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Show WES1'EK. Store from the Hedeci. Yereka, Cal.. 10. An amoulas.ee containing Li. E.can, Lt. Green, a ?er-geant ?er-geant nd one discharged scld:er on .route for San Franotvo, arrived this 1 forenoon from Gen. Ixv:s' headquar- teri. Lava Bcdr, and w:.i leave by sti;e to-morrow. Ice party K-ft Caaip it ? a- m. Tnursd-y. shortly after the receipt of the news ol tae escape of the Modcs, and the auack on tne lumber train, mentioned in yesterday's dispatcaes. The wily savages iilumms:ed te pinnacles pin-nacles ei" their strorignold with riris, for the purpose of deceiving the enemy and decamped immediately s.:'ter. Tne otii-cers otii-cers are satisned, beyond doubt, tiiat tne Modocs Lave left the beds, and are pushing forward to Goose LaSe. This new feature of the campaign has caused general Davis to hoid Lava Beds as permanent per-manent headquarters. The Indians have only a trifling start, and are likeiy to be overtaken wiimn a lew days. They cannot move ' near as fast as the arm Spring Indians, on account of being haniperou with iquaws and wounded. Ah reports received indicate that thoy are disheartened, disheart-ened, and have had a surfeit of fighting. Fifteen warriors have been killed dur ing the war, and several wounded. More than fire Indians were killed by the wounded soldiers of Msj. Thomas' cemmand. Private Ben haul, of company com-pany E., who was buried me other day, said the Indians did not show themselves them-selves until they supposed every soldier in the vicinilyjof colonel Wright had been killed, and when they came forth, the soldiers, with death staring them in the face, flred shot aiier shot, as tne enemy ene-my appeared, with telling ell'ect Ben-ham Ben-ham himself, though shot through both arms and through the body, fired on an Indian who was crawling over the rock to scalp him. The soldiers, who found his remains, kneeling beside him and bending over to afford shelter to his dying dy-ing commander, was a private soldier. Lieutenant. Eagan was 6hoi in the left thigh early in the three days' fight, and remained on the field and in command of his company until after night fall, giving bis commands, by messengers, to the two sergeants who commanded right and left. The bail was a round one and made a clean hole. The world knows how tho gallant Thomas died, with his litilo band of heroes after refusing to retreat; but 1 half has not been told of Wright. Ho was shot through the shoulder and then accidentally shot himself in the hand while capping his revolver, and still he held his command and strove to cheer his soldiers by his example. Alter this he receiver his mortal wound and fell, and wn ile the lile blood was ebbing away, and death stared him in the face, be raised his revolver and fired at the savages who appeared, lie was reclining reclin-ing on his ide and elbow, his revolver was in his band and mined, and his eye fixed with a coid glussy stare on the barrel, when he was discovered. Yreka, 10 George Campbell, a well known and reliable gentleman, came in from Bogus this evening, and reports having teen Bogus Charley and sijuaw on tho Klamath river, abovo wnere Fenning saw bim. lie says Charley told him he was in the three days' li.hi, and killed three soldiers and a mm Spring Indian. He was tired of li cluing, clu-ing, and was not guing to light any b dy: but if the whiles wauled 10 tubi mon-he mon-he was ready. He also said uiore Modocs Mo-docs would be along in a few d&yt, when they would come to Anderson's for some things he bad lelt there. A party leaves hero for he front this evening. No courier from the front today; to-day; probably one w ill arrive to-morrow. San Francisco, A dispatch from Yreka says iho Modocs are known to be out of the Lava Bvd.i, and fleeing u the Goose Lake country, witn tho Warm Spring Indians and several scouting partios in close pursuit. Six men from Yreka are on the trail of Bogus Charley. Fatal Slabbing. Eugene City, Urngin, 10. Two men, named Ware and Brown, engaged in a quarrel last night, which resulted in Ware slabbing Brown mortally. Ware was arrested. Cate Dtitrcri.-( auby' 1.1 bin ry. Portland, 10. Several soldiers stationed station-ed at Fort Vancouver, deserted a low nights ago by stealing Mnjor Hell's yacht. Two have been cap.ured; the rest succeeded in gelling away. The yacht has not been found. The library of Gen. O nby, consisting of SoO volumes, has boon presented to tho Portland library association, by Mrs. Can by. j |