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Show ASOTUER PROPOSED ILLS IS G SW1ADLE. There has been come "blowing"' about alleged rich mineral discoveries i in the Sevier country. As the story runs, ore samples were bronchi up and assayed, running about ?4'0 a ton. The ledge irom which they were fcaid to have been ;aieo wvs described, and pinteresia in it were d:spotd of at various prices. Competent men were sect down from thii city to prospect and locate. They found the ledge, and I reported it worthies. More samples were brought to ihia city, and assayed, without showing a trace of any mineral except iron. One gentleman, well known in town, who had become interested inter-ested in cis last "grand" discovery, hands us the following card: To THE PCTJLICi Beware of the newly d'cDvered Sevier Lake mining district. It is, without doubt, a "bUk." Smali sums have been received by certain parties working up the thing. One hundred shares of the Vailejo Tunnel and Mining Min-ing company's s:oek, No. 1 1 the public are notified not to negotiate for, as it was obtained for this worthless mining property. One or two of those who had feet in this promising ledge disposed of them for such prices as were get-at-able money, provisions, a suit of clothes, or anything of that kbd, beiDg in demand; de-mand; and yesterday it was learned that an individual, heid to be the chief mover and prime "salter" in the affair, had decamped vamosed, and left not the shadow of a foot behind. The great natural mineral wealth of Utah is known, but scoundrelly proceedings of this kind are making pcupie uicuu tu piu- pose investments, as they are afraid they may be swindled under the guize of a legitimate transaction. Aod while this dread may be increased for a time by the exposure of such rascality, rascali-ty, plain talk will help all in the end, for a confidence wiil take the place of uncertainty that never would have existence ex-istence if swindlers were not held up to publio odium. But there is more required. An act of the legislature is needed, making "wild cat transactions a felony, branding brand-ing them with the ineffaceable stigma of crime, and holding up those that engage in them to public reprobation as criminals and jail-birds, with a penitentiary peni-tentiary penalty for every proved offense. of-fense. And we hope to see some such measure adopted as soon ae the next session of the legislature meets. |