKS, of 1 Our own Manufacture, beautifully got up. MEN'S AND BOYS' BOOTS AND SHOEfc, HOME-MADE AND IMPORTED. Floor Oilcloths and Carpets. H. B. CLAWSON. Superintendent. DUNFORD a SONS. V New G-oods, Spring1 Styles. BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, The largest Stock ever pffered to the trade.. WHOLESALE APU) RETAIL DEPARTMENTS. B marl7 Big Inducements Offered. Wo V ESS, Z, C. Win I. Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a great v&riety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, eom- firieiog the largest assortment to be found in any stook in Utah; prices very ow, call and sec. ocV20 H. B. CLAWSON, SupU GROCEEY DEF1 Z. C. IMI. X- W HOLES ALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, Stoves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not tlirow out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices, .AJT.:L. OUK GOODS -A-RE OinCEAF OKALKJld IN " TUii tK'ITLEMENTS AND MINING TOWNS WUjL FIND IT TO TriElR INTEREST TO CALL iAND KVQULRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. vai h . CLAWIUI apr1i 2. C. JUL I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temnie Street. B1QN OF TUE gia -qoot GENTS' BOOTS, LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENTS' SHOES, LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For flno woalhor or stormy wether; for walk-idk, walk-idk, dancing, working, HrAiiKisa, climbing, riding, nulling, mining, etc., oto. A l.rg. and choioo urcortmont of tho abov., our own inake and imported, at tho most reasonable rea-sonable prices. W. make to order any .tyle and quality desired and Iji.ur. . aaturnctlon. OLD BOOTS AXD SHOES Mado u good as now almoet. SELLING OFF BELOW COST! Sole Leather! Upper Leather I Harness Leather I Imported Cali'Skios, American Calf Skins, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, "KIT" OK ALL K1ND8 I IIORSE COLLARS! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AT LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Order, by Mall receive ajieclal and prompt attention. HIDES AND WOOL BOUGHT H. B.IOLAWSON, Supt. GEORGE MANWARING HAS A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES iHD PROVISIONS, FIRST SOUTH BTltttT, IIalfBlo;k west of Kimball A Lawroneo. A3- GOODS DELIVERED l'REE OF CIIAKUE. niylt) Everybody Wants ONE OF THOSE NICE CHAMPION Washing Machines 22'OOOSOLD IN ONE YEAR Price --$10.00. Ladios Call and see them. Chas. W. Stayner, Ueneral Jent, Ho H Main Street, BnltLak: City j atOll THE IMPORTED THOROUGHBRED DEVON BULL Young "Washington, Ib one of thoifinost brod Devon Bulla in the oountry. PE DIG It EE: Calvod August lfl, 1S70; Sired by Young Washington, 3S7, American Herd boot; 2d by General Grant, 220, American Jiord Book; nd by Cayuera. 602, English Hord Book; 4th " Tocuinsoh, 6o!, " " " DAM EFFIE; 2d by Don Podro. 200, American Hord Book; 2d " Ellio, Engiish Herd Book: by Tecum- aoh, 5(ii), Eneliah llord Book; 3d " ImiiwrtodEvolino, English llord Book, by Earl of Exotor, English Jiord Book; 4th" ltuby, 103. EriKli-li Hord Book, by Eavorito, 43, English Hord Kook.. Half breed Devon Cows are splendid mil leers. Half breed Devon Oxen for work and speed are unsurpassed. ThoBo who wish to imiirovo thoir stock can boo thia splendid animal at tho stables of Mr. 11. B. Clawson, north-west corner of tho 12th Ward- Torrafl, 31 in advanco. Enquire of Mr. Smith at tho Stabloa. aplt) Something Handsome. 