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Show EELIGOTS IERVICES TO-DAT. J Tabernacle. Church of Jesns ! Christ of Latter-day Saio'-s, services ' at K a. m. and '2 p. m. Preachm? ; during each service ! Latter Dat Saists' rrii3 ir ' the several wards this eveicg ai ihe ' I usual boors. I The fo'Iowirg Eldtrs will preach in j ' .be Ward! miicaud. W. tr;, : j i.rs:; h. V. Young, ccc-i. C. K- va.ee, Tbiri: J .-hn Vn Colt, Fo-rtc: ! ! . iL Fell, Fifih and?ii:h; G?o Swan. I I Seventh: li- A. "VV-Iley, gLih; T a 1 Tv-or, IS'ltit: S. eslea and J. Tui- ' ienharr, Tenth, Jj.ua, M.-'r.-lir-. E.e-i ! renin: tj. G. Bywater, Tweifts: Dv;i , j Caiid.and, Fourteen;::; D. B. Hamire- j I ion, tLi:eenui; t. B. Young, Seventeenth: Seven-teenth: Ihomas Harris and ViWtri ' Sievenson, Twentieth. j Gekmas Service. Elder Karl G. Maeser presiime. Service in German ai tue City Hail, every Sunday a; 10 o'clock. Germans and Swiss are cor-diiLly cor-diiLly inviicd to aiiecd. Danish f3EavicEs. Every Sunday afternoon at haif-paii 4 o'c.ock in tne j "Jj;h ward achooi house. Catholic Church of Si. Mary Mag-de'.ene, Mag-de'.ene, Second Es.?t Elreet, Kev. "Father Walsh, Pastor. High ila-s will bes'-ing at, 11 o'clock, iliss Helena Goriinski, organist. Catechism ai &j a-tn. Vespers at 71 p.m. Sermon at morning and evening service, St. Mask's Episcopal Church. Bight Kev. D. S. Tuttle. 1). V., Bishop and itector, Bev. H. M. Kirby, Abj-u F.ecior. Services a; 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Sundaj School at 9:30 a.m. Methodist Episcopal Chukch, Kev. C. C. Stratton, Pastor. Preaching Preach-ing at 11 a. iu. and 7 p. m., and Sunday school at 2 p.m. Seats free. Pubbc cordially invited. Strangers made welcome and at home. P a esbttksias. Preaching in the Liberal Institute this morning at 11 o'clock, by Kev. Josiab. Welch. ftist. There will be Baptist services ser-vices in the Chapel of St. Mark 0 School, opposite the Ci'.y Hall, this morning and evening, at 11 and :'i0 o'clock. Preaching by Kev. G. W. Dodge, Pas tor elect. A cordial invitation is giVt-n to all not otherwise associated, to worship wor-ship with us. Cokgkegatioxal Services. At the Independence HalL Sermon, 11 a.m.; Sunday school, 1J,S0 p.m.; lecture, T.oU p.m. All are cordially invited. |