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Show SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS WASTED. A FIRST CLASS BRICK MOULDER. Address, "B. care P. 0. Box, 726, Sail Lulte City. mil AC.1KL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply at Mnj llomietuad'S. southwest curBorMain and First is'orth Stroats, my 10 GOOD WOMAN COOK. WADES. M.50 per wook. Apply to B. M. Duliell. cor. South Temple and oib East Streets. my 10 A GIRL TO DO GENERAL noUSE-work. noUSE-work. Apply to Mrs. Mary J. 1'ouns, second house North of Social llail. uili FOUR GIRLS. TO SEW. APPLVTO MEIS. MoNatnoe, fivo doors north of Post Ollioo, up stairs. myti rpo KB N'T, OR LEASE FOR A YEAR, A J. II o use of four to six rooms, within tno or throo blocks oT tho central part of tho city. Address Dr. 6., P. U. Box tHO, S. L. City, myti TN THE NEIGHBORHOOD OF THE POST L Ofiiee, a bunch of Small Keys. Tho tin dor will ploaso leave thoia at this Uffioe. mil FOll KENT. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE OR RENT oar the Depot- Knyuiro at mil TAYLOR & CUTLER'S. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH BOARD, at Bishop 11 tin lor 's house, fivo doors north of l'ost Oflico. my? 1MNE NEW DWELLING HOUSE ON North Bonch. ConLnins 11 rooms. Has perfect view of Lnko, Valloy and Mountains. Admirably udnpiod (ui ono laiao or tiro or throo small fainiltos. Ront S7a per month. Apply to Fuller, Smith k Uarkor, 5 doors north of Post OUico. mny2 FOR SALE. A FULL SET OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; FURNI-TURE; ;all dow and in good condition. Can heseoa at No. 7 Chit Row. mil AN ADOBE BUILDING, DOORS, W1N-dows, W1N-dows, flooring, etc., to bo romoyod by the purchirser, situated eornor South Tomplo and 5th cast Streets. Enuiro at Salt Lake City National Hank. myti ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL. A FIRST-claas FIRST-claas Piano (cost SooC.OO). 1'rico SjoO.UU. Emiuiro at the rosidonco of Kev. T. W. -ill asking, as-king, at St- Mark's School, or of Taggarti liatp, Piano Tun or. F. Wu. Gaukiul. apr30 rWE FOLLOWING; DESIRABLE CITY JL Property: Ono corner Lot, ono block oast of Dopot, ton rods gquaro, with two dwellings, ono containing contain-ing elovon woll-llnished rooms, tho other live; a good barn, carriage shod and othor out-aouiios, out-aouiios, choico fruit, etc Ono Lot, five by ton rods, with good brick house containing fivo rooms. aplU C. H. UASSETT, Hardwaro Morohant. A FINE Southoast cornor lot, ton rods square, situated four blocks .East and ono blook North of lieserot Nows Otlico. High ground, with a perfect now of Lake and East and West Mountains. Abundant supply of puro wator. Untho whoU tho host and most desirable sito for a residence now ia market. Apply to JAMES M. SMITH, - Roal Estate Agent, m23 6 doors North of Post OlEce. igSSj DR. GROVES, fljYyy$ DoutlHt, Office. Second Booth Street, f Three doors west of Great Western Hotel, half a blook oast of Elophant Store, Salt Lake City. Ouloo hours from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. mil NEW