7nO wnnU somothinK handeomo in thou V house."? Call and soo tbuso luvoly Jlar bio. Iron and Sluto Enamollod Cbiinnoj Mantles, with Grates, Fenders and lioaitt Slabs uomi'loto; at MORRIS k EVANS' may2 Nour tho Globo, Main SL SALT LAKE CITY SAFE DEPOSIT. Fire and Burglar-Proof Vault, In B&somont of tho r BANKING HOUSE OF A. W. WHITE t Co. . VAI.lLMJLE PAPERS. JEWELRY AND iiilvor W'aro rocoivod on 6iial Doi'usit. Lock Comi'AiITiiksts for rent Ollico huurs from 7 a.m. to 0 i,in. . II. CIUSllOLAl it- Co. i Si.K-li itud Money Urokers, 1 DEALERS IN GOLD DUST, Railroad Tickets, etc. Stocks BouKht on T II K GRAND DISCOVERY ! A Ntw Article of .llunufucluril P. MARCETTS II AS FOB SALE Mi Patent Ei&M for Utah Fur tho Manul'ucturo of all kinds of MARBLE, GRANITE, Paving and Duilding Stone. His Call and soo Samples at his AIo Vaults, SO KiiiibRlJ Itlouk. my2 Xji 1 1 1 nvc I E3 I ! G. R. Jones' Superior Lime. CERTIFIED TO BY THE BUILDERS and Plasterers of Halt Lako City and vicinity, to bo oiiual to any other Limo in the Territory. Loavo order nt LIME DEPOT, CITY MARKET SQUARE.- 0 Special -advantages to purchnsor who doihoirown haul int. SALT LAKE CITY BOILER WORKS, (Wostsidoof City Markot.) All kinds of Stationary. Upright, or Locomotive Locomo-tive BOILERS, and TANKS, Mado or Ropairod. REAPERS AND MOWERS AND THRESHING MACHINES, Ropairod and put in Rune ins Order. Work donoon tho Shortest Notice. Boil or a and Fluos bought or taken in oiohoDgo for work, Ordors by Telegraph or Moil promptly at-tondod at-tondod to. d24 JOHN SLOAN k CO.. Proprietors. CRACKERS! CRACKERS! Crackers ! SaltLale Steaiii Crate Factory I NEAR R. R. DEPOT, ' T AM MANUFACTURING the host QUAL-1 QUAL-1 IT Y and GREATEST VARIETY of CRAlliEltS, ovor produced in tho Torri- ' tory, whioh I offer to tho Trade and Publio gon orally, at tho lowest possible prices. - M ore h ants and frionds are roquostod to call - and examine my gooda and prices, before ' purchasing. i Ofiico at Thatcher & Elkins', R. Y.ANDERSON, Salt Lako City, Jan. 4, ISIS, Utah lorritory. Sewing Machine. yTE respoctftilly invite tho Pubho to call and soo our excellent varloty oi Sewing Machines, rialii,l!eautiful and Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH IH K FANTOIT O.A.S T O IRS- The lotal Sala of the SINGER MAC DINE are now THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, a., 2 o o All ovidonao that it is fast wianiDs supromo favor in tho household, Tho Singer Comoany Bold over tho other Companies, 52,734. W Tho Chicago Kelief Committee furnished mificrors by tho Fire to March 18, 1872, 8,944; 3,151 SillRCr Machines, aU other makes, 733. Applicants mado thoir sclcotion, with flamo discount on all. OUR SALES IN UTAH EXOEED ANV TUKll UOUSK IN THE, fclEWINQ MACHINE LINE THIS SIUH OF CHICAGO. Wo coortooosly invite tho Ladies to seo our iFlm broidery ttaolirciiontt It attraoU general attention and admiration. Wo also desire yon to bco our TUCKERS, CO RDERS, RUFFLERS, BIDDERS QUILTERS. HEMIVSERS, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-B ASTERS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS, SUITABLE FOR ALL IOND9 Of SHUTTLS SEWING MACHINES, yE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFAC TT tion, aa each one is thorcuKbly adjustod, tried and tested by oip-irionced Meihanioi Mid all are narrantod to eow with eoao all kieds of nuodj. from the coorjost to tho finest, Lace, Muslin, Cambric, Domestic, Ucnimp, Tickiiigiv Ducking, Beaver, Buckskin and leather. VST Instruction given free of ohargo by competent oltendantfi, and terma of sale to suit all oircumatanocs. