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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Kive prisoners efcapod from tho jail at Ironton, 0., on Friday night. A dispatch from Home says the Pope was too ill on Friday to receive a party of pilgrims from France. Morvin, the lawyer who slapped Jay Goold in tho face, wa3 to-day lined $2 and bound in $1,000 .to keep the peace. A Bayonne dispatch says the Spanish Span-ish troops in province of Biscay have not been paid for some time and have mutinied. Tho report that Gov. Booth of California Cali-fornia has pardoned the boy Sampson, Samp-son, who pleaded guilty of killing Wilson Wil-son is pronounced incorrect. James, alias Pap Lighe, has boen arrested in New York, on information connecting him with the murdor of Chas. W, Goodrioh, in Brooklyn. Tho advance in the Bank of England rate of discount from 4 to 5 per cent, caused little ripple in financial circles in New York. Gold advanced to 118. On Tuesday next the New York Central road will pay under protest to collector Bailey the $400,000 tax claimed by government, and immediately imme-diately commence proceedings for recovery. re-covery. In a duel at Richmond, Ya.t on Friday evening, just beyond the city limits, between John B. Mordeoar and Pago McCarthy, both were wounded; Mordecar fatally. The seconds have been arrested. The difficulty occurred about a lady. |