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Show PACIFIC COAST SEWS. t'ALIFOBSIA. Humboldt county has raised a 2-year old porker which weighed, when dressed, 618 pounds. T. S. Mabel, of Marin county, has a heifer on his dairy ranch that is but sis years old, and has bad eight calves. She is a good milker, aud is regarded ' a a valuable breeder. ! Dr. J. C. Shorb, the San Francisco Democratic "war horse," and health otiioer, han been presented with a gold suufi box by hid appointees in the health department. The discovery of gold in an excavation excava-tion fur a cellar in San Diego, proves to be a hoax, the gravel having been waited to deceive, which ruse was successful suc-cessful until some Julian quartz was found. Ashbury Harpondiog (it is stated) who olaiuiB to have been so badly taken in by Arnold, of diamond swindle swin-dle notoriety, has turned a oold shoulder shoul-der upon Sao Francisco and gono to reside in St. Louis. A correspondent of tho Napa Register, Regis-ter, in referring to tho trip of the engine en-gine "Mason," to tho relief of the disabled "Calistoga," Bays: "'Her burnished bur-nished sides camo gleaming up the valley like the tail of a losi comet." Albert liierst'adt, widely celebrated as one of the first landscape painters of America, has been viewing (Jerro Gordo Gor-do with tho eye of au artist, and proposes pro-poses to reproduce upon canvas a soeno which for Bublimo grandeur bafllos all other power of dosciiption. At the last mcetiog of tho Sonoma county Farmers' club, Mr. Pugh said: The early-sown grain looks well; but the late-sown looks poorly. The crop in the county will not bo more than an average. HUVADA. The Gold Hill Nows compares the whispering of a couple of ladies at one I of the Blind Tom concerts, to the olat-; olat-; ter of a woolen mill, and says: Next to a squalling cherub, whispers aro the great bores of oporatio entertainments. entertain-ments. Nevada will decorate soldiers' graves on tho 30tb. TheSiato is goiDg to enforce her compulsory education law, and sovere penalties will be inflicted on those who do not comply with its requirements. Two Gold Hill men were wrestling on the 7th, and one of them, losing his equilibrium, caught a third party as he was falling, and broke his arm. So many goods aro being rcoeived at Gold Hill that the sidewalks are continually con-tinually blookcd, and podestriana have to take the streets. Richard Revin was robbed of $27 in coin, at the above place, on the 7th. Ho intended to put the money in the bank, but didn't. The thief will probably pro-bably put it in a faro bank. A Nevada paper says : Those interested inter-ested on the Hermes side of the late Pioohe mining suit, have pretty muoh all gono below. Is tho paper speaking after the manner of ministers of the gospel? Wevadana regret tho departure of ex-shcriff Spines. He IcaveB the Bage brush plains for the clover beds of California, Tho first installment of rine cherries from the other side of the mountains arrived in Gold Hill on the 8th instant. in-stant. Blind Tom appears to be a great favorito with his oolored brethren. Since ho has commcnocd giving concerts con-certs ia Virginia city the private boxes at Piper's Opera House havo been monopolized almost entirely by oolored people. The petrified tusk of an elephant or megatherium, or, possibly, that of a plesiosaurus or gyasoutus, has been found in the sandstone ledge at the State prison. Wo shouldn't be surprised sur-prised to hoar at any timo of their finding find-ing a second Cardiff giant or the foasili-fercus foasili-fercus remains of an antediluvian Indian In-dian peace commissioner. Stranger things than that have happened. |