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REA SOHAEUE TERMS. Wo ox tend a cordial invitation to all to COME AND SEE OUT, IIACHINES Whether they wish to purchase or not, IT TUB SLGER SEWIXG 31JCI1IXB DEPARTMENT Z. C. 1I. I. General Asents, Two doors south of Eagle Einporiani, bALT Lakb Out, RAILROADS. C. P. R. XI. On and aftci iSumlnj-, May ii Trnlua M ill lcuvc Ogtlen nit fullorai 3i4U p.iu., (daily.l l'a5S0Der Train for Reno (for Carson and Virini:0 Sacramento, Sacra-mento, iMurysvillo, nodding, (fur Tiirtland, U., atoktim, Morccd, (for Yu.HOinito) Tiilon (tor Ijos Anglos,) San Juao and San Fran u is co. 3.U0 i.m.i daily.' Thnmgh Emigrant Train iur Hacruiuoiito and San Eraii-cisoo. Eraii-cisoo. T. II. CiOODMAN, Obn. I'ass. and Ticket Agent. A. N.TOWNE. lion'l Sup't GEO. II. RICE, Aqknt, Salt Lako City, Orlioo with Marahall & Koylo, 9or W. F. 4 Co'tt llank. s-JO OtaTnorthern RAILROAD. Trains run between Brisham Junction with C.P.R.R., Al LOGAN. On and after Fobrunry 1st, 1S73, Dnily Trains Loavo Rrigham Junction at 7:0U p.in to oonnoot with trains for Ogdon and Salt Lako. Trains Run on Salt Lake Time. WW Stages connect with Trains to and from Northorn Soltlonionta in Cacha County TBt-wekkly. TBt-wekkly. FARES i Botwoon Logan and 'alt Lako 85 00 0Kdon 3 00 ,, Mondon and Salt Lako 4 75 ,, ,, Oudon 2 75 rlcduco! Rates to Escureiori Partios, Passciifeora will please purchase their Tickets at the Offices. For all information concerning Freight or Passage, ai))il tc CHAS. NIItLEY.I General Freight and Tiakot Agent. ;jno. w. totng, dll Oon'l Sui.'t DTAH CENTRAL IIAILIIOAW. PIONEJER LINE OF UTAH. tvMd .rtr December "140, ;i ITii, OaSly Trains Leave Bait Lake City at 5 a-m. and 2:45 p.m Arrive at Oedon 7 a. m. and 4:45 p. nu Leave Ogden at 8 . m. and 5:30 p. m. ArriT at Salt Lake City 10 km. and 7:30 p.m la addition to tho abovt 1 WiU ran DAILY, tUNDAYS EXOEPTKD Leaving Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 5.30 p.m., and Ogden at 5 a.m. and 5.50 p.m. Puiiajtn will pica.! Farthu tblr Tlkti at tb Offlf. fifty Cents additional will be charted wan the fare la oolleoted on the train, or al) Information oonoernini .releht or puiagfl, apply to JAS. SHARP, Jenerl TroLiht and Ticket At JOHN SHABP, TTTplBTKTlHDIIHZ UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD On and after December '4 Oth, 1873 DAILY TRAINS Leave the Utah Contral lt.R, Depot, 8alt Lake City, at 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. Arrive at Lehi at 9 a.m, aod 4.30 p.m. Leave Lehi at 9.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lako City-at City-at 11.