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Show Gas. For several weeks past a large force of men has been employed iu laying the gas mains from the works, west of tho depot block, to and through tho central and business part of tho oily. This work is now nearly finished, and in a short timo wo may expect to havo the prinoipal i streets lighted with gas, and to sco " Coal oil Tommy" give place to gaslight gas-light in tho stores throughout this portion of town. Whother tho gas oompany will, at prcFont, extend tho mains any further towards the outskirts out-skirts of tho city wo arc not informed; but thero is a strong desire that thoy may. On First South stroet, within three or four blocks of tho present end of tho pipes, there aro several residences residen-ces which aro prepared for tho reception recep-tion of gas, and from present pros-poots, pros-poots, thero will bo, in a fow years, many more of these fiuo residences in that vicinity, the owners of which will desire it. F.xoklsiorCoal, from Hoc k SpnnKs Bitter Crook. Little waste; strong heat, very small trnco of sulphur. Leave orders with J. W. SELL, Idaho Storo. jal7 |