ADVERTISlMEM uian suver Mining uo., (LIMITED.) NO T I C E. ALL PERSONS HAVING outstanding claims against tho above Company aro retiuestod to prosont thorn for payment at the Company's Office, on or before be-fore the 15th instant: othorwiso they will bo disallowod. P. A. EAGLE, Agent. Or kick FIRST EAST STREET. May 8th, IS73. mil DURA NT & GUTTING, CONTRACTORS, Forwarding and Commissou Merchants, SALT LAKE CITY, SANDY STATION GRANITE, AND LEHI, UTAH TERRITORY. DEALERS IN 3? XT 3Ft TD COMELLSYILLE COK B Agents for the HOWES' U. 8. STANDARD SCALES, Agents for the LAOLEDE FIRE BRICK MANUFACTURING MANU-FACTURING CO. St. Louis. Wo are proparod to Contract for any of tho above-named articlos, including tho WYOMING HEMATITE IRON OKB, At the lowest market ratos FOR, CASK. Wo aro also SOLE Agonts for tho Celebrated COQUILLARD FARM AND FllElUH'f WAIJUN, manufactured oiprosaly for the Utah Trade. Agents for the Far West FrelgUt Co. Cash Advances made on Consignments o Oro andJJulIlon. Through Bills of Lading givon to all point! in tho United SUtos and Europe, SAMPLERS OF ORE AND BULLION. Contracts mado for the Transportation of ORE, BULL1UN, and MILL MACHINERY to any point in Utah or Nevada. Wo also carry tho largest Stock of Grain in Utah which wo Soil Lew for Cash. Oooda Forwardod to all points in Utah and N ovada with promptness and dispatch. Addross all Communications to DURANT& CUTTING, Salt Lake City, Uln.li. mar 0 ILIAD TOll" CONCERTS Salt Lake Theatre FOUR NIGHTS 0HLY1S Molidny, Tucsdny, Wednesday mid Xltui MiItiy, Muy l'4i h, 13th, l-llli ami JLjth, 1(573. I FIRST APPEARANCE IN SALT LAKE 1 CITY or tho Celebrated "Negro I Boy" Pianist, "BLIND TOM" .The great Musical Prodigy, tt-Don'T Fail to soe and hoar this Most W ondorful Living Curiosity of tho Nineteenth Contury. Doors open at 7, Commence at b' o'clock p.m. Reserved Boats may be socurod in advanco, for either night of tho bcrios, by application to Mr. Cleortfo Reynolds, at iho Bos Oflico, between be-tween tho hours of 11 a-m. and 1 p.m. N.B. Tbo Grand Pianoforto used at tho "Blind Turn" Concert is fruin the Celobratcd Manufictory of Stein way it irons, uf Now York. niylU u. a. )ii-N. ni';n akdkbsox H. R. MANN & GO,, General Insurance Agents, FIRE and LIFE. CAPITAL REPRESENTED 1j,t;jO(iHW. Utlioe in Banking Jluuso of A. W. Whlto Jc Co. MAIN STREET, Salt Lake City. fel3 CHICAGO TRADE. Cogswell, Vveber &, Co., JOEBEUS OF Watches, Jewelry J e w e 1 c r s' Supplies. Wo eivo iiromi't attootion to Orders by Mail. I'rico Lisld sent wn aMtlkalion. 105 ond IU7 STATE STHEET, CHICAGO. m! HEKRINQ'S PATENT CHAMPION F1UE aud BrJKI..R PROOF js j. m ts i The Best Safes in the World I HERRING & CO., 46 Stato street, aod corner Mth efree and Indiana Avcnuo, o h i c a. g o . 07 M. D. WELLS & CO., Manufacturer of and Wholesale Dealer in Boots and Shoes. 018 Wkhtih Ave, Chicago. H. T. Wells, H. J. Maofarland K. Benedict m S. P. Molntyro. 