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Ia addition to tho abovo MIXED TRAINS Will run daily, Sunday excepted, Leaving tho Utah Central 11. li. depot, Halt Lako City, at 1 p.m. and Lehi at 6 a.m. Passengers will please purchase their Tickets at the Offices, i'lf ty cents additional ad-ditional will bo charged when tho fare is collected on the train. For all in formation conccrniox freight or pafioagc, apply to j i JAS. 8I1AKI', Gen. Freight and Ticket Agent, JOIISf bllAltl1, eupaatNTiNDKHT. THIS WELL KNOWN BRAND -or- JAPAN TEAS -FOR SALE AT -ia m Zm ' mm Grocery Department! tu IU' P. OJiAWSOM 6u ' TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. OUION LINE BETWEEN New York, Queeiistown, aud Liverpool. Carrying tho United States Alaihv I1MHO, f--r- NEVADA, .M A N 1 1 A TT A N yj iDVj VV YUM1 N U? witiuuNSiN, scSraeEafin SA1L1.NU FltM NKWYOKK EVERY W EUNESUAY. CA1UN rnnsitgu frvm Now York S0 anc koIJ. SluLurounis on tho same deck at Sabum. STEKRAOE: : from Now York ; JWron: Livori'ool ur (jiioonstuwn, paynblo in curronoj I'ui-iigu from or to Uuruianv, Franco, Nor way, Swodun, oto., at Loivivat Katos. It omit t anc oa tg Uroat lirilain, Ireland and tho Conlinunt Ai.idyto WILLIAMS k fill ON ,3 Broadway; Broad-way; or U S. ELDUEOO E, Salt LukoClty. GILIfiER SALISBURY'S 5)AILV STAGE LINES TIlKUUOIl Talk k.' . . . . I . Kimi. uiiiii cni Nevada & Montana. Mon-tana. Unvtag Hktt Ltik City Dtlly, nm-Ml nm-Ml HouLb to Tintio, Amonoan Fork, Mount Nobo, Sevier, St. Georgo, Utah ; and Piooho, Nevada ; Fatal ( throb Provo, Springville, Spanish Kork,Paj ?on, Salt Creek, Chiokon Crook Round Valley, Fillmoro,Cora Creek, Beaver, Miners ville, and All the principal tenant and nming camps in touthem Utah and touth-tati Nevada. Alio leave Gorlntia, Utab, allT, ruiMUg north to Virginia City, Holena, Fort Benton, Doer Lodge, Cedar Creok mines, and pairing through all the pnuoipal towns and mining min-ing oamps in Moo-tana. Moo-tana. PR1NCIPAX. OrFlOB, Wells, Frgo & Co. Building . inn Salt Lake Citr SAlT lake, And Tintic Stage and Express LINE, RUM Ml HO DAILY FROM lAlal 1. AttlC C1TV, via LAKE TOWN, TOOELK CITY, STOCKTON AMD OPHIH TO T1HTIO, Tho route has been re-ftooKod with anion-did anion-did Concord Conohos, fine Stock, careful and attontive Urivore- and every attention is paid to tbe 00 ai fort nl convenience of pauen-gin. pauen-gin. Good accommodation on iht road, THROliGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Ue at W1U, rargo Co.'i, alt IaLm. City 1 LEN WLNKS, Pronrieten TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO THE EAST, NORTH AND SOUTHEAST. No. 3. STATIONS. 'ilptra MAIL. Leave SALT LAKE 5:00a.m. 2.45 p.m, " OMAHA 8:30p.m. 6:30an. Arrive BURLINGTON 6:00a.tn. .-4(r.p.. " Qaleburg(C.B.AQ.) 7:00a.m. lftMp.m, " Menaota " 11:16 a.m. 3:23 a.m. " Chloa;o " 3:15p.m. 7.-00a.m. " Peoria - - 9:00 a.m. lafcSCa.m. " IndpIiia.B.4W. 6:15 p.m. 9:2b.i. . M Cincinnati - - lLWp.nu 4:15pJ-u " Log anf port 5'55 p-m. 9:Xa.i- T. P. k W. " Colombus ll:4fr.m. 5:-1p.tn. Cf-Throntrh Cars from Miss url River te Chicseo, Indianapolis. nirrniD nti. Lf " ortand Colombn. Now York, L'oiton.l'hila-dolbia, L'oiton.l'hila-dolbia, anl Wa.-hinK'U'n. Conuections at tbooo poi 11 with UnM leadinKto the East, North and South. This r the Beat, Short eat, Uulekeat aail Cbeaiaat Kuute. Do not be decnivod. but obtain Tickets via the Barling ton A Miasou-l Kiver Bailxoad. SAM. POWELL, ' HOBT. HARRIS. O-n'lTkt- Aunt. O.n'IMopt. Gon. Wcoton l'as. Agt- I). W. UITCUt'O. HEAD This Advortiaoment AND WRITE Fer our Manual of Evergreens AND SAVE i buy. a and planting your tree. 50 PEH GENT. 10 eenU-"orthtS' to any troo-plantor. l'INNKY et CO., Nturgeou Itay, W |