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Show Granite Citt. The following was received last evening from our correspondent corres-pondent at Granite City, the present terminus of the W. 4; J. V. railroad. The suggestion about an excursion to that juvenile city is a good one, and we think that some of the Salt Lakers would enjoy it hugely. Granite Crry, May 9. Granite City is now in communication communica-tion with Salt Lake and the rest of the world by Bteam. An excursion from your place would be as " welcome as the flowers of May." Beside the novelty nov-elty of riding on the narrow guage ears from Sandy, the excursionists would get a view of some of the most sub' lime scenery in the mountains; visit the Churob quarry and obtain an insight in-sight into tho manner in which huee blocks of granite, that have rolled, perhaps from tho tops of these lofty mountains, now wearing their snowy caps in the very face of the regal sun, aro bisected and dissected for the Templo. There is " rising ground " aud rocks on both sides of this city, where those with exuberant spirits may run up as far and as fast as their constitution and bye-laws will permit. per-mit. Will not some one who oan attend to it properly see that this suggestion is carried out? And 01 ye governors of the numerous young Americans, who will probably fall in with the idea, hesitate hes-itate before you exclaim in opposition to the sentiments rf Yours, ' O. PniDDLB, D. D. |