'The Old Salamander.' REMOVAL. VAN SGHAACK, STEVENSON a RE1D Wholosa DRUGGISTS ana Paint Dealers, Have removed to thoir New Stores, M and 0 L.AKK STHKKT, oornor Doarborn atreot, (on t&o old site) CU1CAGO, whore, with buildings erected ox pros a ly for the business, Steam Elevators, etc.. they have opened up an immense Stock, unsurpassed in tho northwest. Bpooial attontion siren to Territorial buainosB. jyi PAGE, BRO. & Co., Importers and Dealers in LEATHEB AND FINDINGS!, "OLD- CITY HOTEL OOHNER." Cornor of State and Lako strootJ.: W. W. Pago, Boston.K CHICAGO, O.E.Paso, johioazo. JOHN V. FARWELL & CO WHOLESALE fclST OTIONS, DRY GOODS, AND I W OOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts , CHICAGO. mvl N. MATSON & CO., Importers and Wholesale Sealers in WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Jewelry ana Silverware, Con MADISOH A. MOSIIEOK STS-i CHICAGO, ILLS., da F. & E. JAEGER, T3 WnbnsH Avenue, near Randolph, CHICAGO, ILL., DIRECT IVF011TEE3 OV Crockery, China, Glassware, Lamps, Looking Glassoa, Cutlery, Britannia and Silver plated Goods. Tbo larcost ilouso in tho WosL di 1. II, ANDREWS & CO., 166, 10S & 170 State Street, Opposite Falmor's Grand Hotol, a n i a -a. o o , Manufacturers of SCHOOL, CHURCH AND OFFICE FURNITURE, GLOBES, CHAIRS of ail sty lei. School Outlino Maps, Charts, etc. Everything in tho way of School, Col lose or Church ! ixturos at Lowest C;wh Pricos. I SoDd for illustrntud Ciitnlo.'uo nnd Price i Listfo A- II. A N'DKKWS A CO. die MASONIC Argeuta Lodge. No. 3, A. F. A, A. M, STATED Communications of this Lodge held on the I'irst and Third Tuesdays of each month, at .Musunio Hall, Emi Temple stroot- Mombors of tiMtor Lodges and bo-iournini; bo-iournini; brethren in good standing are cordially cor-dially inviiod. A. W. NUCKOLS. W. M. W.H. BIRD, Soc'r. dJ UtnU Chapter) 1, IE. A. I1. OTATED CONVOCATIONS OF THIS O Charter held at Ma--oni- IUII. E,wt Tomplo Tom-plo ijtrcL-t. tho I- ir.it and Third .-HurJays of e:ir?b luurith. at hal:'-r;i -t pn'. on oVlcck . in, sharp, riiijiiurninc cuiuiianiona in soud standing stand-ing aro curdially in vit" I TUKU. F. TRACY. If. P. UVUU W. M' KEE. Se-rc-inry. f l-J RARE CHANCE Fur a man with small capital t-i make a liberal income. No ohatice lurnlu-n. The uudemitn.'.l.ii.jw oflr his hnk-in Iu.ua.-. with nccouiiuu lutiL.il - fur lifty ,or.wn", nt u (,w Iiciiro. I.ca-o at verj iu-l -i aio rent. H'ith ihc receipt- at i-m.-.-ut lu-uro... the entire in-yestuieut in-yestuieut " ill rca.w.cd in ninety dajs. C. TAIM'AN, Commercial T.-jdcimr liom(t. , , 4" Cumniwcial blreet. Salt Lako City, April 7th. ui3 ESTABLISHED I860. E.STAULISIUD 1830. WALKER BROS. JSctlt HjelXsl Oi-frv- JOBIJEKS IN GROCER 1 ES. CANNED (JOiMIS, HAMS, HACOJV, CHElE, TOHACCOKS, CANDIES, He, elc. We keep tlie LarRCst Stock of the abovo Uooda io tho Territory. TO THE TRADE. Wo aro prepared to 611 Orders for all kinds of S T -flL EIjES, At Eastern Vricos, Iroight added. Give us a Call and Examine our Goods and Prices. TO MINERS. Wo keep a full assortment of Miners' Tools, Blasting Powders, Fuse, Candles, ' Etc., elc. JUST OPENED, BLANK BOOKS & STATIONERY A LARUE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK COAIl'KISING EVERY TI11NU IN THE LINE. ltlanK Hooks, liiiw :iii1 Commercial Stalionery OUR 8PEOIALITIB ALSO CONSTANTLY ON HAND ALL THE LATEST NEWS PAPERS AND PERIODICALS. PHILIPS & LORD, apr 27 Now Brick Building, First South St-, Cornor Commercial. SMITHSON&WARD fig 0 MW t'-7 . W, IMPORTERS fejj'f Vf Liu , -j3;' is?tt ySJ Vs 1 . -I WWV BOTTLCDBT. ENGLISH, IRISH AND SCOTCH ilXaES&PORTERS AND FOREIGN WINES AND LIQUORS For Sale in Bond or Duty Paid, at SMITHSON & WARD'S, 500 Sacramento Btrcet, Sau Franc Jaco, ? : (3 rj o i S i " SH1 s PS S - C3 j H h n x 2 o i i 'w H q s an n H S 5 r l3 "e 6 E3 s " bra o m 9 in CHICAGO & ALTON R, R. The Only FIriUClaa Rod In tli Welt, LOUISIANA, MISSOURI, New Sliort Aoulc frou Kansas City to Chicago Without Change I Via SI. Loutit, Kansna city and Northern (Uto North Missouri) and Chicago and Altoo Railroads, crossing tho M iaioaiwiii at Louisiana, Lou-isiana, Mo,, ani paseinR throujfh Jackson-Tillo, Jackson-Tillo, Bloomington and JolioL The Shortest aud Best Route to the Kast, via Chicago! ELEGANT AY 'cARSl AND PITUMAI PALACE SLEUPIK CARS Uud IhrouRh from Kansoa oity and I3U Loaii io Chicago, wilb out change I FDUMA3 PAIACI 1IS1 Elll AND SM0KIN8 CARS On all daily trains : tho only line running theee cars from Kimim Gltylnd Hl.Loula toChlcag No Line makes as Good Time, Or closer connect u n, nn.i nerter nccoiumo dations. bettor trck. more olcnnt day can, ni'iro liixuriiitit ar.d coiiil'urtablo rlaui.iiiR carf. TrainM ot Kniii.n.-1'.ioilio nnd allWostcrn roads connect finely witb Iraina of this lino, is t'niun Deiot, Kan&aj oity. JAS. IIARLTON, Gcnoral nad Ticket AKoaU l. A A. 11, K. Chicago. J. 1 UM ULIjIlV, j ' n. yuiiL, C. Sl A. R. It. L'hicato. FRANK IlIGli, Woatarn Travelini Afont.O, Jj A. K.ft. Kaaaaa oity. Uo. Jlr FOR SALE CHEAP! A WELL-ESTABLISHED PAYINC BUSINESS, Address "R," Ilorald oflieo. Salt Lako City, April 10, 1S73. ai-3) THOROUGHBRED GRAY STALLION Faugh-a-Ballaghl (Clkak tiie Wat), Poalod 18GO. Thia splendid Stallion was Sirod by Lightniog and Lightning by LEXINGTON, Hodoc he is the Grandaoo of that FAMOUS RACE HORSE So widely known on the Tur FAUGH-A-BALLAGH'S DAMwas the celebrated imported Thoroughbred Marc, CICKLY JOBSON; Sirod by WKTHKKliIV-by HVEUPOOL-byHAMlLTOiMAN HVEUPOOL-byHAMlLTOiMAN and soon down to tho wonderful BURTON BARB Mare, nineteen, pen era tion p. Thoso who wish to iuicrovo thoir horsoa can too tliisBidondid .Stalliun at tho stable of 11. li. C'latvson, norlhwc-dt corner of lith ward. Terms roafosablo. Enquire of Mr. i'KKD. KMITII, Bfrl7 At the Stable. Taylor & Cutler! Aio now receiving thoirStiring Stock, of all kinds of LADIES' FANCY LAWNS, GRENADINES, PIQUES, Slo., Slo Alfo haverccoived a fino Stock of SPRING SHAWLS, WHICH .WILL UK SOLD CHEAP, FROM 52. UO ITWARD3. They koop a full stock of STAPLE DRYGOODS. A ISO Groceries FINE GUNPOWDER AND JAPAN TEAS, COOKING STOYES ALL OF WHICH W IU-T1K SOLD AS LOW AS CAN UK SOLD. COUNTRY OKDEHS Ell.l.En WITH CAllK.AXn pHUVKBKD TIIU Cliy. FRKK It CilAKI.h. TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Under Taylor's Hotel. |